
Chapter 44: A Charitable Cause

Chapter 44: A Charitable Cause

G = Galleons… S = Sickles… K = Knuts…

The day after I gave Arthur Weasley a job

Hi folks, it's me, Max, your favorite fictional lead, and I'm currently at the Gringotts, doing a charity interview with three unexpected characters, Minerva McGonagall, Irma Pince, and Filius Flitwick.

"Filius my little friend, how are you and did you received my gift?" I ask him with a smile.

"I'm fine, champion and if I get your gift, I'm very grateful to you for that detail" he says with enthusiasm and a smile

I look at Minerva, she is a tall witch, with black hair and an emerald green robe, she stood there watching me. She had a very serious face and from my experience, this witch would hold a grudge against you if you made her angry. I think she is currently a professor of magical transfiguration.

I look at Irma, she is a tall witch, with black hair and a black robe, she looked very enthusiastic to see me. She also seemed like a short-tempered woman, given that she seemed overly protective of books and as such quite unpopular with students, but nonetheless, she looked very professional in her craft as a librarian.

"There is no need to thank me, my little friend Filius and who are these two ladies who accompany you" I ask her with a smile.

"Let's introduce you to the transfiguration teacher, Minerva McGonagall and our librarian Irma Pince," says Filius with enthusiasm and a smile.

Obviously, I was very happy, I'll be honest, I received them today because I wanted to see and confirm my suspicions, about something. These 3 are not yet part of the order of the phoenix or they were not yet trusted by Albus.

"It's an honor to meet two beautiful ladies and what can I do for you" I ask him with a smile, obviously knowing why he was here and it is that currently Hogwarts has no funds to finance classes or Muggle-borns because of Albus. His mismanagement was frowned upon by the Wizengamot board, where Arcturus Black strongly criticized him and was nearly suspended as direct, however, a new manager was appointed. Who is Filius Flitwick as a manager of the Hogwarts funds, he is currently here seeking my support and because I am the richest man in britain. Now, you may be wondering, how was Dumbledore's mismanagement discovered? Simply your server Max, pulled the strings behind the scenes and by chance the information came to the hands of one of the Death Eaters, who was Lucius Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy trying to win the favor of his dark lord Voldemort, generously offered it to him and then Voldemort passed it on to a corrupt member of the Wizengamot. A brilliant plan, right?

"Champion, I come to you today humbly and requesting your help, as the Hogwarts budget was sorely misused. We do not have enough funds for Muggle-born, nor do we have funds for potion materials and we also lack funds to supply food for the students this year, if things continue their course of action, we will not be able to teach this year at Hogwarts " Filius says in a pitiful tone.

Wow, it looks like my actions either burned Albus Dumbledore's funds quickly or was it the war he's leading with Voldemort. Hahaha… whatever, it's my fault and now the karma is coming back to me, trying to balance the fate of the world.

"I understand Filius, how much budget does Hogwarts need and how many courses are they currently giving at Hogwarts?" I ask him seriously

"The budget is 346,777G with 75,663S and 11,001K. Over the years many magical subjects have been banned or there is no budget for them and that is why I am here today, because I would like to relive the best years of Hogwarts" says Filius seriously.

I knew Filius was the right man to ruin all of Albus's long work and that old man still doesn't know what I have in store for him or my plans to ruin his life.

"I can finance Hogwarts with three conditions," I tell him seriously.

The three of them stare at me in surprise, but immediately their faces turn serious and Filius starts the conversation.

"What are your conditions, champion?" Filius asks cautiously.

"First; I want dueling to be a Hogwarts subject, "I say seriously.

The three of them see their faces being sane and Minerva says "Lord Dovahkiin, we agree with your request, but with he, it the budget will increase more and we do not know whether to agree"

"Money cannot be compared, with the future of our young magicians and it is because towards the future, it is where we all do not go. The world will advance and our young magicians will be outdated by something as mundane as money. I prefer to invest the future of promising young people, than a useless and incompetent old wizard who would only keep holding me back, in my advance towards a better future" I say with an emotional and wise voice. Even I was surprised by my words.

