


"Ask your famous girlfriend's IG followers," Val answered me with his gritted teeth. He was holding Cloe in his arms as they walk toward his bike. 

She is drenched, her hair, her face, and the bust part of her blouse. She was shivering, maybe of cold, yet I doubt it. It's maybe more on fear, abashment, and or exasperation. 

I never thought being famous online could be this dreadful. I never thought my relationship with Atara would just simply affect the three of us, Cloe, Atara, and me. Now, every one of her followers is threatening to hurt Cloe because I love her more than their idol. And then again, everything was my fault. I just wanted to help the helpless Atara stand up on her own feet and build her own power, and now she got more than power. She got a deadly claw, creating a catastrophe for the only girl I love. 

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