
Orange Islands

Ash climbed Charizard, "Last stop Ice Island, let's go."

Gou, "Yeah."

Melody looked at the ship that was far away now, "I hope we can fix this mess before things become really bad."

Pikachu, "Pikapi!"

Lucario, -They are battling up there. I can feel the chaotic auras clashing.-

Ash looked up and cursed as one of the steel beams broke and fell to the ground, towards where they were standing. Ash pushed Melody to Fearrow and Gou and Scorbunny to Charizard as they were closer before grabbing Lucario and jumping on Pidgeot. The three promptly flew off giving out annoyed shouts as the beams fell right on top of where they were standing. Pidgeot screeched annoyed asking what they were doing inside and Ash is pretty sure Charizard grunted something rude like a curse.

Lucario, -It could be worse.-

Milotic, -Are you all alright up there?-

Ash, "We are fine, promise."

Milotic huffed, -Banette says otherwise.-

Gou, "We were just surprised that's all, we didn't expect that thing to break. The battles must be intense up there."

Melody, "I just hope they are alright."

Gold meanwhile was busy battling Lawrence, "Typholsion overheat, Togekiss fairy wind, Hitmontop use rapid spin."

Jessie, "Use poison tail Seviper. Arbok come help us old friend."

Arbok, "Arbok.", she gave Jessie a happy squeeze with her tail before attacking.

James meanwhile sneaked closer to Moltress who hissed at him, "Don't worry I will get you out of here."

Wheezing happily snuggled him, "Wheee wheezing."

James chuckled, "It's good to see you too old friend, I need you to melt this using acid. Can you do it?"

Wheezing nodded and focussed on creating his most potent acid before he shot at the steel cage holding the Fire Lord. Moltress screeched at him in thanks and used his own strength to break the damn cage before using wing attack on the ship. Gold held on to his Pokemon when he noticed that Moltress had escaped from the cage. A very familiar woman walked in and growled at them.

Arrianna, "What are you doing Lawrence?"

Lawrence frowned, "My job!"

Arianna turned to Jessie, "Well fancy seeing you here traitor."

Jessie snarked back, "Ah! If it isn't my lunatic obssessive lover. No wonder they figured me out."

Lawrence snorted, "Lover, Eh?"

Arianna hissed, "Do your fucking job! I will not clean up your mess brat."

Lawrence, "I can feel the love sis."

Arianna turned to Jessie, "You cost me an entire operation, backstabber. I'm going to enjoy breaking your pretty little mind and body."

Jessie's neck hair stood up, "If you walk away alive, I already killed half of your people, what makes you think I won't kill you."

Gold almost stumbled before focussing on battling Lawrence and his Pokemon, "Dodge and use flamethrower."

Lawrence, "You know I didn't expect the Champion to interfere in Kanto."

Gold, "You ruined my vacation. I'm just returning the favor."

Lawrence, "How juvenile and petty! My sister is gonna be really prissy about this failure."

Moltress finally irritated blew up the glass of the ship breaking a few beams off before flying out. Lawrence sighed before motioning for one of the grunts to go after Moltress and get him and the other two Legendaries.

Lawrence sighed, "I really don't want to do extra work but, come Gardevoir. Let's end this use hypnosis."

Gardevoir, "Oir!"

Gold, "I don't think so, Gengar help me girl!"

Gengar, "Gar!"

Lawrence, "How troublesome!"

Ash and the others in the meantime reached Ice island and moved to find the temple. It was a bit difficult to move around on the frozen island and it didn't help that the wind kept blowing icy cold. Gou commented it was probably icy wind that kept the island cold throughout the year, but he could be wrong about it. Scorbunny and Charizard put the three humans between them as they emitted body heat to keep them from freezing.

Melody, "I knew I was forgetting something."

Gou, "Warm clothes?"

Melody, "Yeah, can't believe it didn't cross my mind."

Ash, "We were in a hurry, hey either this path is straight forward or.... "

Gou, "It can't be that simple."

Melody, "Only one way to find out."

Ash walked up the path and saw in the distance marks left by human transport, probably Team Rocket, he decided. Gou saw what he was looking at and gave his hand a sweet before tugging it and entering the ice and snow covered forest. They had to move carefully across the forest as parts of the forest floor was covered in slippery ice and part covered in snow. Ash could feel the chill climbing up his legs and he hoped his toes had not frozen off, he didn't want to have an operation to reattach his toes.

