
Jhoto - Blackthorn City

Lance woke up to his Dragonite poking him, "Good morning."

Dragonite grunted amused, "Ittte."

Lance looked down his eyes softening as he looked at Ash who was curled up by his side snoring softly. He remembered what happened the night before, despite leaving to sleep Ash had wandered off. Lance had found him talking to his ghost Pokemon looking pale and approached him intentionally making himself known. He knew about what had happened to the two Ghost types courtesy of Agatha and would not be surprised if the day's events brought back unwanted memories for the three of them.

Lance had been right on the dot about his guess and had stayed next to Ash as he told him what he had done to those bastards. Now, though after calming down from the fury Ash was hating himself for his actions. Lance had sat next to him, giving him silent comfort though personally he thought those three got off too easy. If it had been Agatha who had found them, she would have dragged them to the dungeons at the Champion castle. No one would even know they existed after they would have their go with them. Lance had honestly told him about his thoughts making Ash blinked and then laugh and cry at the same time.

Lucario had been running his aura through Ash and he noticed the dark blue aura had become a light blue aura. Ash had been feeling guilty and depressed about his actions, not like Lance blamed him. The first time Lance had to torture someone for information had left him feeling sick to the stomach for days. But he knew it had to be done at one point, as the next leader of the clan, he had to take the steps necessary to keep his regions safe. Ash though was young not even eighteen yet but willing to do what was needed for his Pokemon and family.

Lance held him as he fell asleep and when he put the teen to bed the dark haired boy had refused to let go of his shirt. Lucario snorted and told Lance to just join them, seeing his Meema was feeling safe around him, safe enough to fall asleep. The Aura Pokemon had bluntly told him how despite not being obvious about it, Ash had been the one taking care of everyone in the group. Brock joined him in caring for others a few weeks before he activated his Aura and it took a while for Ash to calm his watch over Brock.

Lance smirked remembering what Ash had mumbled in his sleep when he tried to make him let go of his shirt. Of course, he would not tell him the details though he noticed Lucario was looking at him with a very complicated expression. Lance assured him he was not trying to replace Ash's Dad only for Lucario to shake his head saying all it meant was that Ash trusted him as if he were a Dad. Unknown to Lance, Lucario was thinking about the time when Ash told him, Lance acted like the adopted father to the second set of dex holders in the game world.

Lucario eyed him, 'As far as father figures are concerned, he is not a bad choice.'

Lance in the mean time, remembered what his late father once told him, 'Aura users are the care takers and guides of this world. As the Dragon riders and now trainers, it is our duty to watch over the Aura users.'

Lance murmured to Dragonite, "Guess, I'm a Dad now Dragonite. I'm not complaining though."

Dragonite just looked at him amused, "Drago."

Ash woke up feeling his face on something comfortable, 'One of my Pokemon must have joined me. Wait, this feels like clothing? And a heart beat?'

Ash got up wide awake, "Ah.. Um... Lance, I am so sorry."

Lance smirked getting up, "Oh, don't you worry about it, son. I don't mind having my little one sleep on me."

Ash was confused, "Son? What do you mean son?"

Lance looked at him, "You mean, you don't remember last night? You were clutching my shirt and saying calling me Dad. It was so sweet."

Ash turned red in mortification, "I.. I.. Sorry I didn't.. I wasn't... "

Lance placed his hand on his head ruffling his hair, "I don't mind. I don't mind at all. Now, go wash up. I believe, you had plans to train your Pokemon before breakfast?"

Ash nodded and rushed to the bathroom with Lance chuckling in amusement and saying he was going to his room to clean up. Ash sat on the floor feeling his face heat up, he had been thinking about Phantump's past last night and that made him think of his late father. His father was a formidable trainer according to his Ranger information and really good with the Pokemon. He could not remember his previous life's parents at all and had been wondering about his late father in this life and how he would react to what he did.

Ash's mind had already been in turmoil before that and had decided to be particularly cruel to him that night. He had imagined his Dad being disgusted and disappointed in him because he had tortured someone for the first time. Phantump, Banette and Lucario had protested heavily when he spoke about how disappointed his father probably was. His Pokemon had growled out his father was a Ranger and no doubt understood better than anyone sometimes punishment was necessary. Lucario had demanded to know if he regretted taking revenge and Ash had confessed it had actually felt good.

And it was because he felt good hurting someone he was now terrified of himself, he never wants to hurt anyone ever again. The rush of power over another person was very addictive and terrifying, and he did not want to become someone who enjoyed hurting others. Lucario had held him comforting him as Ash told him about the dark Ash in the anime, how an evil entity took advantage of Ash to turn him evil. Lucario had promised him, it would not happen as long as he was alive and kicking along with Phantump and Banette. It was at that moment Lance joined them and then he clung to Lance like a little toddler.

Ash >///////<, "Oh, my tap dancing Mew!"

Lucario knocked the door, -Meema? You good there.-

Ash squeaked, "Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute."

Abra yawned -What happened Lucario?-

Lucario smirked, -I think, we might get a Grand Meema, if things go well.-

Abra blinked, -But we already have a Grand Meema, don't we?-

Lucario, -Nothing says we can't have a second one. Not to forget, he made Meema happy despite the shyness Meema is feeling right now.-

Absol, "Sol?"

Tyrantrum, "Rnnnn?"

