
Chapter 3.36 – Wednesday, 10th August, 9.24 a.m.

Today's the last day Principal will be staying here.

Ever since my true personality takes place that day— there are some visible changes.

First, Dómr and the others are sparkling clean, and it seems they have been properly cleaning themselves ever since.

Second, Restia and Ruby had been even clingier than they already are, yet for some reason, they also grew more independent at the same time. It's like they had some sort of resolve and determination. Restia had fully mastered teleportation magic in both long and short distance, and she could teleport several times a day in long distance. In addition, she also learnt how to grasp the 'Force of Will' as well.

Third, Principal made me go through a hellish training.

For the first two days, Nightwalker and I were taught of the 'Force of Will'. Apparently, the techniques we could pull off are in 50-50 fragments of our own.

On the 4th day, Principal and Nightwalker climbed to the top of the mountain together without taking any breaks, which then— Principal pushed Nightwalker over a bottomless cliff. Since we shared the same memories, it scared the hell of us. It's thanks to Nightwalker's 'Defensive Cladding' and sturdy body that this body managed to survive with minor injuries.

The scary thing is, Principal followed Nightwalker by leaping down the cliff as well.

Even if Nightwalker wants to refute, he can't. I mean, he’s doing the same thing.

Then he'd carry Nightwalker's lifeless body back home.

In the following days, he continued to train us with gravity training and the training of Force of Will.

On the 11th day, at night, he blindfolded and tied me when I was in bed, then he threw me into the forest at the Cithaeron Lion's territory. Thanks to Anticipation and Foresight, I managed to survive and made it out of the forest with minor scratches before dawn comes.

He'd greet me by the border of the forest and carried me back home.

Then he trains us with more gravity training and the training of Force of Will.

On the 17th day, he sunk me into the sea with a giant boulder tied to my waist with massive chains. I barely survived by biting a part of my skin to let out some blood to attract the sea monsters to attack me, which they'd break the chains, allowing me to escape to shore.

He'd greet me at the beach of the sea and carried me back home.

Then he trains us with intense gravity training and exchanging one-sided blows with our Force of Will.

As for Restia and Ruby, they have been training to teleport once a day, which then, he would bring them back and made them go through the training of Force of Will and martial arts.

It was heart-aching to watch how they go through all of that.

But compared to me, their training is much friendlier.

By the way, every time that guy carries me back like a piece of luggage, he'd throw me to rest on the sofa while discussing his strategies with Nightwalker and me regarding Central imperial Island. Nightwalker and I were to give out suitable suggestions while he would point out the mistakes and errors of our strategies.

His training is torturing us both physically and mentally.

On the 19th day, our training finally came to a halt. We'd thoroughly went into discussing strategies alone with the intel he's been gathering at Silesia Republic since his memories recovered.

Firstly, the news of the missing King of Central Imperial Island— that's him, has spread throughout the world. Rumours said that the King was assassinated by Regalia Empire's spies. The royal family of the King did not make any response regarding this incident.

Secondly, it was confirmed that the Regalia Empire is preparing an army of an estimated 6 million strong to launch an invasion. Though there are no more specific details, but from the looks of it, obviously, it's towards Central Imperial Island. The problem is a part of units they are sending out— they are the Insignia Troopers.

Insignia Troopers are one of the core units of the Regalia Empire. They are cold, heartless killing machines that kill regardless of age and gender. Since they were made with the alloying of adamantine and mithril, they are nearly impregnatable through physical attacks— bullets are basically useless. The only way to damage them is through specially enchanted weapons or powerful explosions.

Thirdly, nations nearby Central Imperial Island had signs of preparations due to the missing King of Central Imperial Island. As for what they are preparing, we believed they were ready to launch an attack if the Regalia Empire failed.

Since Central Imperial Island is a closed border country, there are no other information leaks aside from the news of the missing King.

I believe such terrifying news was spread by the Regalia spies, who knew about the King's death (even though he's not).

To be honest, I can't blame them for giving incorrect information. Because there's not a single soul who entered Bermuda Triangle could get out, dead or alive.

Thanks to that news, I'm confident that they are still residing within Central Imperial Island to support the incoming Regalia Army. This means they won't be leaving for now.

