
Bloodied Hands

That midnight ride of mine really helped clear my head. I had spent a few days in bed after my... abrupt entry into Requiem, but I had gotten nothing done. I hadn't figured out just where I stood, or who I trust, or just what to do.

That ride though, it helped. So! Here is what I have established! I can't trust The Watcher, but I sure as hell cannot let The Elder do as he pleases, so common enemy. Juno and Estelle, I can rely on not to cause issues as long as I keep my interest solely on the end of the regime and The Elder. I am going to have to take a hard-line leadership role in the resistance movement... yet I am woefully underqualified.

So, due to the last part of that, I found myself, yet again, around that table with Estelle and Juno, only a very small amount of light illuminating the room, a common 'feature' in all standard residences found in Requiem.

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