
Thank You

  "I don't know but I guess I'll find out right now." 

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled her.

  "Hey, baby. When are you going to get home?" She answered. 

  "Baby, I need to talk to you about something."

  "Sure, what happened? I can hear it in your voice," She asked in a very concern.

  "I'm bringing Xiao Ning back our home with me and she's going to stay in the guest room tonight. She's in very bad shape and I need you to look at her."

  "What?! What's happened?" She said in shock.

  "She and her boyfriend got into a big fight and as we guessed, he had beat her."

  "Oh my God. When will you be here?" Sheng Lia asked.

  "About 30 minutes. So I'll explain the rest later."

  "Sure. Be careful and I love you," Sheng Lia said.

  "I love you too and thank you."

So I ended the call and placed my phone back in my pocket.

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