Principal told me no matter how it goes— Central Imperial Island would definitely win this war; it's just that he needs to reduce the casualties as much as possible.

With those limited intel and theories, we discussed for weeks and finally devised two solid strategies.

The first strategy was devised by Nightwalker.

Because Central Imperial Island is located at the centre of the Regal Horizon Ocean, they were protected from getting a land invasion, and it is impossible for them to travel through teleportation magic and gate magic.

Only a few in this world are capable of such large-scale magic, and Regalia Empire isn't one of them— or so Principal told me.

As for the sea invasion, there's a high chance that their boat will be sunk by the sea dwellers or sea monsters.

This means the only choice for them to invade safely and quickly— air.

When selecting the fastest route, they will be flying across three countries in total.

Their names are Garleia Republic, Grand Kryptos and Altissa Kingdom.

Garleia Republic and Grand Kryptos are on good terms with Regalia Empire, while Altissa Kingdom remains neutral.

And among them, Altissa Kingdom is the closest country to Central Imperial Island and furthest from Regalia Empire. Their place is also geographically decent to commence a pincer attack with Central Imperial Island to strike down the Regalia Army once they entered the ocean region.

The problem is, we weren't sure about the reason for Altissa Kingdom's high alert.

The Altissa Kingdom might just be preparing their defences just in case if Regalia Empire would change course to their country instead.

Or else, they are preparing to launch an invasion on Central Imperial Island if the Regalia Empire failed.

Nevertheless, both Principal, Nightwalker and I knew that we can't just watch and guess their motives—thus, the best choice we had is for the King of Central Imperial Island to meet the Queen of Altissa Kingdom in secret, if possible, declare an alliance.

We assumed that it is highly likely for the Queen of Altissa Kingdom to refuse the alliance since there's no merit for them to gain.

And so, Principal will be handling the negotiations against the Queen of Altissa Kingdom. For example, there's a chance that the Regalia Army would expand their course after they invaded Central Imperial Island, or the Regalia Army would take over Altissa Kingdom first, then continue to advance on Central Imperial Island, et cetera.

Even if the Queen of Altissa Kingdom refuses in the end, Central Imperial Island still had its own allies of six— Central Imperial Island will still win. But it's still better to have another ally instead of an enemy.

And as for the enemy, Central Imperial Island's only sole enemy is the Regalia Empire.

To be honest, I had no idea about the Regalia Empire's goal.

If there is a need to expand their territory, weren't they supposed to take over the countries nearby their region?

I don't understand why would they went through all the trouble to fly over three countries just to invade it— there's a risk of getting interrupted by other countries. Well, then again… only idiots or fools would dare to challenge the Regalia Empire.

But even so, is there really a need to capture and interrogate the King of Central Imperial Island? It's as if the King (Principal) had some sort of secret weapon that the Regalia Empire wants that they'd even prepare an army of 6 million strong.

…Their motives are, indeed, unknown.

I asked Principal, but was returned with vague replies and answers instead.

Nevertheless, no matter their goals, we still need to get rid of or capture the remaining spies that remain within the island, which will be my strategy.

Yet, that would depend on this intel we are going to get now.

[Doo Doo]

Principal and I are currently waiting in my room with the door locked, while Restia and the others are, as usual, training.

Principal brought himself a smartphone from Silesia Republic, using my Black Card. He tempered the phone with his magic so that it wouldn't be traced by anyone during the call.

To make it easier for me to listen, Principal set it to loudspeaker mode.


It finally connected after six attempts.


The person on the phone isn't talking, but I could hear heavy breathing that sounds rather anxious.

"…Who are you…?"

I was surprised when the person who responded is a mature young lady.

"A dead man."


The moment that lady heard Principal's reply, she immediately gasps from agitation.


Suddenly, the phone had the sound of a door slamming shut and locked.


The sound of curtains moving.


…Clapping her hands? Is she casting an isolation barrier…?


It seems she's taking a breather to calm herself.

"Who is the only person that could call you 'White Rabbit'…?" She suddenly asked.

"!?" I was surprised.

She's the Queen…!?

I didn't expect Principal to call his spouse right from the start.

