
Mine'd your own business

Afton shrugs at Johnson upon hearing Karl's rather blunt explanation, "These two were waiting outside your door, we got rid of them and needed to hide the bodies somewhere before we heard inside the hotel."

Johnson frowns at him, "I-I don't want any trouble, if you two fail and those cons find out we're hiding this? They'll kill us all. I can't allow this." he quickly says.

Karl growls at him, "You'll do as told or the cons killin' you will be the thing you wish for. We've got a job to do, the least you cowards can do is hold our bags while we deal with your problems for you."

"I don't know who you think you're talking to stranger, but if you think I'm going to roll over and let some-" His words stop, caught in his throat as Karl smacks the man's revolver away and hits him in the forehead with the barrel of his .44 Magnum.

"You'll do as I say, the NCR ain't gonna help you, so we're your last shot at getting outta this mess without having to get your hands dirty."

Johnson continues to have a defiant expression on his face, he rubs the spot where Karl had hit him and states, "As I said before, I refuse to hold corpses within this casino. Now leave!"

Karl just looks at Afton, seemingly trying to decide what to do with this annoying man, "Fine, dump them outside for all I care, Afton, we got a job to do." he says, leaving the casino.

Afton sighs and gives Johnson one last look, "If you can't help yourselves, the least you could do is allow us to do what we were paid for. Guess people like you will always be the same, cowards til the end." he leaves after saying his piece.

Once he's outside he glances at Karl, "What's with these people? Surely they can see we're trying to help?"

Karl shakes his head, "Folk don't care if you're killin' or helpin', only concerning themselves when it involves them. People like Johnson are the reason a small group of cons can take over a town with limited numbers and weaponry." he sighs and looks towards the hotel. "Best we get moving and start clearing them out before someone notices the bodies."

Afton nods and the duo sneak towards the double-doors of the Bison Steve Hotel, Karl opens a crack in the door and takes a peak, opening it fully when he sees no-one in the entrance room. He places a hand on Afton's chest to stop him though after spotting a small almost invisible wire on the floor.

"Wire trap." he states, following it with his eyes and finding himself staring into the barrel of a single shotgun. "Well, look what we have here."

The wire trap was wrapped around and tied to its trigger, any pressure would pull it and cause the weapon to fire, presumably at whoever walked through the door. Simple, but effective. "I think I've found a use for those bodies after all." he says with a grin.

Deryl was a simple man, a former farmer who fell on hard times and was forced to steal to survive. He wasn't smart, nor skilful, his crime spree was easily discovered and he was shipped off to the NCRCF, a place where they forced you to work in order to 'rehabilitate' you.

It was bullshit of course, everyone knew it, the prisoners, the guards, even the few visitors they received knew it was essentially just legalised slavery. That's the main reason why, when the opportunity presented itself, he escaped.

Some other criminals had obtained an obscene amount of explosives and had been using them to destroy cells, and throw them at their guards. He refused to stay though, choosing to try and return home, yeah it was a shit hole bu was all he knew... So, he found himself in Barnes gang.

They'd taken over a town called Primm but were barricaded in by the NCR not long after... Deryl was afraid for his life but, there wasn't really anything he could do. He knew one thing for sure though. Once he got home he'd leave this life of crime behind, it'd only brought him trouble and he didn't see a future for himself if he continued.


The sound of the gang's shotgun trap going off echoed through the halls, Deryl glanced at his three buddies who were supposed to be keeping watch on the front entrance. They'd quickly got bored of it and decided to just lay a trap there.

"Sounds like we caught something, didn't even have to use any bait! Hahaha!" Marcus laughs, slowly getting up and tosses the cards onto the floor, "Come on, let's check it out. I got first dibs on the loot."-

Deryl just shrugs and follows along, this hadn't been the first time they caught someone sneaking around, though, that Beagle guy was being kept alive by their leader for some reason.

They walk around the upturned table in the entrance hall and see a corpse with its head blown off, blood covering the wall next to it. They both stand over it, not wanting to miss anything valuable they could potentially take.

Marcus grins at them, "Alright, I get first dibs for setting the trap but, how about we play Caravan to decide who gets what afterwards?"

They all slowly nod, none were better than Marcus at Caravan but knew the man wouldn't let them get any of the loot if they refused. They all stepped a bit closer as Marcus flipped the body over...

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

All of them are shocked to find a spherical object placed in the belt of the body, the red flashing lights on it indicated that it was armed, and about to explode. None of them was even able to comprehend what was happening as shrapnel tore their bodies apart.

The last thing Deryl thought about was the promise he made to the girl he was sweet on, the promise he made to eventually return to her and their unborn child.


Hope you bois enjoyed the chap... Poor Deryl, you just got caught up in something bigger than yourself... The truth is, the game was rigged from the start... Probably?

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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