
Part Two


The urge to flee the room filled Evelyn with a terrifying urgency like one more minute in the room could result in something worse than what happened to her, so she picked herself up slowly, wincing from the terrible pain filling her inner thighs, her whole body ached from the blows she had received from the bastard. Encouraging herself to endure she gathered her torn clothes and tried to provide a little bit of privacy to her naked body before limping towards the door.

Scared of encountering anyone outside the building or worse the bastard responsible for her state she looked left and right at the door, and calmed a bit when it was all was clear she edged out of the door and tried to hurry as much as possible to the down floor. When she got there the security was not paying attention and she was able to sneak past him, and the universe being on her side for once tonight a cab was coming her way which she quickly flagged it down, throwing her address at the driver she flung the back door open and threw herself inside "go," she screamed at the driver with some urgency.

The driver threw a weird look at his passenger then shrugging his shoulder he drove forward.

Evelyn relaxed her head against the seat behind and tried not to think about what happened to her. Something she never imagined she will be a victim of. As her mind rolled around the incident filling her up with bitterness the tears came. it tracked down slowly down her cheeks, She tried controlling it but the pain and the bitterness choking her up were not making it easy to get her emotions under control.

Wanting something to take her away from the agony that was destroying her inside even for a moment she leaned against the window screen and watched the scenery as they passed trying to use the beautiful city as a light to illuminate her inside that was swirling in darkness, but it wasn't walking as her mind refuses to give up reminding her of the incident. it decided to torment her further by playing a repeat of what happened, and Evelyn found herself feeling as if she was back in that room helpless as the bastard took what he wanted.

This caused her to start hyperventilating, trying to get in the air but it seems the harder she tried the more elusive it was. The feeling that she is dying gripped her sending her into panic mode as she tried to get the driver's attention. she banged at the door so loud startling the poor man and almost causing him to crash as he clutched his break suddenly.

As soon as the man got his vehicle to stop he turned to his passenger to yell at her for almost scaring him to death only to find her looking as if she was choking to death. Panic filled the driver, he was lost at what to do but his passenger didn't give him time at all to organize his thoughts she just flung her door open and almost fell on the sidewalk.

Evenly righted herself and tried taking in breaths slowly, she could, when she felt her breathing coming down she turned to lean against the car with her forehead trying to get herself together.

"Are you alright?" a worried cab driver asked his passenger his voice filled with panic as he wondered what was wrong with the young woman. When he came around to the other side he got a full look at her, she looked like one who had gone a few rounds with someone with her coming out with worse of it. She needed to be in the hospital and not wherever she was headed, the cabby thought.

Evelyn could feel the worry and panic pouring off the drivers voice, she wanted to assure him that she was okay, but she wasn't no matter how she tried to make herself feel that way, she just couldn't, Evenly thought sadly feeling nauseous as all the food she enjoyed this evening came rumbling upwards, clutching her mouth with her fingers she ran to the sidewalk and emptied her stomach content. Without that out of the way, Evelyn felt minimal relief before the voice of the driver reminded her that she had an audience.

The driver watched as the young woman ran to the side and emptied her stomach, what the hell happened to her he wondered as the fear of the young woman dying in his hands rose higher. The best course of action is to convince the woman to go to the hospital they will know what to do, the driver thought happy to have come with a good solution. He posed this idea to the young woman and was surprised at the quickness which she used to shut him down.

Evelyn could feel the wheel turning in the drivers head as he tried to figure what could be wrong, but Evelyn was not expecting his suggestion of going to the hospital, although she should have, because any other person in her condition will be opting for the hospital but Evelyn was weary of the questions and probing that will follow if she was to go to the hospital and all Evelyn wanted at the moment was to go home shower and forget that this day ever happened. So she looked at the driver trying to portray the aura of someone that is okay told him.

"I am okay, just something I ate didn't agree with me, just take me home, "Evelyn finished and went back into the car. Sitting with her body folded on itself as she waited for the driver to start again.

The driver didn't believe the young woman but he couldn't force her to go to the hospital, shaking his head at what he assumes was the young woman stubbornness he re-entered his car and set them on their way.

The cabby parked in front of our house and Evelyn searched her bag for his fee, finding twenty dollars she stretched to the driver.

Don't worry man is alright, the driver said politely with a piteous look in the woman's direction.

Not really up for arguing with the driver, Evelyn whispered her thanks and got down from the vehicle, and watched as he drove off before turning to face her home.

