

Allias never believed those grumpy people who always talked  on and on about hating the world, about the selfish nature of the beings on this earth or whatever other excuse they used to put down planet earth. It seemed the least weird to him that you could hate a whole planet with no exceptions. He considered these people just annoying and tried to avoid them at all costs. 

After though Allias returned, his insignificant life as a college student and a human being finally over he started to realize that these people, the ones who dissed on the world, were not actually that wrong. Especially the ones talking about greed. Allias as a human had never experienced true greed, truly being forced to satisfy someone's  needs just because he had to. Once though he became someone, the moment he wore that heavy crown back on his head everyone needed something from him, expecting him to be someone else for them. 

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