
Day 1 Results

We were 19 hours in.

I woke up earlier than the others and decided I should make some breakfast.

I didn't have much to cook in my ingredient bag so I just decided to make whatever.

While breakfast was in process, I was resting up in the tree. The others were still asleep since it was still early.



There were three people hiding in the bushes, circling around our camp. I didn't know what they were doing at first but then I eventually realized they were going to attack us. The twelve-hour mark is up and everyone is free to attack whoever they want.

They spotted Ordos, Mia, and Aurelia in their tents and were slowly sneaking up towards them. I should stop them before they get the others.

Hmm, but first, I'll take one out.

I landed in the shadows which hid the sound of my fall. I snuck up to the one that was in the back so the other two wouldn't notice me.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.


"Try harder next time."

I drew my Ninjato and aimed for his neck, releasing my bloodlust at the same exact time my blade reached his neck.


Before he was hit, he was gone. Looks like the enchantment placed on these bracelets actually works.

I bet that guy didn't even know what happened before he vanished. He's probably processing what just happened right now, I think.

Anyway, now's not the time to rest, there are still two more.

I looked up and they were getting closer to the tents. Oh god, I cannot believe how terrible they are at stealth.

I dashed towards another and transformed my right hand. I would prepare a [Tyrannical Fist] and aim for his head, releasing my bloodlust right after.


Like the former, he vanished right before I hit him.

I may have made a noise while doing that because the second my hand returned to normal, the last guy noticed me.

"Oh crap! It's-!"


I didn't even let him finished his sentence because I threw a shadow knife right as soon as he noticed.

It was quiet again. This was a hell of a morning. At least everyone is safe now.

I think it's time for us to have breakfast now. I gotta wake the others.

"Hey Ordos."

Ordos continued to snore as he drooled in his sleeping bag. He must be a heavy sleeper. Looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way.


I rose my fist in the air and my hand began to glow while giving off a humming noise. I hovered it next to Ordos' ear.


Ahh, that seemed to wake him up.

I withdrew and canceled my [Tyrannical Fist].

"Get up. Breakfast is ready."


We were wandering around aimlessly in the mammoth forest. Staying in one spot is good and all but it leaves us a bit vulnerable. As long as we keep moving, we either have a lesser chance of being attacked, or a higher one.

From time to time I gave quick glances at Aurelia who also gave me quick glances. When our eyes made contact, we immediately looked away from each other.

As expected, I can't look her straight in the eyes anymore because of that incident yesterday. Though I must say it… was a great view…

While we were having a leisurely walk, Ordos tapped my shoulder and spoke.

"Hey Seiya, when are you going to fight Marth?"

"Hmm? When I find him, of course."

"Huh? I thought you guys were fighting at the lake."

"Who said we were fighting at the lake?"

"Umm… everyone."

I stopped and spun around.

"What do you mean?"

"Huh? Oh, well, one of Marth's subordinates has been spreading the message about your fight with Marth, and well, everyone is actually pretty excited to watch."

Our fight has been publicized? What is this, the UFC? Why wasn't I aware of this?

"When are we supposed to fight?"

"Umm… well…"

Ordos really had to stop and think about it. What an idiot.

"You guys are supposedly supposed to fight on the final day of the exam."

Mia answered for Ordos who nodded in agreement.

"Why the final day?"

"Well it's obvious. You guys wouldn't need that much time now would you?"

I don't really know about that but… she does have a point. Our first fight took about five minutes long. But now, our fight wouldn't end so shortly. I've become stronger and so has he. And not to mention, he has a boost from the full moon.

To be completely honest, I don't even know if I can beat him. Maybe if I have the higher ground then yes I may have a chance but on the ground, he'd have the upper hand.

"Wait. Stop, everyone."

We stopped when Aurelia said that. There were noises coming from the bushes. Is it another ambush? It seems that everyone has gotten aggressive now after the twelve-hour mark was up.

Then I heard growls and immediately knew it was an ambush, just not people.

