
Chapter 42: Painful Journey

* Dagfinn *

* Since we left the capital for the neighboring town, our small convoy had to cross a lot of small local villages. The people of Adrun are quite hospitable compared to what I thought of them. It is perhaps the fact that they are from the lower classes that makes them so modest, in the capital everything is going too fast. Our armed escort of twenty guards was intimidating enough to freak out low-level thieves. We even had a few brawls in some villages but nothing really bad. Listening to me the trip was happening for the better but in reality *.

-Bring me some hot water Corinne * Yelled Phina *.

- Immediately miss.

* Phina's whims were insufferable. If there is one thing that I have learned about human women it is that they will never want to go back on their lifestyle no matter where they are. Phina behaved like home and demanded from her poor servant a quality of service worthy of a big hotel. The poor corrine barely 16 years old was constantly being manhandled and insulted but did not lose strength. It's not for lack of trying to help her but when I spoke to her she took me out *.

-I'm used to so don't worry.

* With a smile that hid her misfortune. At this point how would she receive any help from us. That night we camped under the stars with the employees and the guards. Sitting around a good fire, I quietly tasted the daily menu under the rather empty gaze of Phina *.

- Do you want a piece of it? * I say, handing her a piece of salmon *.

-No I pass for tonight.

-No man will marry such a skinny woman, you know. Especially not the prince. * I say sarcastically *.

- Are you blocked or what I said knew I was not hungry. * She shouted *.

* A vein appeared on my temple and I stared disdainfully *.

-So fuck yourself up and let us eat alone.

-I sit where I want to ok? And I'm cold.

-Cool down young kids. * Said a voice behind us *.

* The captain of the guard walked over and sat down right next to us with his packed lunch. He was a middle-aged man in his thirties with a scar on his cheek making it hard for people to see. Phina didn't even bother to look him in the eyes. He had brown hair with white highlights and he wasn't wearing his armor for our little dinner *.

-Do not fight. * He said *. You spoil the mood.

-It's you who spoils the atmosphere with your shitty face.

-Phina. * I was shouting *. Sorry Nisos, this girl has no respect or good manners.

-I'm used to it. And then his father pays us well so I'm not going to complain.

-If you could use that money to buy yourself something to cover your face instead of fucking whores.

* I was going to plant her with the fork in my hand when Corrine came to tell her that her "bed" was ready because yes every night the poor thing had to make a comfortable bed for her with the means at hand *.

- No more fools. *She says*.

* Then she left, gratifying us for her absence. I was left alone with the warrior who didn't seem to be affected at all by his words seeing how he devoured his meal *.

-How can you stay so calm Nisos I envy your self control.

-Oh you know she was always like that. Bitchy and annoying, no need to get used to it, acts like she doesn't exist.

-I see but it's really hard.

- Besides, the boss didn't tell me he had a son on the street. With his wife that died last year he had remorse or what?

-Uuuh let's say it's more complicated than that? How long have you worked for him?

- About 3 years. * He said, licking his fingers *.

* Not enough to be totally loyal to him then *.

-He found me in a war-torn area that reeked of death and fed me and my guys. Before I even knew it I had become his official bodyguard and had the good life. The world is strange eh?

-Say Nisos ... How does it feel to kill a man?

*I would like to have the opinion of a veteran*.

-Well ... it's just a job, you know.

* Hearing his words I remembered what my uncles told me when I was on adje *.

-Killing humans is just a job you know. * Uncle Lerch told me *. I don't have much against them in real life. The poor guys who get in my way always end up slaugther. I guess it will be like this until I die too.

* It was the same speech Nisos had given me, it looked like his alter ego, which surprised me*.

-What will you do the day or you will fall on stronger than you? Like a Killick.

-I have already seen a Killick. * He said dryly *.

-Hey really? * Did I really surprised *.

-He made my make up on my face. Look. *He say smilling* I survived by pure chance but inflicted a shoulder injury on him.

