
Didn't I give up my humanity?

I am a little dazed by the lady's words. But when she starts to walk I hurry up to follow her. I also notice that the backs of my hands are covered in white and red scales.

A quick look at my status confirms my suspicion. My species, level, and skills haven't changed at all so this is most likely a spell that makes me look humanoid. I've heard of such spells before but only high-level mages can do that.

We enter an office where a fat guy sits, reading a book, and stuffing his face. He stops eating and closes his book before turning towards us.

"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice. I am Darwin, acting chairman of VR dungeons HQ. First, I must apologize for the way you look. Your extraordinary transformation caught us by surprise and we don't have a way to give you a complete human form for now. Therefore you won't be able to go outside at the moment.

"Now, let me explain some of the inner workings of our company. Our main goal is to preserve the dungeons and thwart any dungeon-delves made by humans or humanoids. If you die in the dungeon we can revive you without much trouble but we still recommend you don't try to get killed. VR dungeons is a cover for our operations but we actually do provide services.

"We offer a virtual reality experience of clearing dungeons and an extensive amount of training for both stats and skills. Should you master any other desirable skills they can also be taught for additional income."

"Are you done yet?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"ARE. YOU. DONE? I am not here to go outside! I don't need to look like a human! Didn't I give up my humanity? I WANT my revenge and none of that other stuff!"

"I understand that, but regardless it was our mistake to deprive you of the opportunity to go outside. Also, do you really believe you can kill anyone in your current state? Not even considering the fact that you can only kill them while they are in a dungeon. And they won't do that for quite a while."

"What are you saying?"

"Simply that you should stay and work here until you can get this revenge you are so obsessed with. At the moment you will see most of your time training."

"Screw that! I can get stronger by killing, can't I? Send me into a dungeon and let me kill things!"

"You will only be able to grow stronger by killing dungeon intruders and there are few teams you can kill."

"I don't care. Send me against a group with carriers and I'll find a way to kill them."

"The pain from dying will be real every time and your chances aren't great. Are you sure?"

"Less talking more sending me to a dungeon so I can kill something."

"Very well, Valeria here will guide you back to your bed so you can do as you please."

As I follow Valeria out I hear Darwin mutter to himself.

"Why do I even do this job if everyone just does whatever they want. Losing to your rage and hatred will only bring you more pain and yet I can't bring myself to berate you. Forgive this old fool for letting you face the darkness alone."

What does he mean by darkness? I don't get what he means by that so I just ignore it and walk on. Soon I am back on the bed I woke up from below and my consciousness fades as I lie down.

<Hi, I'm Navi, feel free to mentally call out to me anytime you need help. I will now send you into a dungeon that currently has intruders. Do you have any requirements you'd like for me to consider in my search?>

I'm just going to assume that you can read my mind but yes, I do. I want a group that has carriers and has been in the dungeon for a long time or even better is currently setting up camp.

<I've found multiple groups that match the description.>

Randomly chose one, I don't care.

My mind clears and I'm surrounded by greenery. A forest dungeon? Good for me. I try to get a feel for my serpentine body and slither through the undergrowth.

I pull up the dungeon map and find my prey. They have set up camp below a large tree. I make my way over and keep a good distance from the camp. As I focus on the tents my vision shifts and I see red figures inside the tents. So that's how thermal vision works, huh.

I count twenty-eight humans, 24 have stronger heat signals while four have lesser ones. So there are presumably four carriers in this group and they are located at the edges of the camp.

I slither closer very carefully making sure that I am always under a thick cover of greenery. When I approximately reach a spot that's within a ten-meter radius of the camp I turn around and slither off.

Moments later the adventurers burst out of their tents battle-ready and with their weapons drawn. But they find nothing. They look around confused and I enjoy the expression of annoyance on their faces.

They go back into their tents but my thermal vision shows me that they are ready to burst out any moment. So I wait patiently until they lie down again before repeating my devious trick. We play this game a few times and the irritation of the group grows to the point where they start searching the grass around the camp.

Taking advantage of my small size I keep a good distance between us waiting for them to return to the camp. They all meet up again and have a meeting. Then four of them stand guard while the others go back into the tents.

I probe them a few times and successfully confirm that they have switched off the detection crystal. As a veteran adventurer had once told me, a weak monster is most dangerous once your detection crystal is off because it's incredibly hard to spot as a guard. Especially if you didn't have enough rest and were continuously harassed before that.

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