

Emery's head throbbed intensely as he felt himself suspended in an endless expanse of nothingness. All around him, the pitch-black void stretched infinitely, offering no sense of direction or time. The weightlessness made it even more disorienting, making him question his own existence.

Gradually, fragments of memory began to pierce the fog that clouded his mind. Flashes of intense battles, faces filled with fear and defiance, and the powerful surge of energy that had coursed through him, all began to take form in his thoughts. At the forefront of these recollections was his clash with Ezzekiel, and the subsequent infusion of the chaotic energy of Khaos into his bloodstream.

But beyond those clear memories, there was an overwhelming aura of destruction. Visions of chaos: haunting screams of hunger, landscapes of death, and cataclysmic destruction weighed heavily on his psyche.


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