Days have passed and Diana was showing symptoms of pregnancy and had to stay out of emergencies that include fire or anything dangerous for the baby, but no one in the fire station knows about this yet. Craig was discharged early due to Christmas coming up and wanted to spend it with his mum and dad even though they live in separate houses for the time being.
"Do you think I should book an appointment at the doctors Sam?" Diana asked Sam who was sat beside her watching some tv while Craig was in his wheelchair watching cartoons.
"Why? Are you feeling alright?" Sam asked getting quite concerned a bit quickly noticing that Diana seemed to be in a little bit of distress.
"I don't know I just feel weird" Diana responded back to Sam not sure on how to say what she's feeling at the moment.
"Alright, I'll drive you to Newtown see if they can check you out" Sam said with a smile before standing up.
"Wait now?" Diana said unsure of when he was wanting to take her.
"Yeah, I just wanted to see if the feelings you're experiencing isn't an illness or something" Sam said as a knock was heard at the door so Sam answered it seeing that it was penny and just the right time too.
"I just wanted to check up on you guys that's all and Sarah, James and Mandy were wondering if Craig would like to go out with them today, they're going for a picnic" penny asked looking at Diana as Craig quickly rolled up to penny in his wheelchair excited.
"Can I mum?" Craig asked looking at him mum very eager to go and play with his friends making her sigh with a smile.
"Go ahead" she said allowing the boy to go through the door and straight to the fish cafe not bumping into penny.
"Where are you two going?" Penny asked seeing the both looking like they're ready to go somewhere.
"I was going to take Diana to the doctors because she hasn't really been feeling herself lately" Sam responded as Diana put a hand on her head catching penny's attention noticing that she seemed to be wobbly. It didn't take long for Sam to look behind him seeing Diana begin to fall so as the man and hero he is he was able to catch her noticing that she was out cold and pale which wasn't good.
"I'll lay her down on the sofa, you'll ring nurse joy!" Sam instructed to penny as she quickly got her phone and rang nurse joy telling her about the situation. It didn't take long for nurse joy to arrive at the house to see her passed out pale which wasn't like Diana at all.
"Hmm, has she been eating?" Nurse joy asked as Sam nodded yes knowing that she has since her cooking was amazing especially her lasagna. After looking at her some more nurse joy used her hand to feel around the outside of her stomach for a couple of minutes, Diana was seen slowly gaining consciousness as nurse joy removed her hand lowering her t-shirt before looking at Sam.
"I'm not quite sure but I think she's going through a hard time through her pregnancy but I need to take her in my car so I can fully see what's happening in there at the hospital with a ct scan" nurse joy whispered to Sam with some quite shocking information making him quite confused but worried about Diana at the same time.
"Can I come too?" Sam asked as nurse joy stood up onto her feet with Sam before looking at Diana.
"Who else was is going to help me carry her?" Nurse joy said with a little laugh as sam gently picked Diana up and took her to the car.
Nurse joy was able to take Diana inside of Newtowns hospital and into a spare room that has a ct scan inside wanting to make this quick but also a bit long too to find out what was happening inside of Diana.
"I need you to make sure that she doesn't freak out but that won't happen" joy said as she lifted up Diana's shirt before applying the cold jelly cream that was normally used for baby scans to help see the baby. She placed the stick on her stomach slowly moving it around see something quite unexpected.
"Oh my!" Nurse joy said with hand on her mouth quite surprised not showing if it was bad or good worrying Sam.
"What's is it?" Sam asked as she looked at him not noticing that Diana was waking up again hearing the conversation.
"I'm not sure how to say this but... she's having triplets. I wasn't expecting this but I don't see any swelling or anything dangerous inside but congratulations!" Nurse joy said looking at Sam seeing how shocked her was knowing about this but how rare was it to have triplets in the first place.
"Triplets what's that?" Diana asked surprising both of them still a bit nauseated looking at Sam seeing shocked but happy which was natural for finding out that he was expecting triplets but I guess she grew lucky to have a loyal man like Sam.
"That means you're carrying three babies" Sam said glad that it wasn't anything serious and happy that he was going to have 3 more babies to call his own.
"What! Oh sugar honey ice tea" Diana said not expecting this but it was normal to act that way but he could tell that she was happy too.
"So when are you two gonna tell the team?" Nurse joy asked as the couple looked at each other and then back at joy not really k sling when.
"How about Christmas... it'll be a little surprise from us to them and I want to see the look in their faces too" Dianna said as Sam agreed with her but only 5 days to go until that day finally arrives to spill the bean.
"I'll keep my mouth shut until you announce it and till them, Diana I need you to stay at home I'll tell the team that you're sick and are having the week off" nurse joy said giving them a helping hand in the situation and head back home waiting until the day arrives.
