

Pikachu was scolding Ash, he was not happy about what he heard from Annihilape after the fighting type had returned back to Oak Ranch. Max was watching with a grin as Pikachu berated his trainer, the little electric mouse had not left Ash's side after rejoining him. They had left Blackthorn City a few days ago after everything had calmed down well, almost everything. His parents and sister had kept calling him asking if he was alright everyday. Max loves his family but it was getting a little too much at that point, it was also when they decided to hit the road.

Casey, "There, the future Elite selection grounds."

Brock, "That's a temple, no dojo, I think."

Koga, "Actually it is both. Welcome to the future Elite selections. You are early though."

Max, "We are?"

Casey, "Weird I thought we spent more time than.... Never mind, I can get some extra training in."

Ash pat her shoulder, "That's the spirit."

Gou, "We will help you practice too. Being one of the Elite Four is no joke."

Koga nodded, "Good, good! I am happy to see the enthusiasm."

Ash, "So, is it true then? Bruno wants to focus on Kanto region completely?"

Koga, "Yes, after the discovery of the inter faction wars. It became important to focus on containing it and if push comes to shove personally dealing with it."

Brock nodded, "We understand."

Casey, "Alright then, let's get to training."

Egan saw them a few days later, "Well, well, well, if it isn't my rival."

Casey, "Egan, I see you made it."

Egan, "Of course, I made it. Who do you think I am?"

Casey chuckled, "Of course, you are my rival."

Max, "I can see the sparks from here."

Gou, "Heh! She looks pretty excited though."

Ash, "He is her rival."

Egan and Casey were egging each other on teasingly and at the same time looking forward to their battle. Ash and Gou did not mind helping Casey train but battles were only half the fight in order to become one of the Elite Four. The Elite Four watched over North, South, East and West of the region they were in charge of. They were either the first line of defense or the last one depending on how fast the Champion could get to their territory. Bruno was watching from one of the observation rooms and was eyeing the hopefuls with contemplative looks.

Gold, "Poke dollars for thought?"

Bruno, "Champion, yes, you could say that."

Koga, "Do you think one of them will pass the test this time?"

Will, "I hope so. Heaven knows we could use the help. Especially after what happened in Altomare."

Koga, "Lance was and still is furious."

Karen, "Do you think the rumors are true?"

Bruno, "Rumors? About the in fighting? You know those are not rumours anymore. That is a real life and death battle."

Karen, "Not that rumor. I heard that one of the Team Rocket's relative is an Aura user and they are fighting over them. Because you know, people who can use aura... "

Will, "Have the blessings of the Legendary trio. I do not envy the kid. Poor thing, no different from an object, albeit a very precious one."

Bruno frowned, "I thought they captured the Aura user and tried to brain wash him."

Koga, "Admittedly yes, brain washing was involved but there is no proof the child is related to them."

Karen, "You do not need to be directly related to be family. I am related to Misty through my grandma's sister's son. It does not mean we share the same blood at this point, I take more after my other parent."

Gold, 'I guess Lance is leaving it to me to tell them. Ugh! I should probably talk to Ash and Brock first. I will bring Misty in when I see her next time.'

Koga, "Something in your mind Champion?"

Gold, "I just realized something. I need to talk to my fellow junior Champion first. I just might rope him in to help me with a few things."

Karen sweat dropped, "Try not to scare him off Champ. You can be really hyper without realizing it."

Gold pouted at her but went off in search for Ash who was with Max, "Ash!"

Max squeaked, "Cha... Cham... Champion Gold, you are here?"

Gold, "Yup, and I need to borrow my fellow Champion for a while."

Ash was eyeing him, "Is this about Altomare?"

Max, "That incident... Okay, I will give you privacy. If you need me I will be right there, Ash."

Ash smiled patting Max's head, "Thank you Max. I appreciate it."

Max beamed at him then turned, "Come on Breloom, let's go over to the other field."

Breloom looked between Max and Ash then nodded, "Loom breloom loom."

Lucario smirked, -I do not think Champion Gold means us harm, but it does not mean there are no other dangers around. It is better to be wary of the surroundings.-

Gold, "Protective little kid, ain't he?"

Ash, "He does want to become a powerful Gym leader like his father. I reckon he got his protective streak from his parents. From what I remember reading Caroline served as a Ranger for fifteen years after winning her first Grand Festival."

Gold, "Yeah, she is still a really cool mentor though. I heard she found a different one for May however."

Ash, "To avoid favouritism problems. Not to forget May is focused on dark and flying type Pokemon. Caroline I remember is a fairy and fire type specialist. But that is not what you want to talk about, is it?"

Gold, "You got me there."

Ash, "What's wrong?"

Gold, "I need your and of course Brock's permission to tell my Elites about both of your status as an Aura user."

Ash, "I am surprised Lance has not told them about it."

Gold, "Ever since he stepped down from being a Champion he has not given them any orders or information that is not directly related to his missions that may overlap with others."

