
Spartan Training

Klaust brace himself and focused his sight on Old Jack. Old Jack suddenly dashed from his place toward Klaust. Klaust prepared a blocking stance from his battle technique, a good technique but with his lack of experience it was looked pretty clumsy. Old Jack punch at the gap that appeared between Klaust hand hitting him right on the stomach sending him flying backward.

"Lesson two kid. Especially for your style, don't be hasty. Your style focused on counter so you need to wait until a moment before the opponent hit you before you instantly reacted to it. Now get up"

Klaust heard the lesson from Old Jack and etched it on his mind. He stood up again before entering his stance once more. Old Jack smiled seing that and dashed at him once more but not straight like before, he aproached from different angle. Klaust tried to block once more and managed to react but he was still hit in the end and fall to the ground once more.

"Lesson three kid. You are too stiff. Relaxed your body if you want to react quickly. Now get up"

Klaust keep getting hit by Old Jack, and Old Jack didn't hold back at all. Even with only a Lvl 1 fighter power with his experienced Old Jack could bully Klaust easily. But even with his body bruised all over, Klaust injury was a superficial one, only his skin get bruised all over while his flesh and bones seems like it was not affected. This terryfying control of power proved that Old Jack was actually a master and one at a really high tier. Of course Klaust couldn't realize this, what he currently felt right now was only exhausment with his body feeling pained all over the place.

Old Jack was planning to stopped once he saw Klaust exhausted and unabe to stand up but Klaust keep getting up and maintain his stance. The two continued for 30 minutes, an hour, an hour and half and finally before they reached two hours Klaust stopped getting up while gasping on the ground. Klaust keep trying to get up but his body won't listen to him. Old Jack seing the persistence in Klaust smiled for a second praising the kid determination in his mind. Old Jack then told Klaust to rest for a while.

"Ok you should lay there for a while kid" Old Jack then entered the hut leaving Klaust lying on the ground. Klaust wanted to protest that he should at least gave him some water or move him to the wooden chair on the side but he was to exhausted to talked right now. Old Jack walked out from the hut not long after. He brought a jar with him. He then walked toward Klaust and told him to get up and moved to the side.

"Get up kid. Don't over act. Move to the side and sit down there"

Klaust begrudgingly moved his body to the side and tried to sit down. He was feeling pain all over his body but he keep silent griting his teeth and sit down on the side. Old Jack smiled seeing the stubborn kid. He also went to sit behind the kid while taking the jar with him.

Klaust looked curiously at the jar but he didn't ask about it. It was not because he wasn't curious or don't want to talked but he was too tired to talked and it already take his all to moved his body and sit on the side.

Old Jack sit behind Klaust and opened the seal on the jar.(Once the seal was opened the nine tailed fox started to laugh like a ma- oh wait the wrong one). Once the seal was opened Klaust could smell a medicine fragrance from inside the jar. He was now really curious about what was inside.

"You are lucky kid. This is a medicine paste. It only affect those that was still in their teen. So it won't be useful for me. As for why it was only usable on teen, hmmm let's just say that your body is still in development phase so this kind of medicine could provide enough nutrition for your body so it will grow stronger than the other kid your age."

After talking about what is inside the jar Old Jack leave the jar behind Klaust before he stood up and once more entered his hut. This time he brought outside a big cauldron, big enough for klaust to went in and he put it on top a fire pit. He fill the cauldron with a boiling water and ignite the fire pit so the water inside would be keep at boilng point. Klaust gulped seeing that and he had a feeling that he was suspposed to be inside the cauldron and damn he jinx it. Old Jack walked toward Klaust and pick up the jar filled medicine and pour it inside the cauldron the he walked toward Klaust again while grinning.

"Time for a bath Kid"

He picked Klaust up and brought him toward the cauldron. Before he put him inside, Old Jack said a few word for Klaust as a reminder.

"This is going to be painful for a while. Try to enter a meditative state once you are inside the bath and relaxed. I already adjust the fire so you won't be boiled alive kid." Old Jack then beckoned to Klaust to entered the cauldron. Klaust stood dumbly for a while before he grit his teeth and entered the cauldron.

Once he was inside the bath water. Klaust felt his skin burned up from the boiling water but he grit his teeth and sit down inside. The bath water submerged him until only his head could be seen while his entire body was inside the bath water. He tried to enter meditative state just as he told to. Enduring the pain from the bruised and the boiling water for a while, the pain he felt slowly turned into a relaxing cooling sensation all over his body. This cooling sensation made him relaxed a little and he managed to enter meditative state.