Sam's PoV:
4 days later!
Back at the fire station was good an all but I really didn't like leaving Diana alone in the house since she couldn't work but only I and nurse joy knew the real reason why she can't but Diana wasn't the only one who can't wait to see the reaction on every bodies faces, but I wonder what Daniel would think of he knew that he was gonna become an uncle again but to three more babies.
"Sam!" Penny said snapping me out of my daze and back to the staff room not remembering anything of what my teammates said.
"You've been spacing out these couple of days when are you gonna tell us what's up?" Ellie asked really wanting to know the truth but they have to wait until tomorrow to find out what I was hiding from them for so long.
"I'll tell you guys tomorrow, so right now let's focus on work and maybe some training too" I said wanting to change the subject but by the way Penny was looking at me I could tell that she knew something was up and wanted to find out what.
"If you say so Sam" penny said acting like she was giving up but really she had just begun on getting suspicious of me and Diana.
"Penny, why don't you help me find dolly?" Elvis asked as she accepted his offer and went along with it as I sighed relieved but Ellie was still in the room.
"What? Are suspicious too Ellie?" I asked as she realised that she was staring at me before huffing at me that she had to wait until tomorrow to know that I was hiding. I really want to go home and see Diana and Craig but he would be with Sarah and James or maybe with Norman and Mandy? But I wonder if Diana is out taking a nice calming walk right now.
Diana's PoV:
I made sure that everything was locked and secure before going out to stretch my legs instead of staying at home all day especially when it's Christmas tomorrow and with revealing our secret to the team and whole ponty pandy. Craig was with Sarah, James and normal playing and being careful in the neighbourhood not wanting to put themselves at risks as much as they did in the forest which was the worst thing a kid should see or even experience.
"I guess I should get rid of this and walk around for a bit" I though to myself as I began to start my afternoon walk probably in the direction of some nearby woods some place which is more than familiar to me and way more peaceful for me to walk around before heading back home and not get myself lost.
I managed to get to the entrance of the forest less than 30 minutes which seemed to be good but it was getting quite dark and I should be getting home but I really needed this walk since I just reached here and leaving now would be a big waste of time and stamina so I proceed into the forest.
I was pretty used to walking around in the woods on myself but having some friendly company would be good too. Everything looked so beautiful in the setting sun the deeper I got into the forest while the fresh air smell was so calming and clean.
"I should do these walls more often" I said to myself looking around the at my surroundings seeing beauty everywhere I go, and hey I still went deeper and deeper but I really haven't adventures this forest fully since I normally go on this walks in my wolf form with my farther patrolling and parking his territory from enemy wolves but mostly to protect the people of ponty pandy with some mystery conspiracies.
I froze realising that it was dark, I must've dazed out not realising that it was dark but as soon as I turned I didn't recognise my path or way back I traveled down the wrong way and is now completely lost. A panicked looking around up at the trees seeing them look exactly like one another blocking the sky not allowing me to see the clouds or anything meaning that I was alone stuck in a dark scary forest without telling anyone where I was making my survival slim to non but if my brother was out of his little cell now I wouldn't be stuck here be he wasn't arrested he's just detained for a while until he's stable enough to be around.
Sam's PoV:
I managed to finish my shift off way earlier today so I can finally have some time with Diana and Craig to myself, as I left the station in my uniform Craig was seen at the bottom of the other on himself meaning that somethings wrong.
"What's the matter Craig?" I asked him as I rushed over to him seeing his worried expression knowing that it has something to do with Diana but she's at home.
"Mum's not at home, the doors locked and I don't know where she is?!" Craig replied panicked as I began to worry about the well being of Diana and Craig since he can't get inside.
"Go to my house but lock the door after you, while I go look for your mother" I said as I have him my keys before heading back into the fire station to notify Penny, elvis and Malcolm about the situation.
"What's the matter sam you seem scared?" Penny asked as I got to her as she was just talking to Malcolm which was good since I really needed him.
"We have one more job to do..... find Diana!" I said as they both looked at me surprised and a bit unsure but quickly took me seriously as Penny put her fire fighting uniform on as I did the same.
"Do you know where she was last?" Malcolm asked as what every cop would to know the where abouts of the victim is incase they're injured or worse dead.
"She was at Home but Craig said the door was locked and the look of things she must've been out for quite a whiile which isn't like Diana to stay out for that long" I relied as he went into his car to go and ask some people for where they seen Diana last as I got onto the quad bike to search around the hole of ponty pandy for her while Penny went into Saturn to go look on the outside of ponty pandy.
I was unsure of what to but try and keep myself calm while trying to search for Diana and make sure she is safe and warm in my arms again. It was unlike her to wonder off without telling me which seemed to worry me but her phone could be dead but that would be a huge risk if it was.
