
Subtle Use...

The blow to her jaw lifted Reyna off her feet and the few seconds she was in the air and without the support of solid ground was seen as an opportunity for an even harder strike to her midsection.

Before the blow could connect though, Reyna blasted large amounts of fire from her body and used it to propel herself backward and away from Melinda's reach.

This was the first time Reyna would make use of her affinity with frames since this battle began and the reason she had not used it so far was that she knew of Melinda's Ordinance and did not wish to give her enemy even more of an advantage.

That said, using it to escape and using it in such a smooth transition that Melinda could not react fast enough to control the said flames was still a valid option.

The moment she was back on solid ground, Reyna swallowed a mending pill to heal the wound to her thigh.

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