
Ruby, the berserker king

Not just someone. She's my sister. Ruby, the next berserker king in my family line. Former family line, that is.

<King, not queen?>

They wanted to call her berserker queen originally but she refused to accept it. Something about feeling better represented by the word king.

<Not entirely unexpected considering her family name being Kings. Though, as much as I would love to keep chatting, you do realize that she is charging at you, right?>

She is. But what does that have to do with our little chat?

My sister, or maybe I should call her Ruby now, jumps while lifting her giant axe above her head. It certainly looks like an impressive swing that would kill any monster at my level with ease. However, I am not any monster.

Instead of retreating, attempting to block or evade to the sides I patiently wait for her to take the swing.

From her point of view in midair, it must look like I am petrified by the sheer terror of her attack. Unfortunately, this isn't what she wanted.

The immense discomfort on her face makes me grin a bit. She awkwardly shifts her grip at the last moment and cleaves down. The attack barely holds any threat for me and I slip past the axe blade managing to nick her muscled abs with my fangs while passing her.

<What just happened? Is your sister that weak? Our reports made her out to be way more terrifying.>

Ruby is strong but like most younger berserkers she is rash and tends not to use her head too much. If she had taken me seriously and hadn't gone with a finisher move from the get-go I would be in trouble.

<That awkward mess of a swing was a finisher move?>

If I had reacted as any normal monster or opponent would I'd be cleaved in half now. The first swing is a faint that's supposed to lure the opponent into evading or retreating. When that happens she will make a front flip in mid-air and transform the downward swing into a diagonal one by shifting the axe either to the left or right during the flip.

<I see. So this move takes advantage of the preconception that giant axe swings are cumbersome and easy to dodge. By making the opponent believe they can easily dodge this move you catch them by surprise and finish them off in one move. Techniques that extend the range for axe users are indeed rare.>

While Navi is monologing about axe techniques Ruby is sizing me up. The wound left by my fang is still bleeding though her high constitution stat prevents the sanguinification from taking effect.

But what if it hadn't?

Wouldn't I have killed my sister?

Wouldn't her death be permanent?

Permanent... Death...


<Jade, your mind is becoming increasingly unstable. Don't think too much about what-ifs!>

Easy for you to say! But I guess you're right. I have to focus on the present.

Ruby's eyes shift away from me and take in the destroyed metal plate where the workers' blood is seeping out through the cracks. Then her gaze sweeps over to the entrance and the damaged control panel. A heavy frown manifests on her face as the first low-level monsters begin to pour into the city using this bridge.

"Tch, looks like I'll just have to bring that bridge down myself."

<Do you think she can do it?>

I'm not sure how strong she has gotten but I think she can. The sheer destructive force a berserker can muster surpasses most other classes at a similar level. However, that is if there isn't any interference.

<Can you stop her?>

Unlikely. At most I can delay her for a while. Can you control one of the stronger monsters to come here and help out?

<Most of the bridges have already fallen and the city's defenders have engaged all monsters that are stronger than lesser wyrms.>

So, no support, and this bridge is kind of important so I have to try my best to keep Ruby from destroying it. Is that what you are saying?

<Would that be asking too much?>

Sigh, I'll try but... don't expect me to succeed for long.

Ruby begins to inch sideways trying to circle around me and get to the bridge. I decisively slither over to block her way. My intentions of getting in her way are made clear and her expression hardens.

"A smart one, ey? I'll just kill you first then."

And there we have it. The timer to my death has begun ticking.

Ruby's auburn hair begins to gleam as it heats up becoming a red, hot mane of flames. Her pale skin turns bronze and she exhales deeply letting out tendrils of piping hot steam. Her already red eyes begin to give over as a red fog fills out her pupils. Then, her irises turn golden.

<If the reports on the Kings family are to be believed golden irises are a bad sign, right?>

Only when you have to fight them. This is one of my family's signature skills that only berserkers are able to learn. This skill allows berserkers who give up their minds to gain power during a battle to retain clarity without losing the power they gained.

<That's outright cheating! But why did her skin turn caramel-colored? Does her fire hair make her body caramelize or something?>

She's using a skill called flames of anger together with the defensive skill bronze skin. Why her hair becomes like that is a mystery but it's been like that since the day she learned the flames of anger skill.

Using those two skills together creates a synergy called forge body.

<Oh, I know that one. A synergy effect that enhances defense, offense and deals heat damage when you touch her. Nasty combo! However, it's pretty taxing on the body so she'd need some form of regen...Oh>

Exactly, she's a berserker. One of the classes that have a high constitution and fast self-regeneration.

<Still, once her berserk skill runs out...>

She'll probably collapse. However, that will take way longer than I can stall her for.

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