
An enemy approaches (Part 1)

Ciri and I have just entered the bakery and I got to say. This is some of the best food I have ever come across in my travels. The bakery is owned by a family that has passed it from parents to children. "This all smells and looks wonderful doesn't it. I can't remember the last time I actually had something akin to what Yen used to make us at Kaer Morhen." The fragrance is unbelievable. My hunger grows the more and more I smell it. Creamy cheese cakes and chocolate fudge line the counters along with other things.

Ciri approaches the counter with a smile on her face and smells the food. "Geralt was such a terrible cook, this is the best food I've seen since we were kids." Witchers are notorious for being horrible cooks since they have different pallets. There bodies are much more superior to everyone else, Ciri and I are still mortal people and we need to eat. I can sustain myself with magic for a few days, but I do have an apatite.

I approach the counter and look for someone to ask for prices and get some food. I don't notice anything to start, but after a few seconds I hear noise coming from the back. There seems to be muffled screams and people bumping into things. I teleport into the back without letting Ciri know and as soon as I appear I draw my sword and place the blade on the mans neck right behind him. There are some others in the room, but they aren't doing anything since I am attacking there leader. "Leave the little lady alone....." They are attacking a girl no older than 16.

The man releases her and I feel magic behind me and light flash for just a second. Ciri looks at the situation and immediately draws her blade as well. Now that she has my back I don't have to worry what being flanked. "Why are you here...." The man is doing a good job of keeping his calm, but I can see that he is choosing his words wisely. I motion for the girl on the ground to get behind me, she has torn clothes and bruised arms. They probably tried to rape her, it seems I just stopped them from engaging in there sick activity.

The girl quickly gets behind me and Ciri wraps a protective arm around her. The man looks between his men giving a silent order to stand down, he then opens his mouth to speak. "This young ladies husband owes us money. We just came here to collect, if you let me go I wont bother them again." The man is spiting lies to save his life since I have a blade at his throat. I take a look at his gear and I don't notice any discernable markings to indicate he is working for some one. I look at the men in my vision and I notice one is wearing bizarre face paint. The same we encountered awhile back, I don't like these men.

I inch the blade closer to his neck, I have no intention of letting them leave this place alive. I do want to scare him before he dies though, make him suffer. Men like him deserve it more than anyone. "I know that isn't everything you have to say. I must warn you my blade is extremely sharp, one motion and I can lop your head right off. If you tell me everything I'll let you go." I wont let him go, I'll just give him some hope just to rip it away. I might as well get some information out of him.

He has a look of reassurance, I am a sadist when it come to these kinds of things. A part of me that I can't get rid of. "We were sent by Whoreson Junior, he runs this part of town. I'll let him know that you spared us, he will be sure to remember mercy. So that mea-." As soon as I got what I needed from him I chop his head right off his shoulders. Blood sprays everywhere as blood pumps out his neck. I use this opportunity to strike at the stunned goons, there are four in total. I quickly teleport behind one and drive my blade into the back of his head as the tip goes through the front. I twist it as a crunch and wet sound surrounds the room.

The others have finally started to react, but I dismember one of them in and instant. I cut both of his legs off and before he even hits the ground while screaming I slice his neck open. All that comes out is gurgles as he chocks on his own blood. "DAMN MONSTER, THAT WAS MY COUSIN!!!" One of the remaining ones yell and charges me, I am fully prepared as I am in my combat stance. Ciri had other ideas though. She teleports instantly to the side of the guy as he runs at me. She swings her blade at his neck while he is running right at me. The momentum works to make a perfect slice and blood pours out of him and he hits the ground lifeless.

I see Ciri give me a look that I have never gotten from her before. She looks like she is questioning my sanity. I have a bad habit of falling into my old brutal way, I have exercised great control however. She looks away fast and we see the last man making for the exit. Ciri reacts instantly and drives her sword into his back after teleporting right behind him. "That should take care of that." As soon as those words leave my mouth I feel anger radiating off of Ciri. I look in her direction and see her glaring madly at me. "What?" I raise my hands as I say that. I didn't notice that I was covered in blood. One empty hand and one hand with my sword in it, now that I think about it. I look like a serial killer.

Ciri teleports in front of me and hits me hard right in the stomach. It takes my breath away from the strong punch. I grip the spot and lean against one of the counters to stay standing. "*Cough* What was *Cough* that for! *Cough*" I look at her as I catch my breath and see that she has let her anger out. Talk about not having a clue, what makes this situation different from the last time we killed thugs.

The crosses her arms and gives me a small frown. "Don't act like that again Cera. I didn't recognize you there...." She looks away from me as she says that last bit. I guess I did take this to far with what happened here. Looking around this room I can tell that I lost myself in bloodlust, it wasn't the first time this happened. Unknown to Cera, he had a sadistic smile while cutting down these men. It wasn't what Cera did, it was how he loved doing it that made Ciri react that way.

I watch Ciri walk over to the young lady and comfort her. After the hug ends the girls looks at me with fear in her eye's. "Oh....I'm sorry Ciri...." I cant find out anything else to say. I know killing them was the right decision, but I should hold back next time. Now that I have time to think I know the name of the boss of these horrible men. He is the one Jaskier is looking to talk to about Ciri's magical item. As Ciri and the young lady talk I think of a way to deal with this situation. If this Junior causes problems for Ciri and me anymore I will cut him down.

After some time for the girl to calm down I walk over to the two of them. It seems Ciri already explained who I was. "So what's your name miss?" She is apprehensive talking to me while I am covered in blood. After the display I can tell why she is scared of me.

She stands close to Ciri as she gives her answer. "My name is Lillian Fermer, wife to Alexander Fermer...." As soon as I hear her answer my blood runs cold. Those were the names of my parents, I come back from my surprise as I notice Ciri's worried look. I used to tell her story's about my parents and how much they meant to me. Ciri takes care of Lillian as I take a seat to gather my thoughts, what are the odds of that happening. I go through the memories of my time with them, I try to recall as much as I can as often as I can to always remember my time. Thanks to Gaunter I will always remember there faces, but I still need to think about my time with them.

After about an hour Ciri comes back into the room and approaches me. "We'll talk about what happened to you later." She sounds very serious with that tone of voice, all of a sudden she hugs me tightly and relaxes on me. "We need to get cleaned up, Lillian will becoming with us to the Rosemary and Thyme. She left a note for her husband when he returns." That's a good idea, she will be safe with us for now. I hope that her husband can fight, because I wont be there next time that happens. I try to get up from my seat, but Ciri just holds me down. "Just let me hold you for a little bit Cera....I need this...." I guess I had more of an affect on her than I though I did. I have a storm of questions coming my way.

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