
I Love Just How The Way You Are

Fenju stepped off the railing and parts inside me thudded when she paused. Almost like she waited for me to make a gesture or come and get her. No, baby. I didn't smile and neither did she but we certainly made contact.

She had on a navy blue sports top that hugged her chest and made me think about her naked and underneath me, my hands and mouth taking her all in. I wanted her so badly I ached. I guess that's what falling in love will do to a person that make you ache in a way for which there is only one cure.

So Fenju was my cure. Images of her and me making love flashed through my head as I waited for her and the scenes of my desires haunting relentlessly with a craving that burned me from the inside out. I burned for her. Mr. Keats sure knew what he was talking about in his poems.

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