
It Happened Twice

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After an hour of crying and introducing, Lydia took Alice and Max home while Dean and Wade talked. It was a long talk about Dean's past, which brought back some memories that Dean would have liked forgotten, but there was a new werewolf, a new alpha, so he felt as if he had to tell him.

"You killed that woman, right?" Dean asked as they were walking on the empty street with the moon being their light.

"Yeah, I did," Wade said thinking, about how he made her suffer then took her life. He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.

"Since you did that, you will be going through changes," Dean said with a serious tone that almost made Wade laugh.

"What am I going to hit puberty again? I already feel major changes in my body, and I feel like with the minutes passing a piece of my humanity is slipping away," Wade said in a cheerful tone, which confused Dean.

"Then why do you seem so happy about it? You could end up losing control and killing everyone you insight, including your mother," Dean said hitting below the belt because he knew seeing his mother die killed apart of him.

"Because I know you'll never let that happen. You have seen it happen too many times just to let it happen again to a young alpha with potential," Wade said taking a deep breath while looking Dean in his eyes.

Dean looked down with sadness in his eyes, thinking about his friends and family die because they couldn't control the shift. The werewolf inside of them killed their humanity, and took over their bodies, killing any and everyone in sight.

"I trust you to guide me, so I won't have the same fate," Wade said as he disappeared from Dean's sight which shocked him. He has seen it before, but his speed was still a surprise.

Wade decided to go back home because there was nothing outside for him, he could go hunting, but he doesn't want to give in to his bloodlust and kill an innocent human. Without speaking to his mother because the full moon still had its effects, Wade went straight to his room, stripped down, and took a cold shower.

Once Wade was finished, He concluded it wouldn't be a good idea to shift when the full moon still affected him, so he attempted to go to bed. Wade tried to sleep, but images of his former teacher's bloody body kept invading his mind with her screams ringing in his ears.

He thought it would be fine because he hated her, but deep down he felt the smallest amount of sympathy from his human side, and that was torturing him. No matter how hard he tried, He couldn't get her out of his head. It was as if she was tormenting him from beyond the grave.

But, After hours of seeing the woman, he was finally able to sleep. But without in the middle of the night, jolting awake while sweating and breathing heavily. The only way for him to get past this was to come to terms with himself.


[Lydia POV]

'I felt some useless when I saw Alice's body, then found out that I couldn't even help Wade. If I want to protect Wade, I need to get stronger. I don't ever want to feel like that again,' Lydia thought as he wiped away the tears in her eyes and went to practice what the book could teach her.

When Lydia was younger, she would always get picked on for some odd reason like a curse had been placed on her. She always thought something was wrong with her, but she kept smiling and never let the hurtful words get to her. Fully.

All the way up until a few days ago, When she was walking alone at night when she was attacked then carried into the forest by little green creatures, that were speaking a language she couldn't understand. She screamed for help until she finally gave up, but someone came to save her. That was Wade.

Despite being naked, she saw no lust or desire in his eyes, she saw care and anger in his eyes. Since he told her about what she was, he didn't stray away from her even though when she found out about witches and banshee's she was terrified, but Wade still helped her.

All she wanted to do was return the favor by being there when he needed her most, and today, she wasn't. She was helpless to do anything. That was until she received the bite from him. That morning when she went to school, she wasn't bullied, instead, she got a few smiles and even some people came and talked to her.

Lydia was confused by the sudden change, but she wasn't saying she didn't like it, it was she still was paranoid that she was going to get backstabbed and left all alone again.


The next morning, Wade woke up feeling sluggish, he concluded because the way he slept was affecting him because he barely got sleep last night. When Wade went to his bathroom, he looked in the mirror then shifted into a werewolf.

He looked the same as before, but he felt as if there was something else, something stronger within him that he had access to. When he tapped into that power, his skin turned black, his fingernails grew into claws that were almost two inches in length, he felt something start to come out of his head, alone with his head changing shape. Thin fur started to cover his body, along with two black spikes coming out of his shoulders, and a symbol that looked like an arrow with an eye in the middle appeared on his forehead, glowing a bright orange.

