
New Body and First Encounter

All I can say is this is one strange dream. Now I am floating around in complete darkness doing cool tricks that I would not have been able to do if I were awake.

The strange thing is that . . . I feel like I'm completely awake. Must be one of those lucid dreams my friends talked about a while back.

But if this were a dream, I should be able to do anything. So, I will try to imagine some things into existence. First a boat . . .. nothing, how about a forest or the beach perhaps . . .... nothing again. Huh well this is very unnerving. I hope I wake up soon I don't want to be stuck here in this void any longer than I need to.

1 hour passes nothing changes.

2 hours pass by and again nothing changes.

. . . . . .

12 hours later

THIS IS HELL. I do not know about other people but floating around in a black void with nothing but yourself and the thoughts in your head is painful, mentally so.

As I was looking around, I spotted something in the endless void. A small speck of light, like a small star on a cloudless night in the distance. It was not there before but at least it was something. So, what else am I going to do? I went toward the light as fast as I could.

The light began to grow as I seemingly got closer to it. Closer and closer I speed toward the light. The dot becomes more of an orb now that I get a better look at it and it getting increasingly bigger as well. It's about the size of a building now and it's still getting bigger.

As I near the light now (which blots out my view) I start to feel something from it. A warmth, like the sun across your face type of warmth. I reach out my hand to touch the edge of this bright warm light and my hand just passes through it. I try again to touch it but the same thing happens. Maybe if I enter it something will happen.

Its dark in here, and I cannot breathe! I furiously start to thrash around and kick, but my body is slow to respond for some reason. It feels like I am trapped in something. I find the edge of whatever I am in and hit it, but it seems like I did nothing to the surface. I finally use my head and smash it against the surface in front of me hoping it will help. "Crack" well whatever was containing me thankfully gave way as I can take a big breath of air.

The first thing I see is treetops and light. Nothing out of the ordinary so far . . .. except for the fact that there are huge trees and I am outside. Not to mention the fact that I was just suffocating seconds prior. "What am I stuck in anyway?" I look down and I see my hands . . .. claws there are claws. Okay take a deep breath think calm thoughts.

Guess I am not a human anymore. What am I exactly? I am most likely a predator considering the claws and all. I reach a claw up to my mouth and feel around, yep sharp teeth to. My head seems to be quite narrow, from what I can feel as well. I guess I should get myself out of this thing first and then, well I don't really know what to do then?

The thing I was in was an egg. The biggest egg that I have ever seen. It's the size of an overly inflated soccer ball. Man, whatever laid this must be huge, and my new mom for that matter. Wonder where she might be? Trees to my right, left and yep front and back. I'm in a forest, alone in a new body and I am seemingly helpless.

Wait, shouldn't she (Mom) be nearby I mean this is her nest and she should be protecting it until I or we emerge. Wonder if there are any other eggs around mine obscured by the dirt. I'll check later, right now it's time to get some help . . .. I hope. First things first I scream HELP as loud as I can "GGAAAAAA"! Well I expected as much but no more words for me.

A minute or two passes and nothing changes. I try a few more times but nothing happens again. Okay either she abandoned the nest, went hunting far away, or something else, I guess. I don't really know. If nothing is coming, I might as well look if I have any siblings. The egg that I was in happened to be at the base of a large mound. It's time to start searching.

I start to dig slowly around my egg, shallowly at first and then deeper. You know these claws are really good a digging. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I have 4 clawed fingers, no thumb claw sadly but it's to be expected. As I continue to dig reaching deeper into the nest, (not finding anything by the way) I hear some rustling behind me.

I turn around to see a green humanoid about 3 feet high holding a gnarled looking branch step out of a bush. There is no way this is happening. That is a goblin any way you look at it. After stepping out of the bush it proceeded to just stare at me seemingly shaken. The reason I am saying this is because it started shaking and sweating once it saw me.

Its afraid of me huh, but I am only a newborn. I wonder . . .. I take a step forward and the goblin takes a step back. Hehehehe well I got my options, intimidate it, and make it run away or I could try killing it. Although who knows if I would be able to do that. I got my new arsenal of claws and teeth but what if I am not strong enough.

While I was debating what to do in my head the little gob bolts into the bush from where he came and disappears. I can hear the undergrowth snap and crunch under his feet as he was running away but this thing was fast, and the sound of his steps were getting increasingly softer as the seconds drew by.

No sense in running it down. I haven't even tried to walk very far maybe a few steps. In hindsight it was good that I did not try to fight this goblin, I might have just tripped over myself on my way to it. I'll get back to digging, I have yet to find any other eggs yet in the mound.

Sorry for the delays. A lot of studying to do for exams, projects, etc. I will hopefully have another chapter out in a couple of days. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

TheRealRussianArmycreators' thoughts
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