
Too many options

<And for you it's about to be a whole lot longer. After everyone goes to bed, you've got a meeting with Ptorimea before getting your evolution going.>

Right, gotta know my choices before I evolve.

<Since your last visit, Ptorimea has obtained the ability to lock in an evolutionary choice for you.>

That's neat.

I accompany Melody and the girls until they all go off to bed. After cuddling with Melody for a while, I sadly get out of bed and go back to work.

Ptorimea is floating around in front of my room with one of Navi's bodies waiting beside her. So we are doing this in my room? And here I thought you were scared of me becoming violent.

<We are merely preparing for an eventuality. No need to fret about your room, even if you go crazy, I'll make sure to stop you.>

"Greetings friend Guy. It is nice to meet you again."

"Nice to see you too, Ptorimea. I heard you got a new skill since we last met, congratulations!"

"I did indeed make a rather wonderful advancement. Thank you kindly for your congratulations, I hope I will continue to be of help in your future endeavors."

I open the door to my room and let both Ptorimea and Navi inside. Having a giant, glowing stone tablet floating in my room certainly is a first.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed and nod at Ptorimea to indicate that I am ready.

"Very well. Please wait a moment as I complete the ritual."

The stone plates around Ptorimea float towards me and swirl around me in a slow circular motion. Gradually, a low humming sound permeates my room.

Ptorimea's main tablet begins to vibrate along with the humming and the stone plates begin to spin as they keep circling around me.

The light blue shine emitted from every marking on Ptorimea's body dims and a warm golden light takes its place.

I lose myself in the glowing markings and ever-changing patterns brought forth by the moving plates as time begins to fade away.

I startle awake from the dream like state I had entered at sudden stop of all movement. Only one plate now hovers directly in front of me. The plate's markings fade away momentarily and columns of words begin to appear rapidly and without stopping.

"That's a lot of options."

"Sigh. Ptorimea, filter out all ordinary goblin evolutions."

As the list of names before me begins to shrink, my confusion only grows.

"What is happening here?"

"In short, because you can train every ordinary goblin to evolve into any ordinary goblin's evolution, you satisfy the criteria to evolve into every single one of them. Goblin rider, swordsman, mage, leader, hunter, everything! There are too many options for you to go through and they are all worse than the special evolution you get as a goblin instructor."


The list before me has now shrunk significantly. Let's see what we've got.

Goblin drill instructor

Goblin scholar

Goblin disaster

Goblin faith

Goblin guide

Goblin cannibal

Goblin exemplary

"That's still a lot of options. Navi, any idea what these are about?"

"I'll give you the rundown of what we know. But please be aware, except for the goblin disaster, all these evolutions have never been seen for goblins. Our information comes from other species with the same name, therefore it may not accurately depict what you'll become."

"Got it."

"Drill instructor fundamentally changes the application of your instructing skill. You'll give up the ability to cause big changes in individual monsters in exchange for the ability to cause smaller changes to groups of monsters.

"We don't recommend taking that path as it will massively impact your work on the carrier project. Furthermore many dungeon masters have expression interest in having you create boss monsters for them which will also be difficult if you lose that ability."

Got it, no goblin drill instructor.

"Next is the goblin scholar. This is the most generalized out of all evolutions but we nevertheless suggest you choose this one. Scholar type monsters usually come from highly intelligent species. They are good at magic and very insightful. We believe it will help your assessment skills as well as your soul vision. It shouldn't impair your instructing skill in any way."

Sounds good, magic and knowledge are certainly worth going for. But what do you mean by most generalized?

"You'll see. Now, the goblin disaster. It's a goblin that focuses on leading goblin army's. All goblins under its command will be in a constant frenzy and attack everything that isn't a fellow goblin. Goblin disasters all have strong individual combat power and are hard to kill. Despite that, not a single goblin disaster has managed to live to its next evolution. All of them were killed by adventurers. Not even the dungeons like goblin disasters as the frenzied goblins will not hold the dungeon's peace and attack other monsters. Most dungeons have banned this evolution and we believe that if you take it, your instructing skill's efficiency will deteriorate and its level will remain stuck where it is now."

You really dislike this evolution, huh. Go on then.

"Faith type evolutions are seen as the opposite of disaster types. You will still lead a group of goblins but instead of causing them to go into a frenzy, you'll boost their growth through your presence. You will also gain faith related abilities and likely retain your instructing skill. Unfortunately, your skills will become exclusive to goblins. Again, the carrier project will take a hit. However, if you truly don't want to choose the goblin scholar we suggest taking this or the next evolution. Both are very beneficial to goblins and many dungeons specializing in goblins will be interested in you."

I don't think I can just drop the carrier project. But do go on, maybe the next one is worth it.

"The goblin guide, we believe this is the intended path of evolution for the goblin instructor. It will allow your instructing skill to massively increase its capabilities but again, you will be exclusive to goblins. Also, your combat ability will be hard to raise."


Just got news of my first sale on Amazon!


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