She had this mixed feelings about going inside, she didn't want to face her ma, looking like this at the same time she craves the comfort of her mum's arms not knowing what to do she decided the best course of action will be to sneak pass her mum get cleaned up before facing her.

Melinda was not settled as she paced around the living room waiting for her daughter to come home, she can't shake this feeling that something was wrong. She had never trusted that Smith of a man with his charming and fake gentleness but her daughter had been too infatuated to listen to reason, hope she is alright, Melinda thought casting another glance at the door. The arrival of a cab outside the door drew her to the door and she watched her daughter make her way slowly towards the house with her clothes in disarray. Fear filled her up as she imagined the worse. She flung the door open as soon as her daughter got close but before she could open her mouth to ask what was wrong she ran past her living confused and frightened.

Knowing her mum, Evelyn was not surprised that she was waiting at the door but not yet ready to reveal what happened to her had run to her room where she locked the door behind her before sliding down the door in agony and pain as another wave of tears hit her.

Melinda quickly followed her daughter but not quick enough because she met a locked door.

"Evie baby are you alright?" Melinda asked her daughter while pleading for her to open and let her in.

The pleading and worried tone of her mum made Evelyn cry harder as she felt bitter at having to face her mum with this, she didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. it will kill her.

Dragging herself up towards the bathroom, Evelyn decided to clean up first before thinking of facing her mum.

I stood up slowly, my legs shaking badly, and dragged myself into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, the feel of the water from the showerhead stung so many of her bruises making her flinch and reminding Evelyn that she was still alive, keeping at bay this numbness that was creeping into her soul.

She allowed the water to run freely down my body not moving to scrub or clean up.

Evelyn wished the water could wash away the whole night from my body, his touch, the feel of him inside me.

The whole incidence flashed through her mind again sending her into panic mode as she picked up my sponge and started scrubbing her body hard trying to scrub away his memories, she scrubbed till her body turned red while weeping bitterly, yet there was no difference, frustrated she flung the sponge away and slides down to the floor more tears pouring down her cheeks.

Evelyn stayed a few minutes more inside the bathroom before dragging herself up and out, the shower.

The feel of her clean clothes gave her some kind of comfort and allowed her to open the door for her mum who was leaning against the wall waiting patiently.

"Oh!, baby what happened?" Melinda cried catching her daughter who fell into her arms as soon as she opened the door. asked looking very worried. All she got in response was her daughter sobbing hard as she clung to her, and this rose her suspicion as to what was wrong a notch.

Cradling her daughter tenderly she assisted her to the bed where she sat down and took her into her arms offering as much comfort as she could in silence, waiting for the crying to abate before finding out what happened.

"Is alright baby, it is all going to be okay," she crooned to her daughter, stroking her hair.

"How?, mama, " Evelyn asked sniffing hard as her chest heaved from her crying, eyes were swollen and filled with more tears.

"Because you are a strong baby," Melinda murmured kissing her forehead.

"But I haven't even told you what happened ma," Evelyn said looking up at her.

"You didn't have to sweet baby," Melinda whispered having an idea what could have happened.

Bastard, she cursed the man in her mind, trying not to let her daughter know the fury that was raging through her. She wasn't going to allow the man to get away with taking advantage of her daughter even if she has to spend her last penny.

"Is all my fault, maybe I asked for it" Evelyn lamented in anguish, lying back on her Mum's lap as she tried to figure out what she did to deserve this. Was God punishing her for something, I must have committed a grave sin for this to be my punishment, she grieved in agony.

"Shush baby is not your fault, " Melinda crooned stroking Evelyn tenderly, weeping inside for what her daughter was going through.

"I wish I never met him, " Evelyn whispered.

"Is going to be OK my darling" Melinda kept saying as her hand continued to move through her daughter's hair gently. She really hopes that her daughter recovers from this.

"What are we going to do?" Evelyn asked softly feeling so tired and sleepy.

"We will talk about it tomorrow, now rest my darling," Melinda said laying her head gently on the bed as her eyes drew a shot.

"No! no! no! please don't," Evelyn begged the man on top of her as he tore her clothes, "you know you want it sweet cheeks, common let Papi have it." the man whispered with a wicked grin. "Please not like this," Evelyn continued to beg but the man wouldn't listen as he forced himself into her tearing a scream out of her throat.