-He ...

-Injury that quickly disappeared, these monsters heal at breakneck speed.

* He put down his empty plate and started his glass of wine *.

-Today I am in a country where the powerful Killicks are licking the king, out of the question to face them again.

* With a movement of his foot he spilled some sand to put out the fire *.

-Go extinguishing the lights. Rest little boy war is for adults.

* He was really an interesting guy, this Nisos, I would like to chat with him a little more. I lay on the floor bogged down in a blanket and ready to fall asleep when I heard screaming. It came from where Phina was sleeping. Definitely she only causes problems, but she could be in danger. I got up quickly and ran through the camp before landing where she was crying but what was my surprise, I was quite horrified of what I saw. Corrine was lying on the floor with her mouth bleeding as Phina stomped on her in rage. This time it was too much, I was bursting with rage and was going to wring her neck, but Nisos got ahead of me and pushed the girl aside. I regained my composure but still annoyed I rushed at Phina, pushing her *.

-What's wrong with you? Are you going to continue for a long time to make her suffer needlessly?

-What are you talking about this crazy woman tried to kill me. It's normal that I punish her.

-Well she didn't try hard enough because ... Huh? How does that kill you?

* I saw Corrine getting up slowly while her mouth was still bloody. Actually there was a needle that had punctured her tongue from where all that blood was. Nisos crouched down and pulled the needle out of her mouth *.

-It's good you can go and take my place, I'll take care of her.

-Rather die. I'll go sleep in the cart.

* As if that weren't enough she forced the employees and unloaded boxes then lay down inside. Really she does not lack air this bitch *.

-Well. * Said Nisos who drew his sword *. Sorry I'll make it as painless as possible.

* A little shocked I intervened directly arm outstretched *.

- Hey hey hey you're going a bit fast here.

-Loose yourself kid. She tried to kill the boss's daughter. Your sister you know.

-Perhaps but it doesn't make sense, she gets treated like shit every day she has had many opportunities to get revenge but she never did. So why now and today?

-I don't really know and I don't care. Now step aside.

-I said no. * I was shouting *. And I'm your employer too, so sheathe your sword.

* He stared at me with his piercing gaze. At that moment I realized that even though I was a Killick, I couldn't beat him *.

-You really want to play it like that? * He asked jaded *. Ok I surrender.

* He reengaged his weapon and stood up before leaving. I then helped the maid to heal herself and gave her some water. There she explained to me what had happened *.

-As every evening I brought the young lady's "special" meal and as every evening I had to taste and tell her if it is good. Except this time ... There was a needle in the meal.

-A needle ?! * I said amazed *.

-Yes. Seeing this, the young lady went crazy believing that I wanted to kill her and she tried to take revenge on me.

-But it's stupid you could have pretended to drink.

-Do not blame her too much. * She told me tenderly *. She wasn't always that surly you know, but since her mother's death she's been upset.

*So what ? It does not give her the right to take the world on high. And is it this girl who intends to seduce Prince Emory? Considering how naive he is, he might accept her. We would have a crazy despot princess who would do arbitrary executions. But hey, I decided to let it go. The next day we were back on the road and we were more than 2 days from our destination. As we rode my mind was still pensive because of what had happened yesterday *.

-What are you thinking about Mini-boss? * Said Nisos amused *.

-Mini-boss where did it come from?

-Yesterday you behaved like a real boss. Even more than your horrible sister for that matter. So I call you Mini-boss. Come on tell me what are you thinking?

-It may be nothing serious if I'm right I won't have to worry.

-If you need an extra hand, I have plenty. * He said, showing his guys with his gaze *.

- Thank you for your support.

-It's enough stop. * Suddenly said Phina *.

* We were all a little surprised there, what else did she want? *.

-I'm exhausted, I can't move forward.

-Eh ? But we haven't even done half a day, how can you get tired so quickly? * I asked really shocked. *

-I'm hungry, and I have to urinate and also rest because I am really tired.

