

'Best friend, sisters for life, true friends, the squad' that's what people called them. The quadruplets and top students that belong to the Faculty of Medicine.

The quadruplets were considered the living goddess and devil in Faculty of Medicine, they have it all, even their demeanour scream rich, soft, fragile and clever.

But not Karol one of the quadruplets who's the rebel in the group. Some call them the triplets and the devil due to their attitude.

Christine Prachaya, the only child of Singto and Krist Prachaya. The oldest among 4 of them, a caring, think ahead, soft in the inside but fierce on the outside, scared of ghost, smart and stylish type of person.

Karol Panich the second oldest among 4 of them, 3rd child of Zee and Saint Panich. A hot-headed, caring only towards people that she considers family, abide by the law (mae and pho's law), punch first think later, smart, lazy and forgetful.

Nat Natalie Jumpol the second youngest in the group, second child of Off and Gun Jumpol. A cute, soft-spoken, fragile, easily scared, stylish, smart, lazy (only motivate to study when the gang study together) and slow type of person.

Nic Kanawut Jongcheveevat the baby in the group, only child of Mew and Gulf Jongcheveevat. An introvert, shy, slightly hot-headed, not friendly towards other people, sharp mind, love to read sad story, smart and multi-tasker type of person.

Every day since the day they born, they were joint to the hip, often ask about each other, from families gathering to school-related they often got each other back no matter what.

They were the living proof of different persona can live under one roof and still be best friends while tolerating with each other and accept their differences.

-At school-

"Girls, I'm thinking of going to another school. Like it's so boring here all we do is compete between each other and the weird part is our grades and numbering in top seat change every time as if it's rotation on its own" said Karol.

"I know right the system here is so weird like they already set up the rotation to be fair and square for us. As if we'll fight over that petty thing" add Nic while playing with her hair.

"Okay, which school you'll be attending too?" asked Christine, Nic and Nat look at Karol with curious eyes.

"I've no idea, that's why I'm telling you three first" reply Karol while sipping her ice-blended Caramel Macchiato.

"It's not a bad idea tho. We could be top students in our new school without us competing for each other but of course, I need to stay with one of you three, I can't survive alone in new school" said Nat while pointing at them.

"Okay, we'll see about that and that's not my main reason. I don't give a cat shit about grades and compete with you three cause we know you three ace in the study. What I want is a new environment to explore. Aren't you curious about that? Like new systems to abide too and a new place where no one knows about you or your family background. Oh, don't forget we could be rebels at that new school! A good one tho not the bad one as it could affect our personality" said Karol while trying to convince the triplets.

"Seriously Karol," said Christine, Nic and Nat unison while shaking their heads in disapproval.

"So you're saying that we all as in you, me, Nic and Nat transfer to a new school, away from each other and be the top student in that school without competing with each other so we can be top just for once and without feeling quilt towards each other?" asked Christine.

"I was thinking the same thing too" add Nat while agreeing to Christine's question.

"Well, not what I have that in mind but okay, that sound about right? I guess" reply Karol.

"Wait, so both of you feel guilty over that petty grades things?" asked Nic while looking at Christine and Nat.

"Sometimes yes, I kinda have this issue where I'm scared if you three get like real competitive in grades and end up we split ways because of being competitive with each other. I don't want that. I want us to be together until we are old like our parents" reply Nat.

"Yes, totally agree with Nat, I feel the same way too," said Christine.

"You know we won't be that way, Christine and Nat. We are sisters. Don't put those toxic thoughts in your head okay" said Nic.

"Mama, papa, dad, mom, pho, mae, papii and mamii so gonna kill you for saying that they're old Nat" said Karol in a whisper tone but all 3 of them heard them and rolled their eyes over Karol's remark.

"Anyway gais (guys), you all gonna agree in doing this shit with me?" ask Karol destroying their small touching sisterly moments.

"Okay sure why not" reply Christine.

"Well, I guess it's okay" reply Nic.

"I'm in but I'm scared tho like new environment and me alone without you 3 isn't a good combination," said Nat.

"Don't worry Nat, I bet Karol got another shit solution for her shitty ideas?" said Nic while snorting at Karol who give an annoyed face.

"Okay then let's all do it and if you hate it then transfer back to our school. Easy peasy am I right" said Karol while looking happy as she sipping her macchiato.

"Easy peasy for you," said Nat.

"Don't worry Nat, give it a try for few months' k if it's still isn't going well then we'll transfer back?" said Karol.

"This is the last one of your ridiculous request from us okay Karol," said Christine.

"hehe can't say that tho, if it's the last one then my death bell is around the corner cause only by death then I'll stop being ridiculous," said Karol in a teasing tone.

"Again with that death bell around the corner joke. Could you please stop saying that cause it might come true" said Nic looking annoyed at Karol.

"That's how I am sugar, young, wild, well not that wild, free spirit but got curfew and will be doing crazy adventure or stuff with you all, my sisters. No one can stop me, hahaha" said Karol while laughing at her lame joke.

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