

We gave up on thinking since we honestly don't know why 'she' didn't date Ryuu. It was as if 'she' couldn't think of it at all.

I mean even if they were an idiot, they couldn't be that dumb. Right?

'... Why do I feel attacked.'


'Why aren't you answering? Oh right, the system.'

I walked for some time in the setting sun. I then thought of something before breaking into a sprint.

'What did you think of?'

I want to bake some more cookies for Ryuu.

'You're trying to bribe him aren't you.'

It shouldn't be bribing if it works... Plus I want to make more lunch for tomorrow, so we can eat together.

'... Add more meat. He needs his proteins.'

I'll make sure he stays healthy~

We continued to talk about what lunch we'll make, though it sounded more like talking to myself. After around another minute of running, which may or may not included some sweet fantasies, we finally saw our house.

Then all of a sudden two big guys blocked my way. I slowly lifted my head to meet their 'intimidating' stares.

"You're coming with us."

Oh nooo. So scary. I'm sooo scared. Please don't hurt me.

'... I could just feel the sarcasm from miles away.'

Why I-

[Host! Please run away! I could slow them enough that you'll be safe!]


'Wait, is it telling YOU of all people to run away? Pft- Ha! This has to be the best joke I've ever heard!'

I ignored the laughing mess and instead started to talk with the system.

Run away? No need.


Could you boost my physical abilities for some time?

[W-What?! You're going to fight?!]

Can you boost it or not?

[I'm a Love System! Not an attack one!]

Yes. Or. No.

[... I could trade your {Starter Gift Pack} for 3 {10 Minute Strength Increase}.]

How much does it increase it by?

[It doubles your current strength.]

Good enough. Trade it and activate it when I say now.

[Alright then...]

While I was talking to the system, my body wasn't idle either. I first dropped down on my knees. It hurt a little, but it was bearable.

I then lowered my head and started to cry out tears. I rubbed my eyes with my palms over and over as the tears fell down.

"Why? Why? WHY!? Why is this happening?! Every single time!" I muttered before shouting. "Is it my fault? It's my fault, right? Hahahaha! What did I do wrong?!"

"Oi, are you okay?" Looking through my tears, I saw one blurry goof come closer after seeing my hysterical fit.

"Hey calm down, we're not going to hurt you." The other guy sounded a little creeped out, but still tried to reassure me to stop me crying.

As they came closer, I slowed down my crying. Now I can see the two guys more clearly. The last guy that spoke looked familiar. I think he's the guy 'she' saved from getting beaten to a pulp by Ryuu. Really ungrateful. Oh well.

I was still wailing and trying to rub my eyes clear, all the while I slowly moved my legs. Thankfully they didn't notice since they were focused on my face. I got my legs into a position where I could stand up instantly at any moment.

The first goof kneel down and reached his hand for my elbow. But right before he was about to touch me, I called out to the system.


[Activating {10 Minute Strength Increase}.]

I immediately moved my hands to grab the guy's arm. Twisting my body and standing up, I performed a shoulder throw and slammed him onto the ground.

I took advantage of the other guy's surprise and did a spinning back kick. I kicked that guy right in the jaws.

While he's on the ground, I quickly focused back on the first guy. He was still reacting to the pain on his back, so it wasn't hard to grab his arm.

After grabbing it with my left hand, I held the guy's shoulder with my left. Then I did a quick pop and dislocated his shoulder joint.

"AHHH!!!" The guy screamed at the pain, but I stopped focusing on him.

I looked to the second goof and saw that he was trying to stand up. Taking use of his situation, I ran over and kicked his leg.

The guy fell down again and I repeated what I did to the first guy to this one. Unsurprisingly, he also screamed out loud. I frowned at the volume of the scream.

"Hey, shut the fuck up if you don't want your bones broken." I threatened them since I didn't want to catch anyone's attention.

The two quieted down but were still whimpering. I listened closely for any other sounds and heard nothing but the light wind.

Wow, the plot armor is real.

'Totally! Someone definitely would've come out after hearing the scream.'

[What plot armor?]

Nothing, it's just that I'm really lucky. How much time is left on the buff?

[Oh, uh, 9 minutes and… 21 seconds...]

'That wasn't a waste at all.'

Looking back at the guys on the ground, I decided to extract some information from them. I placed my hands on the shoulder of the goof that wasn't saved by 'her'.

"Wh-What are you doing?!" The guy was panicking and to move away from me. Unfortunately for him, my grip was strong enough that he barely moved an inch.

"Why I'm going to help you of course~" I gave the guy a 'friendly' smile. "I'll relocate your shoulder now, so bear with it okay?"

"You- Ah!" With a pop, the shoulder was back in its original place. I clasped my hands together in celebration.

"There you go~" I smiled happily, but then I suddenly looked like I remembered something. The goof seemed to have a bad feeling upon seeing it. "Ah, silly me~ I forgot that you might try to do something with your arm fixed."

"No! Stop!" He said just as I got into the position to dislocate his shoulder.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Sure, I'll stop if you tell me a few things." I grinned.

"You..." The guy gritted his teeth. But before he could talk, the other guy talked first.

"So that was all an act?" The goof was sitting up and holding his arm. He wasn't trying to do anything because I still have his friend's arm.

Really, such a good friendship.

'Then maybe be gent-'

That I could exploit the crap out of.


[Host, maybe you should-]

Should what? They're the ones who started it.


Turning to the guy 'she' saved, I laughed and mocked him.

"Ha! It's not my fault that you bought that bullshit tears." The two were stunned silent as I giggled.

While they were silent, the other two took advantage to ask a question. Thankfully it only took a few seconds. Otherwise, it would have been a bit weird to just giggle for a minute straight.

