
Wounded Soul

I am not sure if I have what it all to face everything that I've been running away from almost haft of my life. All I know is that although I do not have a beautiful soul filled with goodness or maybe I do not have a wonderful past that will serve as a shining reflection to me, whenever Seviro looks at me- I am just me. His eyes are telling me that he is in love with me, simply, madly, deeply, completely, and irrevocably. That I could throw and spill my soul to him without bothering cleaning it.

My lips move into a small smile, licking my bottom lip. I could remember his so-called 'skipping town' date yesterday. It was really fun which I didn't expect he's capable of doing so. I mean, he's a city boy, a talk of a town not just because of his looks or his influence but to his name which I do not have any hint of what kind of family he has. I thought he only do fancy dinner dates but he did surprise me yesterday.

"Good morning, Cam"

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