
Chapter 14

If you want to read ahead go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Love ya guys!



It has been three years since my little duel with my old master, where I had proved I reigned supreme above him, after that fateful day I had gained a title that… well, I had mixed feelings about it.

The Demon of the North, this very unique and cool title made everyone but a few individuals in the tribe fear me, they couldn't comprehend how I was able to beat Pakku, a master with decades of experience, what they failed to see was that Pakku was decades out of his prime, and I was a bit more creative when it came to fighting.

I'm not gonna lie, the fear they had was both useful and hilarious for me, giving me a lot of benefits, for one… no one had the balls to bother me during training, besides Sakura, Yue, Crowley and the Chief, of course.

But, they were the only ones that knew, I wasn't really a monster perse, I was more of a… tamed animal if you would, that if poked too much will snap. But if left alone, will leave you be. But besides them, everyone avoided me like the plague, and boy… how I loved that.

Though my mind would usually wonder, why was I still here, it had been years since I mastered the arts of healing, and by this point my bloodbending was combat ready, so… why, was I staying here. What was holding me back?

"You know the Chief will ask you to marry Yue right?" Sakura asked as she entered my room.

"I don't think so…" I rolled my eyes, if I remembered correctly she was supposed to be engaged to…. god, what was his name? Urggg… alright, I'm just gonna call him asshole, she was supposed to be engaged to Mr. Asshole.

"Akira… you are the strongest warrior in the tribe, by a long shot… people want you to stay… and a marriage could potentially ensure that," Sakura sighed.

"You mean the people that run away from me like I'm the plague?" I laughed, "What's next? Pakku wants to marry me?" I joked, but my own joke ended up hurting my very soul, with images of Pakku in a wedding dress, "Scratch that… I need bleach now,"

"They fear you… yes," Sakura nodded ignoring my joke, putting her hand softly on my back, "But they also know you would die for them,"

When in the hell did I ever… and I mean ever! Give that impression, I would die for no one woman, "Well, then this entire tribe needs some help reading people,"

"Play it tough… but I know you are a softie under all that macho attitude," Sakura smirked.

"Maybe," I chuckled while rolling my eyes at her, "But I still believe the Chief will choose someone else,"

"Wanna bet?" Sakura grinned.

I chuckled, "Very well, let's do this," I never say no to a easy bet.


"I want you to marry my daughter," The Chief stated with a wide smile.

"Damn it!"

"HA!" The booming laugh of Sakura among the people present broke the sound barrier, invading my ears.

Damn it… I owe that woman a lot of money now, "Chief, I'm sure you have better options to offer your daughter, like one of the clan kids?"

Yue gave me an offended look, as if my comment had hurt her somehow.

"You are the best this tribe has to offer," The Chief laughed.

"I am an orphan with an made up name, and no lands or money to give," I rolled my eyes at him, "So, yeah…"

"You are rich… and a respected member of the water tribe," The Chief refuted.

Alright, the idiot really wants me to marry Yue, so time to use the my secret weapon, "If Yue accepts by all means," Yue was my escape to this marriage thing, why? Well she hated the idea of marrying someone without… knowing them.

"I don't really want to marry, father," Yue answered, "I would like to marry by love, and while I love Akira… he is like a big brother to me,"

"I hear ya sis," I winked at her.

"But…" The Chief started to panic… Why was he panicking though? This man was weird.

"Then… wait no longer, for I the great," The annoying asshole with the enormous ego had appeared once again, and unfortunately for him, I had develop an instinct where if I was near one, I would unconsciously attack said asshole, "Hahnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn———-" Poor idiot, he didn't even see the water punch, and now he is falling hundreds of meters into the air.

"I never get tired of that," Yue giggled.

"Chief, is this about me staying?" I asked.

"Well… partly, I mean I thought you guys loved each other," The Chief sighed.

"I won't be leaving anytime soon…" I sighed, "If you promise to stop bothering Yue with the betrothal thing… she will meet the man of her dreams one day," Sokka, I suppose.

"Fine," The Chief nodded in a deflated state.

"You still owe me some money!" Sakura shouted at me.

"I know!"


After… today's ordeal, I decided to continue practicing the one thing I still wasn't a master at, bloodbending… yeah, embarrassing, but I have no material to learn from, I'm practically building the art from scratch.

Besides I'm not that bad, I'm able to use completely fine during the full moon, I just need to keep honing my skills with it to the point where I can use it everyday.

"Time to medita——" But before I could even begin my meditation… something shook like a tsunami, my spirit was now trembling, leaving me wondering....What in the world was that… the spirits in the oasis felt it too… this wave of energy… this feeling, there was no doubt, "So you finally woke up… Aang,"

I had no doubts, this wave I had felt was the avatar waking up, there was no other human being capable of releasing such a wave of spiritual energy, it had to be him, and I couldn't lie… I was excited, because for some bizarre reason, I wanted to best the Avatar in the Avatar state, one on one, four elements versus one.

Was I going to lose? Probably, I wasn't sure… Aang in the Avatar state was downright terrifying, not like the sad excuse for avatar state Korra has been, but Aang was a monster on that state, and that only made this quest… more fun!

"Alright!" I laughed, deep down wondering since when I had become a battle driven individual.



Akira : 18-19

Yue : 16

Zuko: 16

Sokka : 15

Katara : 14

Azula : 14

Aang : 12 - 112

Siguiente capítulo