And this question— are they going through security questions to confirm the person on the phone is Principal…? She's very cautious.

But, isn't this answer a little too simple…? It's evident that the answer was her—

"None." Principal answered.

—is that so!?

"If there's an argument between you and me, who will always be the winner?"

There's still more…?

Well, I can't underestimate this for a second time.

The answer must be her, I'm sure of it.

"I don't argue with you."

…The answer was so obvious that it slipped past my mind.

"What are the three words that I would love to hear from you…?"

The third one…? This must be the last one.

… It's simpler than I thought.

This must be 'I love you'.

"Drop dead, bitch."

…Never mind.

"D… Darling…!" The lady from the phone said with a shaky voice. "I'm glad… I knew you are alive…!"

"Honey, I'm sorry for not giving you a call up until now." Principal replied sadly.

"(Sniff…) W-Where— Where are you now…!? What happened to you…!?"

"Not now, honey." He stopped her from asking. "I'm not confident that this line is not wiretapped."

"… I'm making sure it doesn't." She uttered in a serious tone. "You are free to say anything, darling."

As expected from Principal's wife… From her calm and intellect response, it looks like she's indeed the only person who could give us what we need.

"Where are the kids…?" Principal asked.

"…They are safe with me."

"Thank goodness…" Saying that, he heaved a sigh.

Then, he breathes in deeply.

"…Please don't tell me my SHIELD members are dead."

Principal said with such an anxious look. It looks like he's been worrying about them for quite some time now.

Is he talking about the six close aides that were supposed to be with him on his private jet…?

Indeed… if those are the imposters, then something must’ve happened to the originals.

"They aren't— but they aren't alive either." She replied.

"What happened…?"

"All six members were found terribly injured at their home— they were stabbed with a magic sealing knife with an extremely lethal poison. Though the doctors cleared the poison, but because we found them after their grace period… they were now in a coma state."

Principal somehow looks relieved when he hears that. Perhaps, he expected them to be dead.

"…Any signs of torture?" Principal then asked.

"……Brutally." She replied, with a heavy tone. "Excluding the uses of drugs to stimulate the pain nervous system… especially Sheryl and Irene— they had part of their skin ripped, and the doctors believe… their nervous system was exposed to saltwater."

…How brutal.

And it seems the SHIELD members are created with the first initial of their names.

"…Damn it all!"


While uttering those words, Principal slammed his fist on the floor with anger. He's hitting even harder than the last time that his hand is bleeding.

"Darling…" Principal's wife murmured. "…You know we can't afford to lose you too."

"Erm… ah… I'm sorry— it's just that— never mind."

Perhaps blood is rushing to his head now; Principal's words are just as scrambled as his face right now.

"…What else do you have, honey?" He asked.

"We were able to trace their location with the phone calls you baited them with, but…"

As soon as she paused, Principal immediately heaved a sigh.

"…A decisive suicide, huh." He muttered.

"…Poison suicide, to be precise— they committed suicide before we could catch them."

Principal, he— he baited them when he was interrogated…!?

"And…? Where were they found? Hotels?" He asked.

"…Yes. We found a few at different places, but— their numbers are larger than we thought."

"…I knew it. There was more blending within the palace. I should've expected that when they already disguise themselves as my SHIELD members… Tell me— who else was disguised…?"

"Courtiers, knights, maids, butlers, chefs, and even some citizens… a total of 24 spies were found for now…"

…That's a large number. I can't believe the Regalia Empire sent that many of them to infiltrate Central Imperial Island. What’s more, if they could take out the SHIELD members… they must be strong.


"…I'm sorry." She replied, with a shaky voice. "…They were found that their home— including their family members…"

After hearing that, Principal falls into deep silence.


Which then, my heart trembled from the heavy atmosphere, or rather, the rage and bloodlust I felt from Principal.

Perhaps, this is his 'intimidation'.

Sorrow and anger— that's what reflecting on Principal's face right now.

…Not even standing at the gravity field had this kind of weight.

"…Why……?" Principal suddenly murmured. "…What did they do……? Why…!"

"Darling…?" The lady on the phone seems to be at a loss. "Please— calm down…!"

