
The Destined Arrival

Deep breaths. Just deep breaths, me. Everything will be fine. You'll come in, confidence your sword, and earnestness your shield. Everybody likes the humble individual who wears their heart on their sleeve; and tonight, that person is you. 

Again, deep breaths. And stop fucking with your hair, it's fine man.

Ding went the elevator chime, and I snapped my eyes so fast at the display to double-check that I had the floor, cause that was a surprisingly short journey up to her floor. 

But no, the ding ding-ed right, and as my wiggly reflection on the silver doors parted away to reveal the long stretchy corridor leading to her unit… I just… it was just… wow… was this how marching up to the gallows felt like back in the good old days? This numbness in my legs? This surreal sensation warping the walls?

Averting a biblical rain of rot felt less intense than this… how the hell do the other boyfriends do it? 

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