'That reminds me, I don't remember you being able to act so well.'

[Host, you have great acting abilities.]

Oh please, I'm not that good. The only reason was that I just thought of something… sad.

'Oh? What is it?'

[Could I know about it?]

Ah, well, I was just... thinking about Ryuu leaving me for someone else.

'You… Don't worry about that. Ryuu would never leave you.'

[Host… Don't worry! With me by your side, he'll never leave you.]

I'm not worried. I know that he'll always love me. I wouldn't really only huddle and cry about him leaving. I'll kidnap and imprison him and make him my pet. Then I'll torture the shit out of the bitch that led him astray.

'... Why was I worried for you again?'

[I-I see.]

Seeing that the two voices in my head were silent instead this time, I started to ask the guy 'she' saved some questions.

"So tell me, why did you want me to come with you?"

The guy blinked before realizing I was asking him. He sneered.

"Why should I tell-"

"Ah!" I pulled on the other guy's arm and he screamed. I didn't pull hard enough to dislocate his shoulder joint again, but it still hurt quite a bit.

"Shuu!" The guy looked a bit panicked.

Oh? So this guy's Shuu?

I looked down at the guy below me. I then looked back at the other guy.

He seems to be a little too panicked. It's almost as if he's in l-

'No! Stop! Get your fucking fujoshi mind out of here!'




"So you wanna answer me now?" I asked the other guy, but Shuu asked a question back instead.

"Why don't you just ask me?" He fiercely glared at me, though it had no effect. But I did give him an answer for that.

"Why isn't it obvious?" I released my right hand and grabbed Shuu's chin. I made him look at the other goof. "Isn't it fun seeing his reaction?"

Both of them were shocked once again and looked disgusted with me. I ignored that can let go of Shuu's chin.

"You know~" I said with a gossipy tone. " With how you two are acting, it's almost like you two are-"

'NO!!! STOP IT! I'm fine with you doing that to Yuu, but not every boy that treats another one nicely! These are only in a pure bro relationship! Stop making them into a CP!'


The two guys looked a bit confused at my sudden silence.

"Nevermind." I smiled again and pretended I didn't see their confusion. "Just answer my question. Why did you want me to follow you?"

The guy hesitated, but after looking at Shuu he finally relented.

"Fine. I'll tell you." The guy grated his teeth as he talked. "We wanted to use you to threaten that Yamamoto guy."

"Pft- HAHAHA!!!" I burst out in laughter and hugged my stomach with my right arm. I still held onto Shuu's arm tightly with my left.

"Why are you laughing?!" The guy looked pissed now.

"I'm laughing at how pathetic you guys are!" I wiped the tear around my eyes off.

"You!" The guys looked angry and Shuu was looking like he wanted to punch me in the face.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I finished laughing and replaced my right hand on Shuu's shoulder. "You pieces of trash can't beat Ryuu in a one vs group fight, so you wanted to threaten him instead. But you can't even beat me!"

I pulled Shuu's arm a little and made him quiet down.

"Let's see~ Losing to one person as a group, threatening someone just so you could win, yet can't even beat me who you were going to use to threaten him with." I smiled as I looked into the other goof's eyes. "If this isn't pathetic, then what is?"

They were completely silent as they tried to comprehend my words.

"Thankfully for you guys, since you weren't going to do something really excessive, I don't have to do anything worse." Really adorable that they're doing this, even though they've never seen real blood before.


'But we've never seen them either. This was technically your first fight too.'

"Ah, I got an idea~" I stood up and walked to the other guy. "Luckily for you, I'll come with you to where you wanted to go."

'Our own blood doesn't count, nor does the blood in hospital blood bags.'

"Why?" The guy was suspicious of my motive.

"Simple." I placed my hand on my cheek and smiled. My eyes were filled with crazed love. "Wouldn't it be great if he saved me?"

'You know ignoring me won't stop the truth right?'

"What?" The guy and Shuu were both stunned.

"It'll be like the hero saving the princess~" I spun in place then clasped my hands together. "Wouldn't he be so happy to save me? He'll be so proud of himself when I tell him how heroic he was~"

'Putting that aside, Ryuu would be really happy that he could help us... Hmm… Let's do it!'

I smiled brighter and walked closer to the shocked guy.

"But first, let's fix that arm of yours." I grabbed his arm and shoulder and did a quick pop.

"AH!" He still screamed, but it was fine.

Shuu already stood up and walked over to the other guy. I backed off a little and gave them some space. Shuu asked if he was okay and the guy replied he was fine.

"Let's get moving now. Chop chop." I told them and Shuu gave me a long look.

"... Let's go." They started to walk side by side and I followed them. As we walked, Shuu kept on confirming if the other guy was alright. He replied the same thing every time, repeating that he was fine.

For some reason, I could taste some dog food.

Is this really not a couple?

'No! This is just what good bros do for each other! You've never had one so you wouldn't know.'

[They are not. Their affection for each other is only at the friend level.]

'Well well well~ I guess this system isn't so useless after all.'

… Just shut up.

Hey~ I'm back from break~

The break was great! I honestly feel much happier when I write now! I mean I'm not writing any faster, but I feel better.


I tried my best with the fight scene. I think it turned out better than I thought.


I had a really weird and long dream on Friday. It was quite... unique to say the least. I wrote it as an auxiliary chapter so you could go read it there. It's its own chapter because it's just as long as a normal chapter. It's at around 1900 words. But thanks to me having another weird dream, now it's at 3395 words. That will be the longest chapter I'll ever write in this fanfic.

Inactiverightnowcreators' thoughts
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