"No!!!!!!!!!!!!! She screamed, jerking up from the bed, she looked around in fear, it was a nightmare, a nightmare that really happened, she thought as her heart thundered in her ears while her eyes filled with tears again.

Melinda jerked up at her daughter scream hurried to her door, flinging it open she immediately ran to her daughter when she heard her sniffing.

"Are you alright baby?" she asked her joining her on the bed.

"No, " Evelyn whispered, pulling her mum close as she clung to her.

"Oh, my darling," Melinda murmured in sympathy lying down on her back then pulling her daughter to lay on her chest, while she tried to comfort her.

"We are going to the police baby, "her mum whispered out of nowhere causing Evelyn's heart to skip before it started racing fast. She didn't want to go to the police, in fact, she just wanted to put the whole incident behind her.

"Do we have to mum?" Evelyn asked in a soft scared tone.

"We have to baby, cause we don't want another female falling prey to that bastard. He deserves to be lucked up, not free to be taken advantage of young women."

Evelyn nodded her head, even though she didn't want to do this her mum has a point.

Outside the police station, the next day, Evelyn sat with her mum inside the car as they watched people enter and leave the station. she was filled with anxiety and wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"Are you ready?" Melinda asked her daughter having noticed her reluctance. She knew her daughter didn't want to be here, she didn't blame her but they needed to do something or the bastard get away with what he has done.

Evelyn just nodded her head and moved to get out with her mum the following suit.

They both walked towards the entrance with Evelyn casting her gaze to the ground feeling as if with one look at her people can see what happened and see her shame.

"We here to make a complaint," Melinda said to the officer overweight middle-aged African American officer at the front desk, who was busy stuffy his face with doughnuts he had no business eating anymore.

"What's about ma?" The officer asked with an uninterested and bored look on his face that pissed off Melinda causing her to hiss out, getting the attention of the man, as he strengthened up and took a closer look in their direction.

"What happened ma?" the officer asked softly looking at the young woman beside the older lady.

"My daughter was raped last night, " Melinda whispered lowly.

Evelyn winced from her mum's blunt words and couldn't lift her face to gauge the officer's reaction.

"Right this way MA, " the officer said leading the two women further into the station.

The whole place was a buzz of activities as policemen came in and went with suspects with some of them screaming profanities and proclaiming their innocence. The whole pandemonium helped distract Evelyn from the ordeal coming next till their voices were silenced all of a sudden bringing her back to reality.

The office we entered had a female officer behind the seat her head bent as she read something off the computer in front of her. She looked beautiful and very confident behind her desk.

"Detective Crook, these folks here would like to tell you something" the officer that brought us in said, drawing her attention away from the computer to us.

"You can have a seat ma, " she said her gaze including me as she directed us to a seat.

If not for the situation Evelyn would have found it hilarious that an officer of the law is bearing the name crook.

"So how can I help you ma?" she said in a kind tone matching the soft look in her eyes which helped Evelyn relax and the fact she was a woman a bonus.

"My daughter was raped last night by her date," Melinda said bluntly staring into the officer's eyes, her eyes laying bare the rage she was feeling on her daughter's behalf.

Detective Crook screwed her face not to react to the woman's words but couldn't help wincing inside. She hated this kind of case cause they always turn out messy and most time the bad guys get away with their crime.

"What happened?" Crook asked, looking at the young woman sitting meekly in her seat her gaze cast down to her hands which she has been shuffling around ever since she sat down.

The officer's question triggered Evelyn causing the incident to flash through her mind as she started breathing fast, she was finding it difficult to get in air but she tried forcing it as her panic level grew to a threatening stage as she felt like she was being surrounded by darkness trying to pull her in.

Melinda reacted quickly to her daughter's state, she took her hands into hers drawing her attention to her she spoke softly to her trying to calm her down with her words as regret filled her for bringing her child here when she obviously didn't want to.

Crook waited patiently as the mother calmed her child before she said "You don't have to tell me everything in detail," she told the young woman in a soft tone.

"We are sorry, officer, coming here was a mistake, "Melinda cut in before her daughter could say anything, as she stood to her feet ready to walk out.

Evelyn took several deep breathes to get her self together, pulling her mother's hand she made her sit back down before facing the officer.

"I will tell you everything, "Evelyn whispered bravely.

"Are you sure?" Melinda questioned with concern watching her daughter's face.

Evelyn nodded her head without looking at her mum all her focus on the officer who nodded her head for her to begin.

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