Gou spoke up after a while, "Didn't we walk past this place?"

Melody, "I think we did."

Ash, "Lucario?"

Lucario pointed at a tree, -This is the mark I left.-

Milotic, -Illusion! Quick use your aura to disperse it!-

Lucario frowned before realizing that's probably the problem and gathered his aura in a ball before releasing it. When the aura dispersed Ash noticed they were not freezing anymore and were actually standing on a podium made of ice. Gou looked around and gasped getting the other's attention who looked at what he was looking at. They were standing in the middle of a clearing surrounded by cliffs before Melody realised they were in the middle of Ice mountain or rather at the top.

A female voice spoke, -Children? In my domain, interesting!-

Ash looked at where the voice was coming from, "Hello!"

Gou, "A Froslass? Out here!"

Melody, "She's so beautiful!"

Froslass looked amused, -Many strangely dressed people came here but left frustrated when they could not get further.-

Ash, "Are you the Gaurdian of Ice island? Does that mean every elemental island has a Guardian?"

Froslass, -More or less, but no I'm not a Gaurdian. This is my home. What brings you here, children?-

Gou, "We came looking for the last jewel actually. An idiot out there made Lord Lugia angry."

Froslass tilted her head, -Then, shouldn't they be the ones to take this responsibility? Why are a couple of children like you trying to atone for another person's mistakes?-

Ash grumbled, "Team Rocket responsible? I wish they were. I really wish they could be."

Melody pinched her nose, "They'll destroy my village before they can be bothered with responsibility."

Gou nodded, "Almost got impaled by them too."

Froslass hummed, -I see, well the temple is that way. But I owe the ice Lord a favour so I can't let you pass till you clear my test.-

Ash blinked, "Of course ma'am! I understand."

Phantump got to the front, "Phaaaa!"

Ash blinked, "Eh? Are you sure Phantump?"

Phantump nodded, Banette has been fighting for him and even Chimchar started taking part in the battles. He wanted to do it too, for Ash, and prove himself worthy. Ash gave a sigh, he knew his little one was getting more and more interested in battling and other things. It was only a matter of time before Phantump insisted he wanted to battle. Bannete came out of Ash's shadow, a habit he had developed after rejoining them, to cheer his friend.

Ash, "Alright then Phantump, get ready for the test."

Froslass grinned, -The test is very easy to understand but a little difficult to do.-

Ash, "We are listening."

Froslass, -You and I will have three chances to attack. The first one to land more attacks on the opponent wins. Are you ready?-

Ash saw Phantump nod, "We are ready."

Gou, "The test sounds easy enough."

Melody nodded, "Ash and Phantump will have to be good shots though."

Froslass moved using ice beam to attack which Phantump dodged.

Ash, "Use leech seed!"

The leech seed landed near Froslass but she floated higher than the vines could reach before attacking using Will-O-Wisp.

Ash, "Use Will-O-Wisp as well Phantump."

Froslass giggled, -Only one chance left child.-

Ash, "We'll make it count."

Phantump, "Phaaa!"

Ash commanded as Froslass attacked with hex, "Now imprison!"

Froslass, -Oh? Oh my! You won.-

Banette cheered, "Ban banette!"

Pikachu, "Pika pikachu!"

Lucario, -Well done!-

The female ghost type laughed merrily and Phantump giggled about his first win before he flew to Ash and nuzzled him. Ash grinned hugging the young ghost Pokemon close to him congratulating him on passing the test and moving to the temple that Froslass pointed to. They entered the temple and saw the last jewel they would need to collect and thanked the female ghost before heading back to Shamoutii. Back on Shamoutii island the news crew had found another helicopter ride to follow the trio Legendaries. Delia and Rose hearing about it insisted on going with them and Professor Oak to the middle of the storm. They got into the helicopter and soon were flying towards the area where the Legendary Pokemon were busy fighting.

Delia, "I don't see Ash anywhere, Professor!"

Samuel, "Ash is smart, I doubt he'll be near the Legendary Pokemon."

Rose, "And his Pokemon will keep him safe, you know how protective they are of him, right? Half of them think Ash is their mother."