I saw an Irma copying my words into a notebook, Minerva looked surprised by my words and Filius's eyes were red, I think he even shed some tears.

"Beautiful words, Lord Dovahkiin" says Irma excitedly. I believe that she is a loyal follower of my books and therefore an admirer of my work.

"I will give you Hogwarts, a budget for this year of 2,500,000G and I hope it is enough, to lead Hogwarts to a high quality education and the best in the world" I say seriously.

Oh yeah, I'm going to screw old Albus at his base of operations and regulate him, with his directorial budget or privileges. An evil and ingenious plan, right? … Hehehe.

Hearing the number of galleons, let's just say the three of them were very excited about the idea and were very optimistic about the future of Hogwarts.

"What is your second condition, champion?" Filius says with excitement and joy.

"My second condition is that masteries of White Rituals be a Hogwarts subject" I said with a smile on my face. You may not believe it, but there are already teachers in that magical branch and 70% are witches, because witches want to look beautiful throughout their lives.

I saw that Minerva and Irma's eyes flickered with excitement and enthusiasm. Filius on the other hand, did not see any problem and I replied "We agree! Your third condition, Champion?"

"My third condition is, I want to observe the Hogwarts facilities and I want detailed expense reports" I say seriously.

Stunned Minerva asks "To what end?"

"I wish to observe, if the castle needs an update and it is because over the years, they have not made any modifications" I say seriously. Obviously I'm going to modify Hogwarts at my discretion and preference.

"It can be fixed" says Minerva and then continues "Why do you want detailed expense reports?"

"Humans are greedy creatures by nature, it is seen brothers and relatives fight to death, for a handful of gold or a magical artifact. It is something that is in the nature of every human, sometimes the greed is greater than others and other times they are modest or honored. That is why I want to observe, that my investment in the future of British magic and our young British magicians, is used every galleon in its entirety in them and for them "I say seriously and with a tone of voice deep and wise .

The three of them react in different ways, on the one hand, Minerva had an expensive reflection on my words and thought about what to say to me. Irma on the other hand, was writing my words and analyzing them as if she was thinking of something. Finally, Filius who was excited, that I wanted to invest in the magical future of the British and the young talents of magic.

Minerva looks at me and says "Lord Dovahkiin, rumors about you do not do you justice and why you are a charitable man, who cares for the good of thousands of magicians"

With a smile I answer him in a deep and wise tone "I am only a man, who lives the best moment of his life, at this moment I am rich and famous, but in the future I may be a poor and infamous man. Since life spins like a roulette wheel and sometimes we have to play with what we got "

"You are certainly right, champion!" says Filius with excitement and enthusiasm

"Great words of wisdom," says Irma, who kept writing in her notebook.

"I also hope that you continue to be the manager of this Filius investment and that you can supervise the dueling classes, because only you, understand my love for the sport, without offending the ladies" I say with a smile.

Obviously I was going to give Filius all the credit and I'm not going to let Albus steal the glory from our little friend Filius

"No, we are not offended Lord Dovahkiin and it is honored that a dueling champion like you takes an interest in the young talents of magic" says Minerva, with a rare smile on her face and it was obvious that she was in a good mood.

"Minerva, you have fallen short with your words and why Lord Dovahkiin, is not an ordinary dueling champion" says Filius with a smile.

"Then what is he champion of?" Minerva asks, obviously she was not interested in the sport of dueling and remained ignorant of the novelty.

Filis with a smile responds "Minerva, Lord Dovahkiin is the World Champion of duel and that makes him the most lethal wizard in the world magic community"

Minerva looks at me with wide eyes and says "Wow, Lord Dovahkiin had no idea of ​​your fame and prestige, I apologize if I offended you"

"Don't worry, it doesn't offend me and let's sign the documents, to transfer the money for this Hogwarts school year"

All three respond simultaneously "Yes / yes / yes"

It will continue in the next chapter…

A / N: Thank you for the support you give to my story.

If they see any error or word that is not agree. highlight the paragraph. since I always have problems with; / he / she / his / her.

As you already know the English, it is not my main language. that's why the words sometimes don't match.

I hope that despite my wrong grammar of English. keep supporting my story.


And happy start of christmas

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