
Running some tests (2)

Navi outright frowns as she looks at the results of those tests.

"Is something wrong?"

"What test did you take to evaluate your potential for the warrior's path?"

"The comprehensive weapons test. Why?"

"This chart shows the potential you have according to our tests. Have a look yourself."

Navi hands the chart over to Sean and I take a peek over his shoulders. The entire chart is filled with rows of numbers with different colors. I can't make heads or tails of this chart but apparently, Sean does.

"I never thought my talent would lie in unarmed combat and enhancement skills!"

"That is why we do such tests."

"If only I had known..."

"Time waits for no one. But do you really want to give up on being a carrier?"

"Why wouldn't I? Not using my talent would be stupid not to mention bad for my finances. Even if I have to start from zero or even with some debt to get out of that carrier company it will be better than staying a carrier."

"And how will you pay for the training needed to gain and level those skills? You would already be in debt at that time and banks hardly give out any sizeable loans to carriers. Or will you choose to self-study?"

Sean pauses visibly as he thinks about the repercussions of abandoning his former path. Switching careers has never been an easy thing and quitting being a carrier? Unless you are a senior carrier like I was and have already completed the terms of your contract...

This is a difficult spot to be in. Seeing the bright future just up ahead but being chained to the abyss with chains that should stop yourself from falling further down.

"There is a way to gradually overcome your problems."

From Navi's smile, I can tell that she is trying to promote some new business model. If she can succeed and pull in one carrieras make him successful she's got a good chance. Younger carriers will throw themselves at the chance to have a better future. If they can afford it that is.

"What is it?"

And Sean has sunk his teeth into the bait. Time for Navi to reel him in.

"We are thinking of launching a pilot project for new carriers. We will offer a free set of training to allow carriers to reach a new level and then we will take a cut from their income after they establish themselves."

"How much will you take?"

"The cut we will ask for is largely dependant on factors like how far we train you, the duration of time during which we will receive a cut, and whether or not you are willing to advertise our program."

"How much in general?"

"With standard training and without advertisements, you would be looking at about ten percent over ten years or five percent over twenty years."

"What if we add specialized training and advertisements?"

"We don't have any indications as to what a good balance is so I'd guess that during the pilot project those two would cancel each other out."

Sean looks interested. The offer is good, to say the least. If I had been made the same offer back in the days I would have accepted in a heartbeat. However, that is also partly because I know how effective the training here can be. Getting new carriers to take this offer won't be an easy task. Having Sean advertise the whole project will be hugely beneficial to us.

"What about my current contract? I'll still have to fulfill that?"

"Unless you wish to shoulder the debt of going against a contract and paying the penal fines then yes. But we won't start asking you for a cut of your earnings until the contract is over. And with all the free training you should also earn more during your contract time."

That sounds good in theory but fails to mention one huge fact that conveniently benefits us. The more time he spends in training the better he gets and the more he earns. So by pushing the start of the payment cuts back those percentages are worth more.

But, oh well. Sean also benefits from this so who am I to make him see the less beneficial part of the deal.

"Where can I sign?"

And that's that.

"Right now this is just a pilot project we are working on. We would of course love to add you as a participant but before that, we would need to discuss the exact terms and conditions. Do you have time now, we could finalize things in my office?"

Navi is positively smiling with glee. She's been wanting to create this pilot project since the day I told her about the exploitation the carriers faced. And while she keeps saying that she's in it for the profit I somehow doubt that. Some part deep within me is whispering to me that she just wants to help improve the living conditions of those carriers.

<Stop deluding yourself! I'm in it for the money and nothing else. Improving the living conditions of our enemies would be counterproductive.>

Sure, you are only in it for the money. And this entire company isn't counterproductive to what its true purpose is. Who's the one deluding themselves?

<Just shut it and do your job. I want your dismantling to break through the bottleneck and reach level 7 by the end of the week at the latest! And don't forget to study field surgery. I intend to add it as a class of our pilot project for carriers and you need to reach level 4 in it by then too!>

So basically I need to level up two incredibly grinding intense skills with nothing else to do?

<You can visit your goblin camp to take a break if you want. Though they are developing quite well on their own.>

Right, I nearly forgot about my little camp of goblins with all the time I spent going through the great Labyrinth of death.

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