"Sam!" Malcolm yelled as I stopped at one of the turns seeing at the whole fish cafe and by the look for things he might have something that would Insure is to help us find Diana. I headed into his direction a bit impatient but rushing get you no where especially in this situation.
"What is it Malcolm? Do you know where she is yet?" I asked as he wrote on his note pad as my brother and his wife stood outside obviously knowing about Diana's disappearance now but they shouldn't worry we'll find her in no time.
"They saw her heading in the direction to the woods but unsure of where" he replied giving some useful information but how are we going to find her since there ain't anybody specialised to smell a humanoid but a dog can but radar isn't here at the moment so something else would have to do.
"We need something that can smell her out but I might know who would be able to help us" I said thinking of either of Craig or Daniel if he was in an condition to find Diana especially when it's only a couple of hours until Christmas.
"You're not suggesting that we bring Daniel here Sam?" Malcolm said knowing one person who is willing to use his nose to find her but would Malcolm allow him to find her. We really needed him to find her since Craig is currently in a wheelchair until he can walk again and that's probably weeks or months away so Daniel is now are only option for Diana's survival.
"We need him to help find Diana or her and the..... would be in danger" I said not bringing up the triplets to my brother yet or the surprise would be ruined. Malcolm sighed before pulling out his phone to ring someone very important to allow Daniel to come here from Newtown.
I haven't heard anything from Penny yet and I really didn't want to waste another minute without knowing if she was safe or not but I trust that she knows what she's doing out there since she's a werewolf and can hold her own but not against loads of things at once and that would be a death wish ending everything for us.
Diana's PoV:
I continued to trot my way through the forest in the supposed way I came from but I missed placed my step and slipped twisting my ankle which hurted like the time when Craig got his fresh grown wolf teeth and accidentally bit me on my below thigh not fully in control with his wolf Instincts and yet he still isn't in control yet.
I got back onto my feet again and continued to make my way to find a way out while limping through the forest not fully aware of what was slowly coming towards me or was I going towards it?. Anyway I continued to walk hardly seeing where I was going forgetting that I have the ability to use my nigh vision and stopped when I felt nothing below me feet I panicked looking down seeing a bit of a cliff before falling down landing on a ledge by luck not going down while the edges began to crack.
I really wanted someone to find me and get me out of this mess quickly as possible or maybe right now! I was slowly beginning to panic but I wasn't gonna let that get the best of me so I did some calming methods nurse joy showed me a couple weeks back that allows the body to calm down when stressed. I sat on the edge feeling the sting in my ankle as it slowly began to swell which wasn't good while I waited for any sign of anyone coming to help me.
It was probably almost 20 minutes when I slowly began to hear a set of foot steps or paws running in my direction which was followed by a truck making me think that I was loosing my mind as they stopped getting close to me.
"Hello?" I said as the scattering footsteps came towards the direction of my voice as I looked up see a face of a wolf before realising that it was Daniel as he howled allowing some more footstool rush over sounding like human as Malcolm was seen liking down at me surprised seeing me a bit scarped and not harmed.
"She's over here!" He yelled before smiling glad that he could find me at last but I was really unsure of how long I was out here for as it got colder.
"Penny we need the hook" Sam said coming over seeing me down there as Daniel stayed watching seeing the place I sat on crumble underneath me.
"Hurry the platform is breaking Sam!" Malcolm yelled as Sam rushed over before slowly coming down with connected to come gear to help me. I could feel the platform getting weaker and weaker by the second but if Sam stood on it I'm sure it would collapse on us leaving me the only one to fall to the death.
"Grab my hand, the platform is too unstable for me to stand on it" Sam said as I tried to get into my feet but my ankle stopped me but I still continued to get up grabbing his hand as he pulled me up holding onto me as he climbed back up allowing Malcolm to grab me and pull me to safety while the platform broke off as it fell down the cliff.
"Are you alright? You had us all worried" Malcolm asked as Penny put a blanket around me before noticing that I was not putting any weight on my left foot.
"Sam we might have a problem" she said as he took of the his gear and coming towards us seeing Penny pointing at my ankle noticing that it was quite swollen especially in the cold.
"How did this happen?" He asked looking at me not pleased that I was injured but it was my fault for walking to far into the forest on my own.
"I wondered to far into the forest not realising that it was dark as everything around looked so familiar so I tried to retrace my steps but twisted my ankle before heading towards a cliff which I didn't see coming ahead of me" I said trying to explain what type of adventure I had as he sighed before smiling picking me up In his arms confused.
"As I love to hear more of your story I need to take you home and get that swelling under control before anything else happens, especially tomorrow" he said as I was gently
Put onto the back of the quad holding onto him while he drives me back home or to his since Craig was there alone.