"…They should be destroyed… Yes— I should destroy THEM…!"

Though I hate to admit it— he's just like me. When our emotions took over us— our rationality was robbed away.

Acting based on emotions is not a quality that a king should have.


Before he could do anything stupid, I punched Principal in the face, which he crashed backwards.

"Have you cool down yet…?" I asked.

"…………Yeah." He replied, staring at the ceiling with a blank look.

"A…… kid?" The lady from the phone suddenly murmured.

I wondered why Principal didn't reply immediately, but his spouse— is patiently waiting for one.

It took Principal a moment to respond. He got up, and stared at the phone for a few seconds.

"…Honey." Principal said to her. "This brat here… is 'his' son."


I wondered why, but she seems surprised for a moment. And is it my problem that I hear another voice aside from her…?

"…No wonder you were leaving in such a hurry." She suddenly muttered. "This means…"

"No, honey."

Principal stopped her without saying anything extra. Because he knew the more he talks, the more information I had.

"…Does this have something to do with my parents?" I asked.


Principal knew I don't want to hear his answer; that's why he didn't answer.

That's right. I want to hear it from someone else.

I want a genuine answer.

"…Deary." She said to me. "…It's best for you not to know the answer."

"I could decide what's best for me."

"That stubbornness— you are indeed, 'his' son." She told me. "Unfortunately… aside from your parents, not even we knew the answer."

"What nonsense are you talking about…!?" I uttered. "Are you telling me— I should find them myself!?"

"…If that's what you want, so be it." She replied coldly.

"That's enough for now." Principal suddenly cuts in.

He then stared at me with a sentimental expression.

"Time, will tell you the answer, brat." He concluded. "It will be futile even if you force us, because we don't have the answer."

Hearing that, I could only close my eyes in pain and heave a sigh.

"…Fine then," I replied to them.

"Back to the topic— honey, did you hear about the rumours about Regalia Empire…?"

"It's true. However, it's not an army of 6 million, but 16 million." She said.

Principal and I were stunned frozen when she told us with such certainty.

"Really… now." Principal then murmured from the tense atmosphere. "Is it from Vann…?"

"It is." She replied confidently. "He infiltrated into the capital city the moment he heard your news."

It seems Vann is a spy working for them.

"No wondered. What else does he have…?" Principal asked.

"We aren't just dealing with the Insignia Troops— there's even the Insignia Special Forces. They were leaded by Richthoven LeVier and Reitsch Litvyak.”

Principal's eyes narrowed from the intel she had.

"…That famous duo." He then uttered in a serious tone. "An Army General (AG) and Air Chief Marshal (ACM)… I could perhaps hold off those two all by myself, but as for the rest of the troops…"

For some reason, Principal seems to be in frustration.

"It seems… we don't have a choice but to tell 'her'…" He murmured with a shaky voice.

"Lucillea…? I've already told her the moment you went missing."


While uttering that, he scratched his head like a madman. The anger he had just now have completely vanished into thin air.

"Who is she…? One of the SHIELD members…?" I asked him.

"Can we not talk about her…? I'm scared." He said to me while making a terrified look.

For some reason, it's fun to see him making a face like that.

"…If she's joining in, then there should be no problem with the 16 million armies, at worst case." He said. "Then all that's left is the alliance with the Queen of Altissa Kingdom and the remaining spies…"

"Altissa Kingdom…?" Vice suddenly interrupted. "Darling… they agreed to form an alliance two days ago."

"W-What…!? Don't tell me……"

"Lucillea— she successfully persuaded the Queen two days ago."


Though I had no idea who she is, but if she could represent Central Imperial Island to form an alliance with Altissa Kingdom— she's definitely a big shot.

"What's wrong? This is good news, isn't it?" I told him. "Now, all that's left is the remaining Regalia spies at Central Imperial Island."

"Y-Yeah… Somehow…" He silently murmured.

"I beg your pardon, deary— may I ask why are you participating in our country's affair?" She suddenly asks me in a lecturing tone.

"Honey… this brat is my successor." Principal said to her.

"That's not what I'm asking, darling."

She doesn't seem to be bothered that I'm his successor— it's as if she knew from the beginning.

