

“So, let me get this straight. You’ve never had ice cream?” Nikki shouts causing me to chuckle. She’s got a nice warm smile and her cheeks are flushed. If I’ve learned anything from tonight, it’s that Nicole drinking, is something to see.

“I’ve had ice cream.”

“Really? How often do you indulge in sugary substances?”

“It’s not often.” I shrug and laugh when I see her throwing her head back cackling at my statement.

We’ve been here at the restaurant for hours. I’ve answered call after call from Rand and Jim, telling them that we are done and that we will be home soon, only each time it’s time to leave, Nikki starts a new conversation causing us to stay out longer. It’s nearing eleven o’clock and the manager of the restaurant has yet to come and kick us out.

Siguiente capítulo