
Chapter 28

Kingslanding - The Red Keep

"Is everything alright?" Arianne asked Rhaegar. He had been unusually quiet during their lunch the day before, left early and didn't bother showing up to dinner. Now at breakfast in the gardens, he seemed dazed as he looked ominously at the dainty flowers moving in the morning breeze.

He looked up at her and raised his brow. "Hmm?"

Arianne wondered if there was anything he was keeping from her, but chose not to pester him any more than she'd already had. Especially since she had been planning on asking him if she could bring over Lilia from Winterfell as her companion rather than handmaiden. Something Nymella and Penelope knew was going to be simply out of the question. "I was just saying, I wonder what Oberyn's going to do about his bastard situation."

Rhaegar shrugged, playing with his fruit platter and poking at his oranges gently. "Oberyn is probably the father of half of Dorne." Arianne gave him a pointed look and he rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm sure he's more worried about Merida causing a scene in his life than having a child to take care of."

She nodded her head, it had seemed that way the day before. He seemed unbothered by the prospect of a son or daughter, but rather told her he feared that if Merida's mother came here she would go crazy demanding Oberyn to do something and it would reflect badly on him if he didn't. "Well, speaking of children...I think it's high time I met Aegon and Rhaeyns don't you think?" She asked, treading lightly with her words. She had asked many times before and been rejected every single time.

Rhaegar racked his brain for what Elia might be doing, unsure if she would be in the nursery with them. "Alright." He eventually said, satisfied enough that he had left the silence to draw out enough. "After that, I have a very good friend of mine I'd like for you to meet."

"Oh, I feel special," Arianne smiled, taking the hand he had offered to her and standing from her seat.

The walk to the nursery was short, seeing as they were still in the Keep rather than another garden in the castle. The door to the nursey was heavy and when Rhaegar knocked on it, it made an unnaturally loud sound. "My brother might be in here, sometimes mother's ability to sneak him in to have a little time with his nephew and niece."

"Sneak him in?" Arianne asked, tapping her foot lightly as they waited for the door to open.

Rhaegar raised a brow at her, as if to say, it's okay if you've heard rumours. But before he could reassure her, the door was opened and squealing was heard from inside. In the nursery were two large cribs, almost the size of Arianne's bed in Winterfell, and musicians entertaining the children while wetnurses watched them closely. Hidden in corners of the room were four Kingsgaurd, each stood as still as the all.

"Talk about coddling," Arianne whispered. She followed Rhaegar into the room, his hand finding its way to her own and squeezing it reassuringly.

"Rhaeyns, why don't you come and say hello," he cooed waving his hand over to his daughter.

The little girl turned around, let go of the harp that she had a deadly grip on and ran into her fathers' arms. "Papa!" she squealed.

Arianne couldn't help but admire the little girl, she was chubby and had short black hair. Though one silver wisp flowed down, longer than the rest and was braided back. Her eyes, which Arianne assumed would be purple, were a brown. She looked quizzically at her. How odd it was that she inherited her mothers' eyes just as Arianne had. She bent down and smiled at Rhaenys. "Hello, there little one."

Rhaenys looked at her cautiously, poking her stubby finger into her eye. Arianne covered her eye with both hands wincing. "Rhaenys!" Rhaegar exclaimed, unable to keep the smile on his face a secret.

"Daddy eyes, daddy's eyes," the girl repeated, returning back to her jumpy self and cuddling into her father. She hugged him, squirmed in his arms, played with his hair and even dared to take the crown that was placed on his head.

"No sweetheart, give that back," Rhaegar warned, though his tone was playful.

Rhaenys let out a giggle and roughly gave it back to him, "mama Ashara says sharing is caring."

"Does she now," Arianne laughed, unable to align her situation with Ashara's words of wisdom.

Rhaenys laughed along with her, though Arianne was sure she was merely doing it for the fun of it. "Mama...?" She looked to Arianne for help.

Arianne, in turn, looked at Rhaegar, unsure of what she was asking. "Mama Arianne," Rhaegar said pointing to her.

"Mama Arinen," Rhaenys said, puffing her chest out in pride. "Look, baby," she said tugging at Arianne's dress and pointing to her baby brother. He was tossing and turning in his bed, and once he saw three pairs of eyes on him, had his arms stretched out to be held.

Rhaenys tried picking him up, pulling at his arm roughly. Arianne, however, stopped her and picked the light boy up, he sang gleefully as she did so.

"Papa, may we take her to our secret water fountain?" Rhaenys asked, tugging at her father's sleeves. He missed her statement, too busy looking at Arianne holding his son. He looked at Rhaenys, confused, and she repeated her question.

Rhaegar covered her mouth with his hand "It not a secret anymore my little dragon is it?"

Their conversation was cut short though with a shriek from Arianne, she handed Aegon to his wet nurse and reassured her there was nothing to worry about as she told the other to help her clean her dress.

"I dare not come close to you now do I?" Rhaegar asked, looking at the small white patch at the back of Arianne's dress.

Arianne rolled her eyes. "I dare not care."