When it stopped, Wade looked in the mirror to see his head was now a lion's, and his body was now black. Not that he was mad at the changes, but that fact he now had the head of a lion. The fact that now Wade had grown in size, his clothes were gone and he was completely naked with his goods showing.

Just then, his mom walked in to see a 6'8 monster with black skin, a lion's head, claws, intimidating red eyes, and a certain something between its legs. Wade was frozen and didn't know what to do as his mother was staring into his eyes trying her hardest not to look down.

Wade then quickly reverted to his human form which he had his clothes which surprised him. He thought he should buy a pair of pants that would fit him in his new form so his 'friend' wouldn't be exposed.

"What the hell was that?" Alice said as she let out a breath she was unconsciously holding when she saw the creature.

"I don't know, I'm still figuring this out. And, can we not talk about what we saw here?" Wade said kind of embarrassed because the last thing he wanted was for his mom to see his third leg.

"Yeah, I came in here to tell you I'm leaving for work," Alice said while lightly blushing to the point where Wade couldn't see.

"Yeah, I'll bring you some food and probably have Max and Lydia over," Wade said sighing because at that moment he felt as if he wanted to die.

'Get your head out of the gutter, he's your son for goodness sake.' Alice said as she walked out of his room and shook her head before leaving the house.

"Oh, that was so awkward," Wade said as he wanted to stab himself repeatedly as he rubbed his forehead feeling like he just got hit by a car.

"Nasir, if I buy demon armor will it stretch when I shift? Because I never want to have to go through something like that again," Wade said as grabbed his phone getting ready to test Max and Lydia. He would tell Dean, but he felt as if he would lecture him, so he would wait until he had full control over it.

"Yes it does, and you should have seen your face when she walked in," Nasir said as he started to laugh like he had heard the funniest joke in all worlds.

"Just get me the basic armor," Wade said as he could only sit there and listen while Nasir was having the time of his life. After a full 10 minutes of hearing Nasir laugh, he finally stopped laughing and bought the armor.

"It just looks like regular clothes," Wade said as he inspected the seemingly normal clothes on his bed feeling like he just got scammed.

"I made it that way, You don't want to walk around looking like you about to go to war, do you? This armor cleans itself and you can wear it all the time because nobody will tell it the same clothes. After all, everything day the clothes change into something new, so nobody will suspect a thing. Cool right? Nasir said expecting praise.

"Yeah, it's cool alright, do you know how much this would sell for?" Wade said as he stripped from his clothes. Just then again, someone walked into his room.

"Oh, dear God," Max said as he walked back out the door and waited until Wade was finished.

After a few minutes, Wade opened the door to see Max who looked traumatized. He looked like he has seen a gruesome death up close. Oh wait, he did yesterday.

"This is why you always knock," Wade said as he stepped aside to let Max into his room.

"Why where you naked?" Max said pretending to throw up. Or was he?

"I'm in MY room. How did you get in my house?" Wade asked which made Max shut up fast.

Max then pulled something out of his pocket, and it was a key, a spare key he had made so he could get in anytime he wanted. Wade only sighed as he sat down on his bed.

"Max, I need to show you something," Wade said as he stood back up and back up a few inches so he could have enough space.

"Dude, I swear if you pull your di-" Max said before his words were caught in his throat as he saw the same monster Alice saw.

"Ahh- hahaha, what the hell is that thing?" Max said as he got up and walked closer to the beast-like creature. He touched Wade's stomach and it felt like steel, he didn't know why, but his entire body felt solid.

While Max was touching Wade's body, Max looked up to see a lion looking back at him which sent chills down his spine. Wade reverted and when he did, he was kind of breathing hard. Wade looked at Max who was smiling hard, a little too hard.

"Why are you cheesing so hard?" Wade asked Max as he went to the bathroom and ran some cold water to splash on his face. He felt like he was hallucinating because he saw that he tore Max apart then ate him.

Not another chapter until tomorrow. Maybe.

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