Ash, "I see."

Lucario snorted, -Secretive as always.-

Ash, "That's a dragon for you."

Lucario, -How about a Champion and Elite meeting? It is not to strange to have those meetings, right?-

Gold, "So, you are okay with letting them know?"

Ash, "Considering their position I think it will be best."

The meeting went as well as it could, though Ash and Brock could do without the looks of pity and worry being sent their way. But then again it could have been worse, they supposed and the next day was the start of the Elite exam. Ash, Gou and Max were in the audience booth while Brock was at the healing area watching the screen. In the first round the thirty two contestants would be divided into four groups with eight humans and eight Pokemon. They would have to work together with the other humans and Pokemon to capture at least three flags.

Ash, "So, it is capture the flag but with complete strangers."

Max, "Kinda makes sense in a way. I mean the Elite four do have to work with trainers they just met if trouble rises, right?"

Gou, "Yeah, better get used to it in a safe environment well, as safe as this can be."

The horn blew and the groups that were huddled broke up nodding at each other and while some stayed behind others went inside the forest area. Casey and Meganium were in the third group and they were working together with another girl and her Serperior. Ash was not expecting to see a Pokemon of Unova in Jhoto but then again people do move around a lot, and along with them their Pokemon too. The Serperior looked very powerful, fast and well trained too, if the scars on his body was anything to go by.

Casey, "Hey Nana, look there."

Nana, "Alone or a trap?"

Casey, "One way to find out. Meganium sleep powder."

Meganium nodded and released sleep powder towards the target and the surrounding area as well. Nana raised an eyebrow at the fancy move but did not say anything especially when three other participants fell asleep. Meganium was smirking smugly when she saw the sleeping Pokemon and humans and chirped at Casey happily. Casey pat Meganium's neck and motioned for her to use vine whip to grab the flag on one of the Pokemon. They just needed two more flags, maybe one of their teammates got the other two flags, that would be good.

Nana, "Come on! We should return. We only get fifteen minutes to do this and get back before the next challenge starts."

Casey, "We spent twelve minutes already while running and searching. Race you back there?"

Nana smirked, "You are on!"

The two of them raced back to the main grounds while Max cheered them on, Ash and Gou were watching other participants on the screens. The group Casey was part of did quite well against other groups though they lost two of their flags as well. Gou was feeling really excited on seeing the quick action and thinking, which was how most Elite members were expected to act. Gou had heard of the stories of the Elite Four answering and acting as quickly as possible in order to solve problems.

Ash, "I think the next part will start in five minutes."

Gou, "Yes, I wonder what it will be."

Max, "There is only two groups now. Two groups have been eliminated."

Ash, "Ah! You are right. Which groups?"

Gou, "Casey's group and Egan's too."

Ash chuckled, "Guess they are fated to be rivals."

For the next challenge or test the remaining participants were taken towards the mountain range. The next test would require the participants to survive for three days with only their Pokemon and themselves. They would pick six from their many Pokemon and then enter the area through different gates and stay there. They would be given emergency flares just in case they wanted to quit or something happened like a medical emergency. Almost all of the participants did not look scared at the idea of spending time in the wild with their Pokemon.

The only one who looked irate were the ones who were the type specialists that had nature more suited for non mountainous regions. The trainers entered the area and Casey heard the gate close behind her as she called Ampharos to join her, while her Meganium took a break. Ampharos sniffed around purring when he smelt sweet berries a little further away from them. Casey was now looking for a place to spend three days peacefully without any problems well, with as little problem as possible. They were given a list of things they needed to collect, she was sure they could do it in no time.

Gou, "Do you think she will be ok?"

Ash, "Casey is serious about being an Elite so yes, she will be alright. We should trust her and her Pokemon."

Max, "That's true! Casey is really strong too."

Ash, "Come on, you two. I heard there's a festival going on in a town nearby. We can go enjoy it while waiting for Casey to return."

Gou looked back, "True, it's not like we can see what is going on in there."

Max, "Right? We should get something nice for Casey too."

Ash, "How about a nice Beedrill themed kimono? We can pay for it together."

Max, "Let's grab Brock and tell him our plan."

Ash, "He should be off duty in two hours."

Karen who was watching them smirked, "Oh my! They are adorable."

Will, "I have to agree with you there. Actually all of them are sweet and adorable. I have been watching their interactions for a few days now."

Gold, "Let me guess, they are eye catching despite not even trying."

Will nodded, "Yes, though now that I know young Ash is an Aura user, his presence has become stronger."

Koga, "I see. Well, that explains a few things."

Bruno, "Like how Sabrina keeps tabs on him?"

Will, "Yes, I had previously thought it was because of his horror book. But now that I know why it is harder to ignore."

Gold drawled, "Well, he was approached by Raikou, kidnapped by Entei and helped Suicune save Celebi."

Karen coughed, "Being an Aura user is like a death sentence. I do not envy their position."

Koga, "Understatement."

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