
Chapter 48 - Guilt


Everybody keeps on telling me how fortunate I am to have Cleo in my

life. My father , three of my best friends and oh my girlfriend's new

friend Clara Perelli. Brent is the lucky one. I can see why Carlo was

torn up when he broke up with Clara. I always pretend to be

independent emotionally and otherwise. I have never shared what's

mine until Cleo.

She taught me a lot of stuff. I normally would keep quiet and keep

anything that's bothering me inside; but she saw right through me and

got me to talk about what the matter was . With no fail I would always

open up but I screwed up badly

When I ran upstairs I thought I was alone and all I could do was break

apart, cry my eyes out , pray to God to give me the strength I need

stitch myself back together again with his help. When I looked up I

saw Clara Perelli; she somehow reminded me of my wife... girlfriend why

the hell have I taken so long to make Cleo my wife. I see why Brent is

over protective and Carlo too.

Clara waved her hands in front of my face to get me to snap out of my trance ...

"Michelangelo. How's Cleo?"

I wiped my face clean and stood up and gestured to the vacant bench

she was sitting on and I as soon as she sat down I sat next to her

and looked at her again. I had to do a double take because she

reminded me so much of Cleo . The calmness she exuded and her kind


"She's fighting for her life and I am at fault."

" The doctors here are good at what they do she will be okay. How is

it your fault "

" I was drunk and I got physical with her she was fine just this

morning . I was angry at her for lying to me."

"She wouldn't lie to. I'm guessing this has to do with her leaving

her phone in the home office when she went to lunch with me."

" She didn't tell me where she was going and we had a fight in the

morning about her being distant ."

" Your mother told her to give you space. Why didn't you ask Cleo?"

"I tried to ask her and she just cried , when I tried to kiss her

after feeling our babies kick she walked out on me after my tantrum ."

"She was afraid ."

"Of who? "

"Your mother... Cleo opened up to me on Wednesday about how pretentious

Rosa was and how she even threatened to take the twins away from her

once they were born and raise them with you and exclude her from

having any participation in any way or involvement in raising the

twins . She will go out of her way to make sure that happens."

I started rubbing my temples trying to make sense of what Clara was

telling me and she wasn't afraid of me at all .

"Cleo isn't Nina or Nikki ... For the first time in my life I'm happy."

" You could have fooled Cleo . Rosa was on the phone with Jane and

she overheard a conversation they were having. The fact that your

mother would prefer Jane raise the twins instead of Cleo. I have

three kids ; Caleb who we thought was gone but was kept away for

safety... He looks like Carl but has my nose and chin is my first ,

Andrew who is so like Brent besides his eyes loves books like Gio and

has a caring heart ,and Andrea who looks like me but has his father's

eyes who has Brent wrapped around her little finger. They are my


" I can sort of relate but my mother interfering . You thought you

lost Caleb and I saw what it did and still does to Carl , Brent loves

all three of your children . I love Gio like he is mine but I can't

deny that I'm not worried about my twins."

"Cleo took precautions."

I looked up and detected seriousness and sadness in Clara's eyes.

" what do you mean ?'

''Cleo saw a family lawyer yesterday . I was with her as a witness. ."

"what ?"

" As much as you want to see your babies ; you can't see them until

Cleo comes around."


" What you did on Wednesday night almost hurt your baby girl and son.

The things you said to Cleo were scary and your father doesn't know

about the incident .Nicolai was with Cleo yesterday too at the lawyer

s office . He told them what happened. If he hadn't pried you off

Cleo we'd be talking about how you almost killed your kids."

" I wouldn't do that . I can't remember what happened ."

I started sobbing again and shaking my head .

" Nicolai has the footage and he also took a drug test after he

knocked you out . Ask him ."

Clara's phone went off and she scanned the message that came through .

" I think I was drugged ... I would never.. I love her. "

There was a long pause and silence and Clara stood up and I followed suit.

" There is news on Clara's condition... "

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