"I'm asking why you are involving a CHILD in a country's affair…? That's not what a ten-year-old child SHOULD BE DOING!" She uttered.

"If it's the old me— I would definitely not do that, honey." He told her.

"…What do you mean?"

"I almost died from a plane crash and seven stacks of poison inside my body. I don't know how long have I wandered on the verge of death— and I even lost my memories when I woke up. Somehow it got my head cleared up."

"…!" She gasped. "I'm sorry, darling… I didn't know that so much had happened… B-But, who saved you…?"

"Tell her, brat." He bumped me with his elbow. "Tell her clearly that you are the one who saved me."

"It's not just me, ma'am," I said. "It's thanks to everyone listening to my request that I was able to save him."

"…Thank you."

Somehow, Principal's spouse didn't ask any further. She just offered sincere gratitude.

To begin with, I didn't think she would believe me.

"By the way, please call her 'Vice', brat." Principal told me.

"V-Vice…?" She was surprised for a moment. "Darling, what are you— ah… Deary, call me 'Vice', then."

"Erm… okay…?"

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to reply.

"By the way, deary, I suppose you already figure what Vann's job is— but I will still let you know. He's a spy working for us." She said. "And as for Lucillea—"


"Shut up, honey— pardon my husband's tantrum." She said to me. "Lucillea is our country's Prime Minister. Normally she will be absent, so she would let me and my husband handle most of the work— but since it's the first time our country met a situation like this… she came back to help."

…I wish I had a job like that.

And did she mention ‘first time’? I can’t believe they are dealing this with such ease.

"Okay… Then why is he acting like that…?" I asked.

"Because she is also the King's older sister and my sister-in-law," Vice replied.


I was utterly surprised that the Prime Minister is the King's older sister.

"She also had an authority as powerful as the King," Vice added.

"…Does this mean… there's a chance that she would overthrow Central Imperial Island by borrowing outside force…?"


Maybe I said something wrong— Principal's gaze had changed entirely. It's nothing comparable to his stupid-looking expression just now.

It was pure rage that was born from respect.


It's as if Vice knew what Principal would do next— she stopped Principal by calling him.

"No, honey— I need to completely erase that line of thought from him." He retorted.

However, it doesn't seem like Principal is going to. He showed me his determination by grabbing my shirt with his left hand, and his right hand making a fist.

…I doubt I could dodge this. Then again, I didn't expect this— I didn't expect that he trusts and believes in his older sister that much.

Throughout history, there's never been a kingdom that could be built from trust and faith. A rebellion started by siblings had happened so many times if you'd just ever read history.

No wondered. No wondered my dad likes that place.

"…Sorry." I immediately apologized to them. "It's just that… I didn't expect that royal families would get along in harmony."

"……………True. It's rare out there."

Principal released his hand, accepting my apology and reason.

"That annoying woman may be unreasonable, selfish and often loves to tease me sometimes— but there are times where you could put your trust on her." He added.

"My, it's really refreshing to hear that from you, my cute little brother~"

…It's not Vice, but rather, the voice that I heard from the phone earlier.

Just when I was wondering who is she— Principal's face had its colour drained utterly white.

"E-EEK…!!? B-B-B-B-B-B-BIG SIS…!!?" He immediately shouts and backed to the corner of the room. "W-W-W-W-W-WHEN DID YOU RETURNED!!?"

It's the Prime Minister— the King's older sister, Lucillea…? Just by hearing her voice is enough to frighten him that much.

"She's always here, darling. It's just that— she told me not to say anything…" Vice said to Principal.


"Y… Yes……………"

This is my chance to ask about my parents…!

"M… Madam Lucillea—"

"Luc boy." Before I could continue, she stopped me. "DON'T, ASK."

For some reason, I can't let out my voice like I usually do. It felt like I can't go against her.

"I have been friends with your father for so long— I wanted to see him more than you do." She told me. "Anyways, I have been listening to your conversation, and I know that idiot brother of mine has put you into our affair. Now tell me, dear Luc boy— you, as the future King candidate… What sort of plan do you have in mind to clear away the excess in our country? Hmm?"

Unlike Principal, every word that came from her mouth feels immensely impacted to me. It's not forceful but rather— majestic.