"Mum you're alive" Craig said seeing his father carry me through the door which I mentioned that he really shouldn't but he didn't want me to twist my ankle for what special announcement that's gonna be said tomorrow. He laid me down on the sofa with a pillow and a fluffy Blanket as he sees to my ankle which hurt everyone he touched it with ice wrapped in some cloth but I injured it.
"That hurts you know" I mumbled as he softly laughed knowing that it does but it was the only way for me to get better or I would have it chopped off which wouldn't happen.
"I'm sure that everything will be fine as long as you don't walk on it for a couple of days" he said sounding like a doctor which he didn't like at all but he was worried about me but cringed at the thought of being a nurse.
"Don't use your imagination too much sam it can only do you so much" I relied as he looked at me with a cute little mad face but it wasn't my fault I was tired and bored. "Why don't you go to bed and sleep?" I mentioned as he looked at his watch seeing the time before getting up onto his feet again.
"You sure you'll be fine down here on your own?" He asked as I nodded while he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight" he said before going upstairs to his room while Craig went the guest room since I didn't want my child sleeping on the sofa and besides I was really comfy right now.
The next day!
I was still asleep when Craig woke me up saying that it was Christmas but his presents were in my house with Sam's too since I didn't know that I was gonna get lost yesterday so I guess I'll give them to him later. But as I opened my eyes and turned to my son I could see the presents I wrapped were placed down there as well as for Sam's leaving me confused.
"I see that you're awake.... sleep head" Sam's voice was heard as I turned to see him leaving over the head of the sofa above me with a big smile of his face knowing that I just noticed what he just did.
"You did this didn't you?" I asked as he gently huffed showing that I was right then liking at Craig opening his present leaving his dads out well he didn't have much but family is more important than presents.
"Ya know.... you really didn't have to get me anything, I was just fine with you, Craig and the three that are expected to be here in a couple of months" he said as I really didn't care I was gonna get him a gift if he like it or not so I have him a playful blackberry making him chuckle I'm response.
"Cheeky now I see who's personality Craig has" he said as I looked at the boy as he sat on the floor seeing his toys he thought Santa got him but really I like to see him happy more than anything.
"Yeah but he's got your looks though which is unfair" I said as Sam laughed at me while I began to lift myself up but being careful of my ankle As I made way more room enough Coe Sam to sit down as I grabbed his shirt pulling down onto the sofa landing on his back as his head was in my lap.
"D-Diana" he said as I could see his fluttered expression as Charlie came through the door with his family to see us while the fire team came too seeing Sam's head on my lap which was embarrassing for him.
"Comfy Sam?" Charlie said as he quickly sat up before siting beside me allowing him and bronwin to sit while the others sat on the floor which didn't seem to bother them by any chance.
"So what's so important that it had to wait until today sam?" Ellie said as he sighed holding my hand before placing them onto my stomach.
"We are expecting something very special in a few months but I want you guys to find how many are in here right now?" Sam said liking at everyone as they looking at my stomach surprised and the faces were just the ones I imagined to be.
"Wait your pregnant! When?" Penny said surprised as two more guests came through the door which were Malcolm and Daniel making it perfect that the whole family was together blood or not.
"Well, a week I think" I relied a bit unsure of how far I was but it probably had been about a week since I found out that I was pregnant especially with triplets.
"A week but why do you want to guess how many is in there?" Ellie asked as I grew of how unsure or how long it will take for them to chose or Sam would be announcing it anyway.
"Make it a quick game the one to get it right gets to choose who gets snowballs thrown at them the next time it snow! I know it sounds ridiculous but I had to think of something" Sam said Trying to think of an easier way to say this but it's better than just saying that she having triplets.
"Are you have one baby?" Penny asked as I shook my head no indicating that there are more than one inside right now.
"Two?" Ellie said as I shook my head no as Daniel came behind me probably knowing the answer but really not wanting to spit it out.
"Wait you're having 3 babies?!" Charlie said next to sam as I sighed glad that it didn't really take that long to get it out to everyone.
"This is like the best news I have heard all week something other than about fires for once I really am happy for you two" Ellie said congratulating us as well as the others while Charlie patted his brothers back before hugging him.
"Looks like you can finally have that family sam" he said as he smiled at him happy very very happy.
"You can thank that with the perfect girl that made it possible Charlie" Sam relied looking at me as I began to feel embarrassed mentioning me.
"You're making her blush Sam" penny pointed out as she chuckled at me as I looked at her embarrassed still a bit flustered.
"I'm not blushing I'm just.... embarrassed that's all" I replied as Sam laughed with Charlie and penny of my reaction which was like me to act like that making everyone's day which was one way to start a great Christmas together.