
Chapter 11

Paisley's POV

The weekend went quickly and it's now Monday.

The continuous ringing of my alarm woke me up. I groggily went on my morning routine and finally, I am ready to start the new week.

I quickly checked myself up in the mirror and after deciding I indeed looked good I headed out of my apartment to the bus station.

Throughout the ride, I kept on thinking back to last Friday's dinner. My best friend's boyfriend who also happens to be my friend is the best buddy of my boss! Now I'm left wondering how I'm supposed to address him. Should I be casual around him?!

No impossible. He is my boss and our relationship has to remain professional. So what if he is Gavin's best buddy, that doesn't make us friends does it? Huh I'm already dreading this awkwardness, hopefully it will be one-sided also.

"Oh shit" I muttered while pressing the bell. I can't believe I was thinking all through the ride and almost went beyond my destination.

"Good morning" I greeted Avery. She is always early to work I wonder how many hours of sleep she gets.

"Morning sweetheart, hope you had a good rest" she questioned with a smile

"Oh I did, though I wouldn't mind if I had some more hours to make it better". I told her. Kill me I love my sleep. But been a PA means you got to get up early and get your boss's schedule ready and accurate.

"I know the feeling. Felix been in town means fewer hours of night rest". she complained. Felix is Avery's fiance but he isn't based in New York. He flew back in last weekend.

"Well that sounds like a fun night" I teased her

"Oh it is. Super actually" she responded with a laugh. One thing I noticed about Avery is shy ain't in her vocabulary. She and Lyn will surely get along. "I think it's time you get moving and by the way, you sure dressed to tease" she reminded me

"No I didn't and you're right I got to go"I defended. I honestly didn't dress to tease anybody maybe I do want to impress a particular person but I dressed to look good for myself.

"You sure didn't, I mean look around, no male is sneaking a glance at you" Avery continued with her tease

"Or maybe they are stealing a glance at you, I mean look at that gorgeous face" I doubt any hot-blooded male will see Avery and not be awed, I'm a female and I'm definitely awed by her looks.

"Oh Paisley! You got to believe me, next to your light, mine won't shine and get going I got work to do" she made a hand gesture shooing me away "See you later".

"I went straight to his office, surprisingly he wasn't in his office. I went in, and regardless of how many times I've been here since the past week, I still couldn't help but be amazed by how lovely the office looks. His interior decorator did a great job.

The silver charm with black stripe tiles greatly complimented the grey wall. There is a black sofa and a lovely glass table. At the side of the sofa is a lamp stool and opposite the sofa is two inviting chairs.

I walked over to his brown mahogany office desk which was neatly arranged "I guess there is nothing for me to do here" I still picked up some tissues and wiped the desk including his seat.

His office has a large window with a great view, and next to his window is a flowering tree which I can not identify. botany was never my calling

His office screams elegance and it has this intimidating look but it is actually welcoming.

After making sure everything is in order not that I had to do much I left for my office. Glancing at the time I realized for the first time since my resumption, the boss is late!

I decided to call him, as his PA I should call and ask right

Picking up the office phone

"Good morning sir, this is Paisley, I was calling to check if everything is okay with you" that's not it Pais!

While I was still practicing how I'll go about my phone call, I heard the elevator opened. He is here!

Standing up "Good morning sir" I greeted

"Good morning Miss Ryan" he responded still walking in.

I hurriedly picked up my tab and went in with him

"Sir, you came in late, hope everything is good" good job Paisley, that sounded smooth I mentally high fived

"Yes, everything is fine. I had to drop by at someplace". He explained with his gaze fixed on me. Please can you look away!

"Here are your schedules for the day, at 11 am you have a meeting with the Stone cooperation and by 2 pm you have a lunch meeting with Mr. Adrian"

I reminded him.

"Alright thank you" he opened his laptop to work while I decided to leave. " Miss Ryan, I sent a document to your mail, go through it and make the necessary editing before the meeting with Stone Corp." He instructed and went back to his work.

Work starts yay!!!

Finally, the day has ended and I'm back to the comfort of my apartment. I was so tired that I slept off on the sofa. By the time I woke up, it was way past dinner time but who is checking

I made myself the quickest food possible spring pasta with salmon, peas, and dill and ate. I took a shower and slept off.

