
Arthur is back for more (1)

So the next big war will happen soon?

<Soonish I guess. It could honestly start anytime but it could also take a few years.>

That's an impressive span of time.

<Keep in mind that a high constitution stat corresponds directly to a person's longevity. A few years are nothing to those paragons.>

Right, I need to stop looking at things the way I used to. My level continues to rise and the common sense of a level 1 carrier doesn't apply to me anymore. Come to think of it, open status.

Status Guy Lv.27 Goblin instructor

Mp 10+46+7

Strength 5+46+11

Constitution 5+46+14

Speed 5+46+8

Magic ability 0+46+2


universal humanoid language, universal monster language, dungeon map

throwing lv. 5; enhanced stamina lv. 3; breathing technique lv. 3; stealth lv.3; soul vision lv.2; enhanced stomach capacity lv.1;

instructing lv.3; instructor's assessment lv.1;

dagger use lv. 4; backstab lv.2; energy dagger lv.1;

trap making lv. 5; camp construction lv.2; make-shift crafting lv.1;

dismantling lv. 5; cleaning lv. 1;

Earth magic lv.1;

Mental resistance lv.1; physical damage resistance lv.1

Sheesh, soul vision leveled up and I gained two new skills. Getting repeatedly killed by Darwin seems to have brought me some benefits. But why the mental resistance?

<Facing Darwin's killing intent long with the stress of death has desensitized you thereby giving you some form of resistance.>

Maybe I should let myself be beaten up more often?

<Speaking of beating, you got a customer.>


<No, Arthur. Remember the self-loving prick who wants to train with someone weaker?>

Oh, I'd nearly forgotten about him. Shouldn't he have returned sooner?

<He should but he joined a dungeon raid to clear a small dungeon. They had to camp in the dungeon for a while and still failed to conquer it. What a waste of time.>

I'm already in the gym running so I just walk to the entrance and wait. When Arthur walks in through the double sliding doors it takes all my self-discipline to stop myself from frowning. This narcissistic idiot is only level 35!

How am I supposed to be weaker than him if our stats are similar?

"Ah, the weakling from last time. It's good that you are already here then I don't need to wait for you. The trainer said we should warm up by running so try not to fall too far behind."

Crap, crap, crap! Navi! How do I get through this? With my level three breathing technique, enhanced stamina at the same level, and similar stats I'll leave him in the dust.

<Sounds troublesome. Go over to the juice dispenser, press some random buttons and take out the two drinks. Drink the blue one yourself and hand the golden one to Arthur.>

I follow Navi's instructions and return with the canned drinks.

"Excuse me, mister Arthur, I thought you might like a drink to refresh yourself before the training."

"Ah, I see you at least know your place. I shall reluctantly accept your goodwill and enjoy a drink with you."

He snatches the golden can out of hand while admiring the golden color. After having started at the can for a few seconds he pops it open and downs it in one go. I mirror his actions while making sure that I am not as fast as him. To complete the show I lightly cough once I am done as if I drank too fast and got some fluid into my windpipe.

"Haha, you still got a lot to learn before you can down a drink like me. Come now, we should run a few rounds so that we are warmed up when the trainer arrives."

I lightly jog after Arthur and wonder what the effects of those drinks were. After the first round, I think I know.

I am panting as if I just ran a few kilometers and my legs feel like lead. What the hell did you put in that drink, Navi?

<Nothing special. Just some poison that increases the rate at which your stamina drains exponentially. It should last for the entire training so no need to worry about having better stamina than Arthur.>

A warning would have been nice! Ugh, I feel sick.

Despite my discomfort, I keep jogging. The laps are hard to complete but training only works if you do it. Arthur on the other hand seems to be going off like a rocket. How is he doing so well without any skills to assist him?

<Your drink wasn't the only one that was spiked. Arthur is currently under the effect of a particular drug that temporarily enhances his stamina.>

Do you usually drug your employees and customers?

<Not unless they ask for it.>

Did Arthur do such a thing?

<Not explicitly. The training he wanted was something that allowed him to gain any of the enhancement series skills together with someone worse than him to train with. He also mentioned that it is very important that he feels good during the training. Enhancing his performance does conform to those wishes.>

My torment goes on for half an hour before Edward finally walks over and tells us to stop. I drop to the ground like a sack of grain. I need a break!

Arthur runs another lap like it's nothing and jogs in place beside me. His face tells me that he is very pleased with both our performances.

"Man, you are so out of shape! Wouldn't you wish to have a body like mine?"

I am too exhausted to respond but I muster an admiring look at Arthur's jogging form which sends him into another monologue about his own greatness. Thankfully I miss half of it due to the exhaustion that weighs on me like a brick.

When Arthur is finished with his monologue and I have recovered enough stamina to move around again, Edward ushers us over to the barbells. He gives both of us a drink and I already suspect what the thing inside mine is.

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