
Short Story 1.2: David

In another realm,

Far from the Hidden Forest…

There lived a King,

Who was known to his subjects as,

Brave and bold.

He was,

A mighty ruler of the Wasteland,

The apprentice of the Wasteland Elder, and

King to his fellow krebs.

With a majestic crown

Sitting on top of a fearsome lion-like mane,

A cape of inky black

Adorned on his shoulders, and

A scary crab mask on his face,

He was known to everyone as


Despite the land ridden with

Pollution and filth, and

Of krills and krebs,

He had a heart filled with gold.

Yet, he knew not to taken advantage by his kindness and

Ruled over his people truthfully, justly and firmly.

He had fondness over his fellow krebs,

Who greeted him with headbutts and 'skrees'.

Such little lovable creatures,

Were allowed to make mischief on passing travelers.

For the krills,

He made a deal with them.

To feast on those

They laid their lone eye on.

Yet if the children escape their sight,

They were not to search for them.

With that, he ensured

A long-lasting peace

In his Kingdom.


Despite everything,

No matter how satisfied he was,

He felt,

Something was missing,

In his life.

Something precious,

One of a kind.

Something for him,

And only him.

"But what was it?"

He heard the question

In his heart said aloud,

As he was guided by the moonlight

Down a grass trodden path.

Hidden by the towering trees,

With trunks as wide as the pillars in his temple,

He spied upon a certain Queen

Thinking wistfully by herself.

Surprise! I don't include the short stories in the official posting dates so that I can throw in a short story whenever I feel like it. XD

I had great fun writing the parallel version to "Short Story 1.1: Val" so this is the counterpart. The next and last part of short story 1 will be about the both of them together. I draw great inspirations from my friends in order to write this story. I will introduce more about them when the time comes!!

DarkWinter3creators' thoughts
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