
to fight an assassine

Kenichi and His karate master Sakaki were onboard a train while guarding Gauche.

Kenichi was telepathicly comunicating with sakaki about his plan's.

'we will let them capture me don't worry i can escape at any given time with my teleportation technique but if they want to play dirty we'll play dirty as well.'

"but what about me." sakaki whispered.

'you will come after me in an attempt to save me then we'll join together.' Kenichi said telepathicly.

"very well." sakaki whispered.

kenichi was actually planning on facing christopher enclair himself he had woken up that morning practicing his three style's jeet kune do the mixed martial art's style he had learned while training under ryozanpaku and the northstar fist he had developed.

"Oh-No I know what you're thinking you want to fight enclair no absolutely not your skills may put you on par with masters if you go blonde but don't even think of facing enclair." sakaki said a hushed tone.

"my sensei i never knew you cared so much about me." Kenichi said smugly

just then the train stopped.

"here they come !" kenichi shouted.

suddenly four women with their hair braided up came and tried to attack the train Sakaki took on two while Kenichi took on Two also.

to make quick work of the two women kenichi waited until the first one attacked him and caught her arm in a trap then let loose severale snap kicks to her solar plexus and then an axe kick to her neck.

he caught the second on in a grip and pulled her arm back behind the shoulder joint and he pulled her arm out of joint then slung her to the ground like a Rag doll.

sakaki took one women out using a back fist and the other one out with a single roundhouse kick.

kenichi then noticed a real pretty man come in his hair done up in the same braids as the ladies.

"well now how shall i deal with the two of you." he said.

kenichi transformed into hi super shirahama his hair going a sharper blonde than super and his aura having sparks flashing around him.

"let's dance." he said with a smirk.

meanwhile back at ryozanpaku.

"Miu and Junko you two understand your mission." said the elder.

"yes opperation help kenichi fight off the assassine Is A Go." said Miu.

christopher enclair came at kenichi with a swift roundhouse kick.

but kenichi blocked the kick and went for a high kick aimed at enclair's chest.

enclair caught it but was surprised when kenichi preformed a sommersault Backflip kick the kick knocked him head first into the roof but he flipped last minute and shot down going for a superman punch.

kenichi smiled he raised his palm.

surly he's not going to try and catch that.

but as the punch drew near him kenichi's hand suddenly rended the gravity with a distortion palm that knocked cristopher backwards he came up throwing an elbow at kenichi but kenichi countered with a forearm gaurd then he watched as enclair moved getting a feel for his movement's untill he found the opening in his footwork and countered with a spining punch kick roundhouse then he unleashed a barage of punches aimed at enclaire's pressure points untill he ended with a drilling straight punch to his torso.

northstar fist water torrent punch.

cristopher enclair would not be defeated by this one blow and his orders were to capture the boy and kill his master however looks like capturing this boy was only going to happen if he landed a counter right when he would strike now as the punch comes he would counter with an elbow to the forehead

" bam!" the elbow hit right as kenichi landed the punch.

he would not be able to stay awake after that. thought sakaki.

cristopher captured kenichi and took him to his headquarters right as sakaki got the phone call from miu telling him she and Junko were going to infiltrate the enclair compound disguised as his vassels.

"Well Shit!" said Sakaki.

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