Eevee, "Vui vui vui."

Ash came out in training clothes, "Okay, let's go train."

The Pokemon gave a shout of agreement at that and went to one of the training grounds Claire had told them about. Lance on the other hand was radiating satisfaction as he went about his duties with a whole new vigour getting raised eyebrows. Lance did not care and simply moved about fulfilling his duties though Kohoko had a knowing look in her eyes. She called him over and asked if he needed the adoption papers which surprised Lance a bit but did not answer her queries directly. Instead, he requested the papers be prepared and kept safe, he would have to talk with his mother first about this.

Kohoko, "I don't know how you managed to do it after meeting him only a few times but I'm happy to note, he will be safe. This world needs Aura users to survive, unfortunately there aren't many of them."

Lance nodded, "I know, I have asked Lorelei to keep me updated on Misty's situation last night. Her first priority is to keep her safe no matter what happens."

Kohoko, "It is a miracle three young Aura users appeared so suddenly. It makes me feel both relieved and concerned about the future of our home."

Lance, "Indeed. I worry about that child. The first time I heard of him was from the young Champion Red. When I met him I felt a little strange urge to keep him safe. Now, I have a sudden desire to keep him here away from the rest of the world."

Kohoko laughed, "You sound like your father when he held you for the first time."

Lance, "Really?"

Kohoko, "Mnn, I remember when you first met Steven and Cynthia as a beginner trainer. Your father, bless his soul was so happy but at the same time was making plans to keep you safe in case."

Lance sweat dropped, "I didn't realize that."

Kohoko laughed, "He caused quite the headache for your dear mother, bless her soul. If they could see you now, they would be so proud of you."

Lance smiled, "Thank you, grandma."

Brock in the mean time had left for the Pokemon center early in the morning. Even though the Gym did not open early, there were many battlers in the City who always brought their Pokemon in. There were patients even as early as five o'clock. What in Celebi's name were they doing this early? Maybe he should report it just in case, some of the wounds looked very suspicious to him. Nurse Jim and Joy agreed with his assessment and reported it to Officer Jenny, who looked wary. The fact that a bunch of poachers were caught just a day ago, did not help the matters either, especially after it came out they were child killers too.

Brock, "I really hope nothing bad happens."

Golem, "Lem lem."

Casey, "Claire, I challenge you to an Ace battle."

Claire, "I accept!"

The Ace battle was being shown on the big screen with Casey's Pokemon battling against Claire's Ace team. Funnily enough her Ace team consisted of Dragonite, Kingdra and Altaria who fought against Casey's Electivire, Gyarados and Houndoom. Meganium sat out of it as she had taken to learning healing from Venasaur who had arrived at Blackthorn City the day before. Lance was very interested in this fight as Casey was aiming to become a fellow Elite Four and Agatha was quitting soon.

Ash joined him, "You are interested in her."

Lance, "Yes, she has had only three years of experience but she has a good head on her shoulders."

Aah nodded, "Agreed, on top of that she's really serious about being an Elite."

Lance, "Mnn, how are you feeling?"

Ash, "I'm good. I just finished talking to my therapist. I think I will increase her pay, she has to deal with a lot, thanks to well... "

Lance nodded, "I understand. Mew knows how many things my therapist had to deal with and still does."

Ash looked at the screen where Houndoom was now battling Altaria, the canine Pokemon was doing really well. Casey had requested his Charizard to train with them a month ago and Houndour had evolved. The canine had became short tempered in the beginning and it took a while with a lot of personal one on one training for him to calm down. On the screen Altaria and Houndoom both fainted from the intense battle prompting both Claire and Casey to recall them. The next two final Pokemon were Gyarados and Kingdra who started the fight with Dragon breath and hydro pump.

Lance, "She's good, almost on the same level as a Gym leader now."

Ash grinned, "Yeah, I really hope she gets that position."

Tyson's voice came from behind them, "You two are getting along this fine day."

Lance turned around face neutral, "Aren't you supposed to be at the meeting?"

Tyson, "Bah! That old fool don't really know but I have investigated him. After today he is not going to be able to scam money anymore."

Ash blinked, "You are furious but at the same time satisfied aa well? How confusing! Are they that bad?"

Tyson ruffled his hair, "Don't worry about it kiddo. Uncle Tyson will deal with that fool."

Ash mouthed, 'Uncle? Since when?'

Lance face palmed, 'Leave it to grandma to tell or rather brag to everyone she's a great grandma now. Sorry Ash, just endure it till you have to move on from Blackthorn City.'

Lance, "Either way, just be careful. That old man may be a greedy fool but he has been doing this business far longer than we have been born. Do not let your guard down, Tyson, I mean it."

Tyson, "Awwww! You do care about me. Well, I better go. See you ~"

Ash, "I repeat my previous statement, he is like a hurricane."

Lance snorted, as he led Ash away seeing the fight better Claire and Casey was now over with. Casey winning by an inch. Casey was very ecstatic by the win despite her worry about her Pokemon and the two rushed out of the Gym amidst cheers. Ash was visibly delighted and decided to meet with Casey at the Pokemon center while Lance had to answer a call. He told Ash he had to leave on a mission and left after ruffling his hair getting a squawk from the teen.

[A. N.: I adore Lance and Claire. I'm making them family.


Till next time my lovely readers.]

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