I peered into the darkness and I could see what looked like a large type of dog. Grey fur and long, curved saber-shaped canine teeth. If I recall, these things are called saber-toothed wolves, C-ranks.

I counted ten, twenty. No, there were fifty of them.

I'm actually kind of impressed so many could hide from us. Well, the bushes are pretty thick after all.

"Be careful, there are fifty of them."

"Wrong, there are sixty. Another ten have been following us."

Aurelia said, pointing behind us. I turned and she was right, there were another ten following us. I'm surprised she was able to spot them. Not even I knew we were being followed.

"So what's the plan here?"

Ordos asked as he gripped his spear.

"Well, we could each take out fifteen."

Mia said as she took out a wand.

"That seems about fair to me."


Aurelia and I said as we drew our weapons. I think I'll choose my daggers for this.

"Huh? Are you sure? I mean, these things are C-ranks. Can we really take on fifteen of them by ourselves?"

"Don't worry, Ordos, you took out four hobgoblins without breaking a sweat."

"Yeah, then got a face of hobgoblin guts after that."



"Are you perhaps scared?"


"Then stop complaining."

Honestly. Why did I choose him as my partner again?

The wolves jumped out of the bushes and began rushing towards us. We all took a corner and had our backs against each other.

The first wolf came towards me. It jumped and had its jaw open. I quickly ducked and slashed its neck, blood gushing everywhere.

Three wolves followed right after. I swung my daggers, cutting one's head off and another with their maw cut off. The last one came right after and I spun around, drop-kicking its head off.

Four dead, just eleven to go.

The fifth one rushed towards me and opened its mouth, its large tooth nearing me first. I grabbed a shadow knife and threw it directly into the wolf's mouth. It dropped onto the ground right after that. I slit its neck just to make sure it was fully dead.

The rest of the wolves appeared out from their bushes and rushed me all at the same time. I quickly transformed my arms and legs, then I dashed forward, performing a quick [Piercing Vortex].

I shredded every single wolf I passed. And after that, all there was left were the severed parts of the fifteen wolves I was tasked to defeat.

Hmm, that was less of a piercing vortex and more like a razor vortex. It was a bit weaker, but faster. Well, I'm probably not gonna perform Piercing Vortex with daggers anyway.

"I'm done over here."

"Me too."

"Over here as well."

"Uhh, same over here."

Ordos said in a nervous tone.



"How many did you let get away?"

"Umm… 3…"

Hmph, at least he got twelve of them. Oh well, three of them aren't that much so I guess I can let him off the hook.

"Next time, just finish them."


I looked around and inspected the aftermath. I could tell from one glance that each of us took down the wolves differently. The wolves Ordos took care of had parts of their body's bashed in and some with a hole in their stomach. Mia's wolves were all burnt and crushed by boulders, which weren't there a minute ago. She must be able to use earth magic to do that. Aurelia was the cleanest out of all of us. Her wolves weren't covered in blood. Each of the wolves had either a small hole in their body or on their heads, blood didn't even leak out from them. She must've pierced them with her rapier and filled the holes with whatever magic she could perform. That is honestly impressive.

Then there is me. Body parts and blood everywhere. If you were to rate how cruel and violent we are from lowest to highest, it would be Aurelia, Mia, Ordos, and then me.

'Attention, please!'

A voice echoed in my mind and I looked surprised.

'It is currently 12:00. Day 1 of the exam has now ended. Currently, out of the hundred of you, only 78 of you are left. And out of the monsters, 152 D-ranks, 69 C-ranks, 11 B-ranks, and 1 A-rank have been wiped out.'

78. That is how much of us are left. That's weird, I thought there were more of us. So only 4 classes take the exam. There are 25-30 students in each class. So almost a full class was wiped out. To be honest, that's not really assuring.

'That is the results for day one. We will report once again the next day. Good luck.'

And that was that. It seems that one of the teachers will announce the results through our minds with the bracelet that we received.

"Well then with that, let's keep going."

Aurelia said and we all agreed. Then we continued.




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