When Klaust entered his meditative stated, somehow the Qi surrounding him started to moved toward him. Unlike the usual state where the Qi was absorbed to the surging point, the Qi surrounding him right now was actually absorbed by his skin to be exact his muscle, skin, blood vessel absorb the Qi that surround him. His muscle started to wriggle like a worm, the bruised on his skin started to heal slowly while his blood vessel slowly expanded and also strengthen.

Old Jack seeing the fenomena keep his calm like he was already expecting something like this to happened. But there is something that made him showed a bit expression on his eyes. The Qi that surround Klaust and strengthen his body started to split, a little amount of it went to his head. Old Jack never see something like this. The medicine paste he created only affect the body and it will show the most result when you boiled it and you bath inside the boiled water after a harsh training. That's why he prepared it for Klaust, but he never seen the Qi split a little and entered the head. Old Jack focused his eyes on Klaust and he could see a phantom image of Klaust on his head absorbing the Qi that split toward it. This moment only last for a minute before the phantom dissapeared slowly and the split Qi began to concentrated toward his body once more.

'That Phantom... As expected. The kid is more of a monster than his Dad' Old Jack pondered for a while. He looked like he had confirmed something that bother him for a while. He sit beside the boiling cauldron waiting for Klaust to finished.

Times passed, a second, a minute, an hour. After waiting for almost two hour Klaust finally opened his eyes. He looked around and realized that the water inside the cauldron is gone, even the cauldron itself already cooled down. It seems it had been a while since the fire burned. He get out of the cauldron and looked around the place. He could not see Old Jack around, so he tried to feel the change in his body. He moved his arm and give a straight punch, he felt that the power of the punch already surpassed his former strength by two notch at least. He also felt that he could sense and see the surrounding more clearly from before. He keep trying to punch and kick around to feel the change on his body and without him realizing Old Jack already stood on the side. Old Jack called out to him surprising him a little.

"Oi kid. How is it? What do you feel"

"Ahh!! You surprised me Old Jack"

"Don't react like a girl and answer my question kid"

"Ah yes. I feel my body strengthen a lot maybe at least by two notch? i'm not really sure how much"

"Okay. Prepared for another sparring. The best way to find out how much you grow is to spar"

Klaust suddenly remembered the sparring before (Well more like a beating) and shuddered. He gulped hard but he also know that the sparring also gave him some benefit. No enemies will give a mercy to him, and he was lucky to have a ruthless teacher that teach him in a spartan way. Also this spartan training is the best suit to his battle technique that demand a great physique and fast reaction. Without wasting time Klaust walked to the field and calmed himself before entering his fighting stance.

Seeing the kid walked toward the field without whining, Old Jack smiled slighly. He then walked toward the opposite side of Klaust and warned him.

"Brace yourself kid. Remember the lesson" Old Jack suddenly dashed right after he finished his word. He appeared in front of Klaust suddenly and punch toward him. Klaust feeling surprised by the sneak attack cursed Old Jack inside his mind. He tried to react accordingly and what a surprised he was able to block it in time. Klaust was surprised that he was able to react fast enough but before he could be happy, Old Jack moved once more. Old Jack sidestep to his left before giving Klaust a spinkick from the side. Klaust react by stepping backward. This time he tried to counter by trying to catch Old Jack leg, unfortunately he missed the timing and once again Old Jack started to give him punch and kick until Klaust finally get hit at the 10th move. Klaust that fall down to the ground have a big smile over his face, he could not believed that he managed to last until the 10th move when he could not even last until the 3rd move before. Klaust was surprised that the effect of the medicine was actually this good. Not only it strengthen his body but it also strenghten his sense and sight.

Old Jack was also surprised by Klaust improvement. Not only his body improvement that exceed the usual enhancement. The split Qi that was absorbed by the phantom also helped to enhance the kid sense and reaction speed. Judging by the rate of improvement of Klaust, he would be able to fight on par with someone stronger than him in no time and not to mention he was only a Lvl 1 fighter currently and Old Jack already expected that he will entered the Lvl 2 fighter in a week thank to the leftover Qi in his body and lvl 3 Fighter in a month time. This is something absolutely terrifying. Even the so called rich people at the upper district need at least a month to entered Lvl 2 fighter from Lvl 1, and another two month to enter Lvl 3 from Lvl 2.

Unbeknown to him Klaust could enter Lvl 3 Fighter within 2 weeks depending on Leakless Fruit inside the castle. One Leakless fruit was enough to ignite one shrine point and he only need to ignite one surging point to reach Lvl 2. Assisted by the regime training he could enter Lvl 2 fighter without the help of of Leakless fruit. Leakless fruit could be produced each week so assuming he didn't use the fruit to enter Lvl 2, in two week he would be able to reach Lvl 3.

Slowly and steadily Klaust would be getting stronger and stronger.

I'm back Guys ^^

Sorry for the wait T_T

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