
Part 56: The Dance Part 4


Dean was relieved when the words, " All done," left Alison's mouth. After he walked in he had been expecting her to help with the fur then head out to the dance but he was wrong. Instead, she sat him down on her desk chair and ran to her bathroom, and returned with a bag in hand.

  "Let's make you into a beast of the night," Alison smiled. 

And of course Dean not knowing what to do just agreed and followed her request of closing his eyes and sitting still.

After who knows how long, the brush strokes on his face ended and she asked him to stand up straight. 

"Okay so now is the tricky part, we can tie it around you or we can stick it on you," Alison listed his options.

Dean not being a fan of having things stuck onto him went with the first option. 

"Alright then well, you will have to remove your shirt so we can get to work." 

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