
New Friendships

Deus was taken by surprise when a call from Cora came through his personal phone. He watched the phone ring the first few times, wondering why his maid was calling his cell. If it were any emergency, Enelda, the head cook, or Hattie would have called him instead. Even the other, older maid would have felt obliged to call first in case the first two could not. Nevertheless, he reached over his office desk and picked up the phone. He brought it up to his ear to hear Cora's muffled voice.

"Young Master, the Mrs. has returned," she whispered. She must have been in a place secluded from the rest where no one could hear her. After all, would not have been happy with her relaying that information to the husband she currently wanted nothing to do with. As for Deus, he found it strange that Ines would return from London twice in under one week. Whatever business she had in Aberdeen, she was keeping it a secret from him.

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