It's been two months since I started working at the Crosby's and it's been a fun experience. Aside from my one-sided attraction for Blake everything has been great.

Avery and Lyn finally met a month ago and just as I had guessed they clicked off perfectly. I became their definition of a fun time. When Avery discovered I had an attraction towards our boss she and Lyn teased me non-stop over it.

Right now we are all seated at a cafe because Avery called us over.

"So....." I dragged

"Uhm you know Felix and I are engaged right " she asked

"Yes we do, why?" Lyn questioned

"We are getting married in three months" she declared

"Wow!" Lyn and I exclaimed at the same time

"That's great news, I'm so happy for you darling" I told her with a smile. I am so happy right now

"Yeah, it is but after the wedding, I'll be leaving New York for Europe" she told us sadly.

That's truly sad news. I understand why she has to move but I selfishly wished Felix moved over instead.

"Well this is the technology era and it's just a few hours trip. We will surely keep in touch" Lyn cheered

"Lyn is right, the distance isn't going to change anything. I am happy for you darling. Go get your man!"

"I will miss you girls soooo much" she told us with moist eyes

"You ain't leaving tomorrow you know. Or are you?!" Lyn questioned

"No of course not, maybe in a month or so but definitely not tomorrow" she told us with a chuckle.

"So is the wedding going to be held here or there" I asked

"The wedding will be held in Greece since that's our motherland"

"Hold on! You both are from Greece!

"Yes we are, the same town actually" Avery chuckled

"Wow that's amazing"

Lyn said with wide eyes

"Yes! And they are both high school sweethearts" I told Lyn

"Wow, just wow, does that mean he has been the only one like since forever" inquisitive Lyn mode activated

"No, we got separated for a while in college, got back together a few years ago more in love and matured" Avery grinned.

"That's beautiful" Lyn gushed. I understood her reaction quite well because I had the same when I first heard the story.

"Well ladies, I hate to be the party popper but lunch break will soon be over and Lyn you got to get going" I reminded them

"That's true. I have to go ladies, and Avery let's meet up more before you leave OK." she side hugged her " see you later Bitch" she side hugged me too and left

"We better get going too" said Avery and we headed over to her car

"So I will be telling the boss about my departure probably tomorrow" Avery informed me to which I nodded.

"I'll surely miss seeing your gorgeous face every morning, the whole building would" I told her

"That's so sweet of you and I'll miss seeing your beautiful self too. Hopefully I get invited to your's and Blake's wedding" she teased

"You won't because there won't be any" I told her

"And what if there is" she insisted

"He doesn't like me Avery, so let's drop it" I almost snapped

"Have you seen the looks he gives you, and moreover our boss definitely ain't blind to your charms and beauty. That I'm sure of" she insisted

"He looks at me the same way he does you. Let's drop it OK"

"Fine." Thank Goodness. I felt guilty, I know she was just been playful but I snapped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that..... " the ringing tune of my phone stopped me.

"It's the Boss" I told her before answering

"Hello sir"

"Miss Ryan, I realized you aren't back from your break"

" I'm on my way back sir"

" Great then. I need the report of my last meeting with the Smith, send it to my office the minute you get back"

"Alright sir, I'll do just that"

"Thank you" and the call ended

"Is everything alright?" Questioned Avery

"Yeah everything is fine, he needed a file" I responded "and Avery I'm sorry for my earlier attitude OK" I apologized

"It's fine Paisley, I guess I took the teasing a bit far, and I wasn't joking, the crush or attraction as you call it isn't one sided" she told me seriously

"Whatever you say. I'll see you later!" I got out of her car. I tried everything possible to stop thinking of the possibilities in Avery's words but failed.

Could he really?

And would I want it?

Been attracted to him is one thing, but office romance is a huge step!

Get your mind straight Paisley! Just because Avery said so doesn't make it a fact!

I picked the file he required and sent it to his office.

Well, I spent the rest of my day wondering could it be!

Paisley is everything I dream of becoming. Been able to love myself and appreciate all the fats, chubbiness, my flaws... She inspire me to be a better person

Does she have any influence on you???

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