
Class Trickster


That order. 

Oh, that accursed word. 

After today, context and intent be damned, if I hear that stupid word one more time, I'm adopting a new language entirely and English will just be a dead and bitter memory for me to forget.

"Lasted even shorter this time," Irene said, her disappointment and disapproval looming from on high as I lay disoriented on my bed of grass for the millionth time. "Again." 

I got up, dusted myself, walked it off, before recommencing this weird, bizarre game of catch-me-if-you-can. A Tom and Jerry skit, and of course, I'm playing the punchline of the duo. 

So far, every attempt wound up being just as close to my first. Just when I thought I had an edge, saw through all of her foils, she'd pull out something else I could never foresee and there I go tripping over my feet all over again. 

Ugh, there's that stupid word again. 

Damnit, not again.


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