Rhaegar picked up Rhaenys and swung her legs to hit Arianne's. "You do not care? Tell her Rhaenys. How dare you do not dare to care!?"

Rhaenys squealed as he flipped her over his shoulder. "Papa is stupid."

"Who taught you that word?"

"Papa did."

"Ah, well don't say it," Rhaegar responded, unsure as to when he let it slip around the young girl. She had a knack for picking up words that weren't meant to be said by a girl her age. Arianne snickered still wiping at the back of her dress with the wet cloth. Putting Rhaenys down he ushered her to play with the musicians, but she refused and clung onto him. Rhaegar took her hand and then took Arianne's, "I cannot wait to have our own three dragons."

Arianne frowned at him. "I am to be your mistress, not your wife. Stop feeding me falsehoods." She let go of his hand, growing tired of being played for a fool by him and those around her. A bastard, marrying a Prince? What were they thinking? She left him with his children, not wanting to intrude any longer on their time.

"Liar liar liar!" Rhaenys shouted returning back to the musicians who at her command returned to playing her favourite song. She was back to skipping around the room gleefully, rattling her brother's crib and refusing her father to leave after Arianne. "Papa stay here until I go to sleep."

Rhaegar held her arms as she hugged him and shook his head. "Papa has work to do darling, maybe another time."

"Please papa, please," she begged, her voice cracking as she did so.

Rhaegar sighed, threw his head back and picked her up. "Papa will stay here as long as you want me to than my little Princess."


Arianne sighed, finding herself plucking at the ugly sunflowers in front of her. She had tried finding her way to either Nymella or Penelope, remembering them mentioning that their rooms were not in the Keep but where lower families are placed. She grunted in frustration, not bothered by the servant boy who watched her curiously as he held his jug of wine proudly. After a while he shuffled to the left and disappeared, Arianne didn't bother to let her mind focus on him. He probably needed a break. Though unlike his companions who were lined up on the main sidewalk underneath the unforgiving sun, he was behind a large bush and near a small pond.

"Shut up!" She found herself whispering. Standing from her seat on the large rocks and leaning over the pond to gaze down at the frogs. The noisy creatures looked up at her from their blissful world and croaked in rhythm, almost mimicking her. She felt like sticking her hand in the pond and choking every last one of them but knew that if anyone were to see her, she would be the face of gossip. So instead she stuck out her index finger and stroked the odd creatures. "You're all so ugly," she whispered, laughed to herself. She heard rustling behind her and turned to see who had interrupted her private moment with new friends. It was the servant boy and he behind him stood a tall gentleman in a blue shirt, one Arianne had never seen the fashion of. It looked as if it were water, flowing with him as he walked towards her.

"Well done boy, here have some tea. Or find yourself a pretty young thing hey," the man whispered, holding a golden coin between his fingers and flashing a smile at the servant; who in turn didn't hesitate to snatch it from him and hurriedly leave the area. Before he could though the man took the wine jar from his hands and clicked his fingers for the two glass cups that were behind the servants back.

Arianne looked at him quizzically, wondering what he had said to frighten the boy away. "Who are you?" She asked frowning at him as he poured them both a glass of wine.

"Haven't you been told?" He asked, pursing his lips as he struggled to balance the two cups in one hand, wine spilling to the dusty floor under him and onto his leather shoes. "Dammit these were freshly commissioned," he muttered, throwing the jug behind him carelessly and handing her a glass.

Arianne took it from her, though unlike him she didn't drink it. "No they haven't," she replied flatly rolling her eyes.

"Julian Tyrell-" her face contorted into one of distaste, she quickly covered it with a strained smile. "And you've met my aunt, I presume?" Julian laughed.

Arianne let out a snort. "She gave me an important lesson at Harrenhal." She whispered the ghastly castles names, remembering the happenings and feeling it taboo to even utter the name.

"Usually that means she sees you as a threat, yay you," he smirked tapping her bare shoulder. Arianne moved away from him, feeling uncomfortable at his touch, he didn't seem to sense her discomfort though, continuing their conversation. "So who are you, fine lady?"

Arianne scoffed as he took her hand in his and kissed it. "I'm a handmaiden ... to the ... to a high lady," she lied moving back from him once more.

Julian let out a laugh and moved closer to her. "I could've mistaken you for a high-end pleasure giver from Lys."

She couldn't even find it in herself to be angry at home, too tired for a headache he was giving her. "Are you finished?" She asked him, putting down her cup the rock she had been sitting down on crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, because I don't appreciate being lied to," he retorted, kicking the cup to the side and sitting down. "I know who you are. You think my main man would lead me to any old girl?" He asked her, raising a brow as he looked up at her.

Arianne frowned back at him. "Main man?"

"You think he looks like the type to stand around in a private area for the shits and giggles. He followed you here as I asked him to." Julian replied shrugging his shoulders and letting out a lazy sigh. Arianne blinked at him, wondering who else was keeping tabs on her. She felt her heart beating so hard that it pulsed throughout her entire body, all the way down to her toes. Gulping, she went to reply but her beat her to it. "Now Ashara Dayne, how does a lovely lady like yourself end up alone and talking to ... water?" He asked, looking at the pond and then back to her.

