


I walked into my next class to see the dork that I had seen in the hallway. There was only one seat open and it had to be in front. I sigh as I make my way towards the seat.

He waves from behind and I can't help myself as I ignore him.

My mind was still on Zack and I swear if that stupid bell had not rung, I would have been in his arms with my lips on his.

Maybe he wasn't really dating Juliet and I was just overthinking everything.

Mr. Miller walks in and halts all my thoughts with his presence. His voice lingers a little longer as I take in what he had just said.

"Excuse me sir? " I had to ask since I was too busy trying not to listen.

"You're with Mr. Gomes for this semester's literature project." He walks towards me and places the instruction sheet on my desk as I sit there very confused.

"Gomes?" I ask.

"Yes, Ms. Jenkins. Mr. Gomes, show yourself to the beautiful Rossita Jenkins." As he says that, he turns his back towards me and gradually makes his way back to his desk.

I quickly blush and shift my eyes to meet with the only boy in the class that I definitely did not want to be placed in a project with.

"Gomes?" I ask, stunned.

"Yes, that's me." He laughs.

"You're that same dork boy from the hallway, " I gasp, as I connect two and two together.

He stands, walking towards my desk in front.

"Well... that's one way to put it." He chuckles, as he shifts his eyes to the sheet that lays untouched on my desk.

"May I?" He points at the sheet as he leans in to grab it.

"Go right ahead, partner," I snort, as I wait for the lunch break bell to ring.

After a few minutes of silence and just when I thought I was going to go insane, the bell rings.

I rush out -- I honestly don't know why.

I usually sit alone unless my dear sister is generous enough to let me hang out with her group of exclusive friends.

As I walk towards the cafeteria, I spot Zack busy chatting up some freshmen girl wearing a mini skirt.

Obviously he would be there. I felt jealous and possessive all of a sudden. It was weird.

Him and I were not even exclusive.

Wait. Nothing even happened between us.

I really do have it hard for Zack.

He waves me over but I ignore him as I make my way towards the long cafeteria line. I have a mind that makes decisions for itself, because if my heart had control, I would stroll to him without a second thought.

He tells the girl off and walks towards me. I look down to check what I'm wearing -- maybe it's this burgundy sweater that I have on or maybe the converse shoes-- I bite my lip, unsure of the sudden attention I'm receiving from him. I'm not complaining, my insides are dancing from the immediate attention.

"You look pretty this morning." He smirks.

"I doubt it," I reply. We all love compliments, but I knew he was lying -- nothing about what I was wearing screamed pretty, maybe dull -- now that's the perfect word for it.

"But I think so, don't my thoughts count?" He asks, amused.

"Not with me they don't," I reply with annoyance, but who was I kidding, anything he says I took it to heart.

"Ouch. Rose, you're hurting my feelings." He places one hand on his chest.

Oh Zack, I don't mean it -- ignore my mind.

"I told you already. My name's not Rose." I shift as the line of people move.

My homework for today is to have a word with my mind -- I'll write it an essay so it gets the bigger picture. If it ruins this for me, I won't forgive it.

"What did you just say? I think I'm kind of deaf," he says.

"I said you're a nerd," I say as the line moves again.

Oh Rossita, you've done it again -- please shut up!

"Who are you calling a nerd?" He asks, ticked off.

He seems to be offended and that somewhat makes me smile.

"I thought you were deaf?" I ask, amused.

"I... You are full of jokes this morning. I'll see you around, Rose." He chuckles as he removes himself from the line and walks towards his group of friends.

I stand there for one minute just recollecting what went down.

Is he really interested in me or is he playing with my heart?

"Do you seriously think he likes you?" Juliet suddenly says, standing besides me.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter. Answer my question."

She was adamant for an answer.

"I don't know to be honest," I replied.

"He's a bad boy and on top of that is a jock," she says as if that was supposed to make sense to me.

"Why are you telling me this exactly?" I ask.

"Because he's not your type," she states.

Juliet had no right to say that.

Who is she to know my type?

I felt really sick to my stomach for the second time today.

"You probably should leave right now," I say.

"I'm only telling you this because you're Chloe's sister and I don't want you getting hurt," she says.

"Thanks Juliet, I'll keep that in mind when I do talk to him again," I tell her.

"You're planning on talking to him again?" She asks, bewildered.

"I don't know. Maybe," I say, unsure.

"He only wants a good time - unless you want to give him that?" She points out knowingly.

"Of course not. What do you take me for?" I ask, annoyed.

But on a serious note -- my heart would love that idea, but like I said -- this mind of mine knows what's best for me.

"A good girl," she states.

"Who said I was good?" I asked her, even though I knew she wasn't lying.

"You read books for enjoyment," she says in disgust.

"And that's supposed to make me a good girl?" I ask.

"You've never kissed a boy before," she says.

"... Yes I have," I retort.

"Who?" She asks amused.

"I can't remember," I declare.

"Now that's why you're too innocent for Zack," she says.

"If you're interested in him, tell me now or else I won't stop messing around with him," she adds.

I should have told her, but I didn't. Instead I lied and watched as she walked away from me.

It was very clear that I needed to have a much needed talk with myself.

For one -- Juliet is bitchy and does not respect girl code.

"Are you okay?" Gomes asks as he stares at me through his glasses. They seemed off, like he wasn't meant to be wearing them, but who was I to question this dork creature next to me.

"I'm okay." I say, although I was very much not.

"What if I wasn't okay - what would you do then?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Is this a trick question?" He says and I roll my eyes in response.

"I'd let you vent," he says as he waits for me to approve.

"You know what, I'm fine. Let's leave it at that," I say, trying to cut our conversation short.

"We need to start with that literature assignment soon. When are you available?" He suddenly asks.

Going through my schedule today all I had was homework and then I remembered that Chloe said Juliet would come over and there is no way that I am going to be home to welcome her.

"Why don't we go to your house right after school - and don't get any ideas, nothing will happen," I say, trying to convey a sense of disgust and he just shakes his head and smiles.

Beautiful Rossita -- just great!

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