"…Not until I know what are they after," I replied. "I can't if I don't know what they were after."

"They have two separate goals." She said.

"O-Oi…!" Principal grabbed the phone and yelled at Lucillea. "Sis— why do you…!?"

"It's fine, my cute little brother." She said to him. "As long as we don't tell him the reason, he would never know."

Indeed, if they do not tell me— I would never know.

"It's pretty simple." She said. "Their first goal— is me."



I was genuinely surprised.

"Erm……" I gave it a thought for a moment. "Sex slave…?"

"…Luc boy."

Whoa. Such a scary tone.

"I mean, do they need you alive, or dead…?"

"Alive." She replied. "I'm strong, you know? Stronger than that idiot next to you."


I inadvertently glanced at Principal.

"It's true, brat. Stop making that face." Principal said to me.

"As for the second and most important, they need the ancient scriptures that were written on a giant stone tablet." She added.

Ancient scriptures…? My dad would be thrilled when he hears this.

"…Reasons aside, which of their success rate is higher? Capturing you, or, getting the ancient scriptures…?" I asked.

"Chances are low, but it's probably the ancient scriptures." She replied.

"If you are just as strong as you said— I personally think it's probably impossible to take you away, even by force. As for the ancient scriptures… why don't we just give them what they want…? I'm sure they would leave once they have the scriptures. It's probably hard for us to identify the spies anyway."

"You mean… a fake scripture…?" Principal asked. "True, they weren't able to identify and understand the contents of the scripture. If we just scramble the scriptures with a fake one, increase the security level around the stone tablets and cut off their communications with a signal jammer and magic sealing stone…"

"With their communications cut off, they had no choice but to break in through brute force, and it would be impossible for them to decode… at worst, they would just copy the scriptures and leave…!" Vice added. "We could re-register our citizen's list to confirm those that were replaced by those spies!"

"But… that Tyrant King is not as foolish as the rumours said." Principal remarked. "If they got the fake scriptures… their army will surely retreat."

"Then all we need to do is to wait for their army to reach the Regal Horizon Ocean— by then, we will swoop them all up in one go," Lucillea added.

"Sis— swoop them all out in one go?!" He uttered. "Are you intending to take them all by yourself!?"

"My husband will be joining." She remarked.

"What about your daughter!?" He asked. "Didn't she just started to open up with you…?"

"Oh, I left her with your kids and got her permission to come here in the first place. I was delighted when she told me to come back soon~"

"Then… Where is brother-in-law…?"


I heard someone knocking on the door from the phone.

"Ah, darling~" Lucillea said to the person knocking on the door. It must be her husband. "What's wrong…?"

"…Vann brought news. The Regalia Army just headed out, roughly five hours before departure on Regal Horizon Ocean." He said.

…They are already on the move.

"Hey— who's that on the phone…!? Is that— MPPH…!!?"

Before Lucillea's husband could finish, Lucillea covers his mouth.

"You hear the news, little brother," Lucillea uttered. "If you want to say goodbye to those kids— it's best to do it now."


…The call ended so suddenly.

"…You heard her. Looks like I don't have a choice but to leave now."

Saying that, Principal clapped his hands to cancel the isolation barrier.

Which then, a teleportation magic circle appeared beneath his feet.

This guy— so he could always go back whenever he wants…! HELL YEAH!!! HE'S LEAVING!!!

Crap, I need to contain my excitement, me. Don't smile, don't grin. Hide your expression with a poker face.

"You aren't going to say goodbye to them…?" I asked.

"Nor you, either. I hated saying goodbyes." He seemed sentimental while uttering those words.

Principal then looks around my room one more time, which his eyes were set still at the window, where he could see Restia and Ruby playing with Dómr and the others.

"…Sigh, parting is difficult." He heaved a sigh.

Can't you just leave already?

"Yeah, yeah. I know what you are thinking." He told me. "I will leave."

Even though he told me that, yet he's still not leaving. What's with the holdup!?

"Ah, I just remembered." He suddenly murmured. "Never to go into that dungeon, and never to neglect your training."

With those words as a warning, Principal snapped his fingers and disappeared with a flash.

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