
Chapter 62 - More Secrets


The past couple of weeks have been hectic on me both emotionally and physically.

What I went through could have cost me my relationship , family and sanity. However I received the right kind of help; therapy , support and patience from my family.

Angelo still feels guilty for not being there when the unthinkable happened. You'd think what happened would break us up but our willingness to fight for what we have , and still keep it together kept us going . Happiness for me comes from within; you can't give what you don't have and yesterday morning before lunch I surprised Angelo . At first he protested but after Blake almost caught us "having fun" he gave up control which is also rare . Blake came back with lunch only to find Angelo in a very good mood. I followed through with the promise I made Angelo and this morning he was knocked out cold .

Nicolai offered to drop Gio at Carlo's house because Caleb was visiting and it was school holidays . He asked me if he could sleep over for the next couple of days and I said yes. Angelo was still sleeping when he left and my mom also came over to get the twins . It was almost time for work and I called Blake to ask him; if Angelo had any important meetings ,and he said no he took the rest of the week off. He also came clean about an offer from a rival company that he was considering but he would talk to Angelo before leaving. I had already cleaned up and I needed to access my work documents so that I could make sure everything was on track . Angelo's computer was connected to the work server . As soon as I sat down I played around with the mouse and the screen saver popped up. It was a picture of ; the twins, Gio , Angelo and me smiling at the farmers market .The password box popped up the screen and I typed in ...Cleo Massa. I thought it was going to give me an access denied message , but. I was taken strait through to the page I wanted ; Massa& Stone. I logged into my account and I started working and printing hard copies for my assistant to file ; as soon as I printed the last marketing strategy plan for a client. I logged out and just as I was about to switch off and email popped up. I absent minded opened it ,and it was too late before I realized what I had opened ... I had clicked on an email marked important.

What I saw was a shipping schedule that didn't make sense until I saw the date when the accident happened on, Angelo's Birthday May 11th . I knew I shouldn't, but curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on the date and opened the video file. I saw everything that happened to me right up until the point I flipped over and I was flung out of the car , hit my head and I was carried out to sea by the waves. I had blocked out the day but then again Angelo never told me the real reason he wanted to move down to Cape Town. Home is where he is but as soon as I clicked out of the video I was taken to the police report and I saw everything. The night Angelo and I made up and the cops were at the club was in question. Part of me wanted to know why Blue was on edge day after the incident. Something about his desk felt familiar and he had the sniffels lately . The desk was the same as the one in Paul's office. I was wearing my grey polo fleece hoody and blue jeans with white sneakers . I moved back and spotted two buttons; I placed my index finger on one and my middle finger on the other.I heard a click sound at the end of the desk near the huge picture of the ocean. I left my phone on the desk and walked closer to the mural and walked in a door that closed itself after the painting moved back to its original spot. I saw spiraling staircase in a dark room and walked down until I saw dim light and another door . I walked out and felt a bit offish. The room was way colder and I had wished I was back in Blue's office. When I turned the corner to find my way out and if there was no way out I'd go back the same way I came; someone came from behind pinned me against the wall , and pressed something that felt like cold iron on on my temple. With in seconds all the calmness I had evaporated into thin air and panic started to set in stomach . What the hell has Angelo been doing under my nose.

"You have sixty seconds to explain yourself or I pull the trigger and get rid of your body or any evidence of your existence. "

I went quiet and froze only to get cuffed and taken into a room that was colder ,and before I could turn the guy closed the cold room that had ice cream tubs and frozen goods . The lights were bright and all I could do was walk around to keep warm . I could scream but the doors were too thick to carry any sound . Where was Nicolai ,and who the hell was this dude?


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