Arianne couldn't help but laugh, perhaps he'd been lying or his main man had given him false information. Or perhaps he thought she was Ashara. He was looking for Ashara. Arianne thought to herself, wondering what tales were being told of the young handmaiden. She ran ideas through her mind, wondering what exactly to say to him. Maybe I should give her a taste of her own medicine? Arianne thought to herself. Ashara had been making her stay at Kingslanding hostile, refusing to even acknowledge her existence whenever she was near her. Before she could impersonate Ashara though, her father's voice whispered through her mind. So noble he's even in my conscious. "Not her, sorry." She finally replied and turned to leave the private area.

Julian stood from his seat and took her hand, preventing her from leaving. Arianne looked at him and then back at her hand raising her brow. "Lady Dayne," he smirked pulling her closer.

"Let go of me you brute."

"If a Stark can earn a dance from you, surely I deserve more."

"Oh I'll show you what you deserve," Arianne snapped back, moving her other hand to hit him, anywhere.

He swatted it back, "purple eyes, just as I'd imagined. Gods, you look so different." Julian said moving closer to her. Arianne gagged at the smell of alcohol on his breath. He held himself well for a drunk man. "One kiss and I'll let you free." Julian smiled, turning her around so she wasn't near the exist anymore.

Arianne felt her free hand begin to shake as he took it in his own and placed it behind her back. "I'll scream bloody murder if you try anything."

Julian let out a laugh as she tried wriggling from his grip. Arianne saw his hazed eyes and let out a yelp, threatening him once more. "She bites," he whispered, touching his forehead with hers. A loud shrill scream was heard from her, Julian cut if off by placing a rough kiss on her lips. He let go of her hands and instead her head, Arianne cupped her hand and smacked it against his ear, causing him to retract and grasp his ear in pain. "What the fuck!?" He shouted, groaning in pain.

"I am not some whore you can manhandle!" She seethed looking to his left and right for a way out. "Now move." Instead of responding, Julian continued cupping his ear in pain. "Move!" She snapped.

Julian stood back up as if his ear had healed, though, in all honesty, it was ringing painfully. "Arthur won't find out if that's what you're worried about."

Arianne felt as if the sky had fallen in on her, "I don't want to kiss you, better yet talk to you, leave me alone and let me leave!" She yelled, trying to get past him.

The same smirk was plastered back on Julian's face as he moved left and right every time she tried to leave. "Just one more kiss." He said. Arianne tried to move past him, but he outstretched his arm tutting. "Uh-uh," Julian whispered, pushing her back.

Arianne felt hot streams fall down her face and she wiped them away quickly. "I'm not Ashara Dayne, just leave me be!"

"Oh pish posh, who else has purple eyes and black hair?" Julian questioned her.

"Me, obviously," she snapped back. Her nose was now running. In the short silence, she heard the clanking armour of a Kingsguard walking, followed by shuffling and movement of the pathway and then light chitter chatter. "Hello!? Somebody help!" Arianne yelled, looking right at Julian as she did so. Julian, in a drunk daze, pushed her right into the pond, unsure of how else to deal with the situation. If she really was Ashara and that was a Kingsguard, even drunk Julian knew that was begging for bad attention. Arianne shrieked as she fell back into the pond, feeling the water lilies and mud brush against her as she fell in. The pond was in no way deep, but she was covered in muck from head to toe.

"Arianne?" Ashara said, looking at the young girl in the pond.

"What the hell?" Julian frowned, looking between them too. It didn't take long for him to notice his mistake, he pushed out his lips in guilt and tried leaving the secluded area unnoticed, which was futile as Elia stood in front of him, arms in front of her chest. Helmed Kingsguards stared down at him as he tried to make his exit. "Okay Arthur is very small compared to you fine brutes," he nervously chuckled, tapping the smaller one of the two on his breastplate.

"Are you alright?" Ashara asked Arianne, looking down at her and offering her hand.

"What would you care?" Arianne said, wiping the mud on her hand on a rock and taking the help.

"I know what it feels like to be...pressured by the likes of him," she responded honestly. "Come, we'll get you into a bath."

"If I may, my lady, I'll take her back to her room." Arianne recognised the voice of Ser Jonothor and she instantly felt at ease.

"Right well, see you around I suppose, purple maiden," Ashara chuckled.

Arianne looked at her remorsefully. "It's going to take more than a joke to win me over Lady Dayne," she said truthfully, taking the white cloak that Jonothor offered her, bowing her head towards Elia and excusing herself. As she left the bushed pond area, Arianne heard Elia whisper to Julian a small sentence of disgust, she turned her head, and her party of handmaidens and maids continued walking, Julian stumbled back into the private area and was left to his own devices.

"Shall I tell the Prince, my lady?" Jonothor asked he walked a few paces behind her.

"No. Fuck the Prince," she whispered, quickening her pace. And Jonothor nodded his head and erased all memory of her uttering those three words.


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