Delia laughed weakly, "Oh I know, I'm a grandmother before Ash even got a lover."

The reporter Lisa turned to them, "Your son is Ash, right? He came here to this place?"

Delia nodded, "He actually came here to learn about the history of certain Pokemon only for this to happen. My little boy is like his late father you see. If he sees someone in trouble or in need, he'll rush to help them."

Rose, "I see someone coming."

Delia looked over relieved to see Ash alright but knowing better than to mention it, "At least it's not my son flying in this storm. I would ground him."

Lisa laughed, "So it's possible your son is safe somewhere. Shall we follow those three who just flew past us?"

Helicopter controller, "Course ma'am, I rather not be out here in this crazy weather."

However before he could move Moltress joined them and Team Rocket's ship went crashing down on Lightning Island. Gold, Maren, Carol, Jessie and James escaped the fallen ship on their Pokemon. Misty almost got a heart attack and whimpered as she watched them come out of the horrible wreckage. Chloe who was visiting Misty held her as she shook out of fear for her friends safety.

Chloe, "They are gonna be okay Misty. They won't let a crashed ship stop them."

Misty whimpered, "I know they can handle a ship crash, but that's Arianna. One of the most dangerous members and if my sister's information was right, part of the Hunters in Kanto. Last time she swore she would not let Jessilina leave alive, if they met again."

Chloe looked at the TV grim, "Jessilina is strong, she can handle her. You'll see, just watch."

Serena was in the chat, :I swear, if Ash ever comes to Kalos, I'm gonna bubble wrap him.:

Paul, :I am tempted to go there and do it right now.:

Kiawe, :At least Gou is with him right?:

Horace, :Oh no! He is just as bad!:

Chloe, :Guys, you are not helping! Misty is freaking the fuck out seeing Jessilina and the crazy Rocket Lady battling together.:

Mallow, :The one they said they met in Mt Moon, who swore to kill them?:

Lana, :Well! Fuck!:

Ritchie, :Charizard wants to fly to them but we are being stopped because we don't have clearance. He's getting pissed.:

Gary, :Same problem here!:

Green, :Silver is gaping, Gold is there with Ash, turns out he does care about his cousin.:

Sophocles, :He didn't react to the dress?:

Leaf, :His best friend is a lesbian, so no, he doesn't care much. He is worried about them however.:

Drew, :Hello, I'm Drew's friend, he's currently having a panic attack.:

Duplica, :I don't blame him just look at the news. Our friends are in the middle of that.:

Drew, :I see... He's calmed down now. I'll return this to him.:

Drew, :Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have left him.:

Misty, :How do you think I feel?:

Diantha had logged on to the chat after seeing the international news, :Everyone! Someone explain what is happening in Kanto.:

Cynthia, :You are here Dia!:

Lance, :We know, don't worry I'm on my way there. Gold is there too.:

Diantha, :I was asking for an explanation... And he's gone.:

Blue, :Red disappeared an hour ago. After seeing Shamoutii on the news. Drake is doing damage control alongside Lorelei.:

Leon, :Is this the strength of a Legendary? I can see dark clouds towards the general direction of Kanto from here!:

Alder, :And here I thought I was seeing things!:

Ruby, :I can see them too, Rayquaza has not left me alone since. Something about keeping me from being badly affected by another Legendary.:

Wallace, :As long as he is helping darling, it's fine.:

Wallace, :Wait.....:

Steven, :What does he mean by that? What do you mean Rayquaza is with you????:

Ruby, :Rayquaza came last night saying something was about to happen and, he didn't want to risk me losing my mind. As I just started to use aura, without a Lucario, to keep me safe.: *insert pic*

Cynthia, :That's actually very adorable. I'm glad you are better.:

Diantha, :Yes, I agree. What to do about this problem?:

Leon, :We wait I guess. So having a Lucario is necessary to learn aura use.:

Ruby, :They keep you safe from being affected by Legendary Pokemon aura. My Riolu is still an egg and won't hatch yet. So I guess I'm dependent on Ray for now.:

Alder, :You nicknamed a Legendary God of the Sky.:

Ruby, :Considering the fact we have battled side by side, I think it's normal, he doesn't mind it either. Is that Gold?:

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