-What ... You only had to eat like everyone else. Come on, let's move on.

* She pulled on the reindeer of her horse and the beast stopped dead. She was stubborn and we were going to have to stop for a trifle. We were again forced to set up camp on the side of the road. Corrine helped her with his grooming while the cook had once again to serve him a delicacy. Besides, let's talk about the cook. I had quietly slipped into his private corner where he was cooking and there I was watching him *.

-Tch, this little bitch therefore knows no limits. * He growled *.

* The poor man must really drool over all these whims. But as I watched him I saw him put a razor blade in the stew. The suspicions were well founded, it was he *.

-My cooking is for those who know how to appreciate it.

* At the time I did not even want to stop it. Hopefully her throat will lacerate and die in excruciating pain. But when I think back to Philotas and his sad look, especially when he gave me his stupid girl. I don't want to see this brave broken man. As usual Corrine carried the meal to her young mistress *.

-You want me to taste it first?

-No otherwise the other idiot will make a scene out of it.

* She grabbed the plate and huffed a little before slowly bringing the food to her mouth. But just before she could taste it I kicked her meal violently, which spilled the stew. At first she was shocked at what had just happened and then she realized that she was covered in stew. Immediately her rage exploded *.

- You barbarian motherfucker how dare you? * She shouted *.

-Sorry there was a needle in your meal. * I said as I stared at her threateningly *.

* The pressure emanating from me calmed her momentarily but she kept her eyes cold and hateful. She stood up and motioned for Corine to follow her into the woods to help her change. Well I saved her but in the end it will remain boring. I turned around and walked over to the cook when I got to his level I whispered to him *.

-The next time you do this again I'll tell Nisos to skin you up in the woods.

* He immediately turned and fell at my feet, crying. I had just realized it but I had the right to life and death over this guy *.

-Please, it's just that ....

-Raise your head you're not dead yet. *I said*.

* He stood up trembling and thanked me *.

- Don't worry, you cook well, it's just her who gets on your nerves.

-You ... You understand me.

- Cook her something lambda I take care of her case from now on.

* He thanked me again very much and returned to the stove. Shortly after she changed I come to her with a new plate but she stared at me with a look of disgust *.

-What is this ?

-To excuse me earlier. I was immature I had the nerves for what you did yesterday I beg your pardon. * I say politely *.

-I don't care about that I asked you what's to eat in it?

* Definitely we can't be polite to her *.

-But damn it. And I don't give a fuck. * I replied, resuming my usual tone *. You will hurry to eat or we will let you die on the side of the road.

* She snatched the plate from my hands and I gave her a playful fake smile. She took bite after bite and began to walk *.

-Bah it wasn't that complicated.

* Suddenly she spat her food in my face. I kept my smile, but she gave me a satisfied smile *.

-That's for the spilled stew.

* Later when we took the road back on horseback *.

-Said Nasos ... You don't have a hitman or deserter friend? The kind who's ready to kill for any amount of money. * I asked sarcastically *.

-AH ? Mini-boss I have plenty.

-Oh I see. I might need their service one day.

-How many of them?

-ALL. * I say pissed off *. It will be for a Barbecue.

-Haha ... Hate to be there.

* While I was still in my reflection I did not feel what split the air, when I realized it was too late. Nasos deflected an arrow intended for me with his sword *.

- I was wondering when they were going to show up. * Said one of his men *.

-Finally a few actions.

* Suddenly we were surrounded by a horde of bandits. Seriously robbers? I thought our escort was quite a deterrent, but we won't say. I mean just to see the armor of the guards it was not of the small quality. By reflex I put my hand on my belt to draw my sword but I remembered that I did not have one. That day I finally understood this saying of Uncle Ralph *.

-A Killick always needs a sword.

* So I started looking for one but Nasos stopped me with a wave of his hand *.

-I told you Mini-boss. War is for adults.

* Definitely this trip is really painful *.

* End of chapter *

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