
Run, Theeya, Run

I was running in an endless tunnel.

The light was dim and the air smells wet and damp. I could hear water running like a stream somewhere near but I was not sure how to exit the tunnel.

Then the tunnel ended and I came to a cave.

It was a crystal cave. Magnificent. The light that peeked through the cracks of the crystals was reflected in a spectrum of color so beautiful I just dropped my jaw at the beautiful sight in front of me.

Just then two red eyes caught my attention. It was that dream again.

The eyes belonged to a silver wolf. Then the wolf began to speak in English. "Yeah, funny how this is how we finally meet face to face, Cassandra," he said in the same voice in the dream that called me Cassandra before this.

"I know I am dreaming. What do you want from me?" I asked.

"You belong to me, remember that. Don't marry that man," the red eyes stared at me intently.

Before I could retort or ask any question, the sound of water became louder. I turned my head to check out the tunnel where I came from and water gushed out as the river flooded the crystal cave.

The silver wolf brought me to higher ground safely.

"Cassandra, you will always be mine. Remember that," his snout nuzzled closer to my face as if he was kissing me before he left me.


I was back in my room again. Not the hotel room but my room back at home. I was all alone as my sisters were all married and the house was all mine.

"I must be in a dream again. I haven't woken up yet. What is my dream trying to tell me? There must be something else," I got out from bed and started looking around.

Just then, George appeared at the door, with his familiar grin and cocking his head to one side.

George my ex boyfriend who cheated on me. Great! Just what I needed.

"Baby, I miss you. Life is so boring now. Maria is having another baby. They just keep crying everyday and Maria just nags at me all the time. Come back to me, baby, I know you still want me," George took a few steps towards me as I shrank away from him.

"No! Stop! I don't want you the moment you walked out of our relationship. It is impossible. You made you choice and you chose Maria. Live with it and now get out of my dream!" I shouted into that handsome face. He looked good, I gotta give him that.

George's face still had that stupid grin when he left and closed the door behind him.

Then I heard hands clapping in a slow deliberate manner and a man appeared out of no where in front of me.

"Well done, Cassandra," the same booming voice came from the man.

"Who are you?" I asked at the godlike beautiful man in front of me. His brown hair was slightly curly and looked so soft to touch I had to resist my urge to run my fingers through them. His red eyes was sometimes light brown and sometimes bloody red depending on the lighting. His well sculptured nose gave him a noble look and his perfectly formed lips looked so kissable I caught myself licking my own lips.

He smiled and winked. "Like what you see? Good, because you belong to me," he touched my right arm and electricity jolted through my body.

Deep inside a voice asked me to run.

"Run, Theeya, Run!" That voice urged me to run.

The longer I stayed in his presence the harder it was for me to find the will to run away or even tear away my eyes from him.

He was so delicious I could eat him up there and then. Then I felt guilty and appalled of how dirty my thoughts became.

"Are you the silver wolf?" I asked.

"Yes, and you are mine, remember that," his right hand caressed my left cheek and he took a strand of my hair to his nose to breathe in the smell of my shampoo from the morning.

"I don't know your name?" I insisted.

"Call me Zach, short for Zacchaeus. We will meet outside of this dream so make sure you don't get married. Wait for me, Cassandra," he blew me a kiss and vanished just as suddenly as he appeared.

"Cassie, wait for me," I heard that man's voice in my head.

He was messing with my mind by getting into my mind!

"Why did you call me Cassandra? Is that a past life thing or what?" I shouted to no one in particular. I knew he could hear me.

"Because you ARE my Cassandra. Maybe I should let you sleep for the next few days so you miss your wedding that they are forcing you to attend," his voice sounded in my head.

"That's a brilliant idea, Zach," he conversed with himself like a lunatic.

"You shall sleep for the next 3 days, Cassandra. And I shall keep you company," he laughed like a maniac.

"No!!!! Let me out of here!!! You are crazy, let me out of here!" I screamed as I ran out of the room only to find that I was back at the room. The door only led me back into my room. I was stuck! I was stuck in the dream!

"You cannot do this to me! I don't want to be trapped here! You cannot keep me against your will," I shouted with all the anger that as boiling inside. Déjàvu. "Why do I feel like we have gone though this before?" I asked out loud.

"Because we have gone through a lot before, Cassandra. Don't resist me anymore. You belong to me," I felt his breath on my right ear but he did not physically manifest himself in front of me.

"Stop playing games! Let me go!" I shouted.

"No, I shall play with you for the next 3 days. You must be tired. Lie down on the bed while you dream another dream. Maybe it will be a pleasant one," he said.

No sooner had he said that I felt my feet leaving the floor and my entire body flew towards the bed before I found myself lying on the bed. My eye lids became heavier as I fought his power. "This is so unfair. I cannot even fight back," were my last thoughts before darkness embraced me again.

Please comment or vote if you like the story! What will happen to Theeya now?

Ariya_Mayacreators' thoughts
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