
Chapter 15

Ari slid into the limousine beside the woman, and took the long, fluted champagne glass she offered. Although Ari didn’t drink, she needed one now.

“The name’s Lillian Durling,” the woman said in a slightly British accent. She took a sip of her champagne.

“And you are?” From her accent, Ari thought that she was probably from Estrea but wanted to know for sure.

The woman refilled Ari’s glass. “I am Lillian, your new personal shopper.” She held her arms out wide as a broad smile spread across her face. “We’re going shopping!”

Ari smiled. “Did my fiancé send you?” She was careful not to say his name in case the driver wasn’t from Estrea.

“Aaahh!!! You’re learning!” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “Yes, he did. He wants me to take you on a shopping spree to get you everything you will need to be a princess of Estrea.”

Ari noticed that the woman said, “to be a princess” and not “to feel like a princess”. At that moment, it dawned on her how different her life was going to be from this moment forward.

“Where to?” the driver asked, raising his eyebrows in the rearview mirror.

Lillian smiled, looking in Ari’s eyes. “Why, Fifth Avenue, of course!”

Yes, Ari’s life had just changed in a big way.

“Yes, ma’am.” The driver made a few sharp turns and soon they were headed to Manhattan. She leaned forward, concern coloring her eyes. “I know this is a big change for you and I’m aware of your circumstances. But take my advice and enjoy the ride.” She sat back and smiled. “After all, we’re going shopping on the famous Fifth Avenue!”

Ari nodded, knowing she was right. She was marrying the Crown Prince of Estrea, after all. And it was going to happen whether she was happy about it or not. She may as well enjoy the ride, as Lillian suggested. She just wished she could have it all: Be with her sister and have her cared for, too. Not one thing or the other. But she knew that she had made the decision and did what was best for her sister, and she was glad of it.

Ari held her glass up to Lillian. “You’re right. Thank you for the reminder.”

Lillian nodded, her smile fading. “I’m so sorry about your sister, but she’s in good hands. She will be fine.”

Ari nodded. “I’m surprised you know about her.”

The smile returned as she tilted her head to the side. “It’s my business to know. Now....” She leaned forward again, excitement filling her voice. “What would you like to buy?”

Ari smiled. Lillian’s excitement was catchy. “What will I need?”

“Aaahhh! That’s the right question!” Lillian sat back in her seat. “You’re learning.” She took a sip of her champagne. “You’re going to need day dresses, evening gowns, lingerie, perfume, coats, sweaters. Then we’re going to need summer clothes....” The list continued, but Ari was only half paying attention, until she said, “... and a wedding dress.”

Then Ari’s head snapped up.

Lillian cocked her head to the side. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well, that depends upon if it’s going to be a small ceremony or a large one.” Excitement started filling her as the realization that within a few days, she would be saying “I do” to a stranger in front of a church filled with people she didn’t know. She wished her mother and sister could be there, but at the moment, it was impossible.

Lillian smiled. “As I said, you’re learning.” Lillian took a sip of her champagne. “This ceremony will be small. However, you can have a larger ceremony later with your family, if you like.” She smiled, tilting her head to the side. “I’m sure your fiancé won’t mind.”

Ari shook her head. “No, thank you. That won’t be necessary.” Ari smiled, determined to make the best of the situation. But it was nice to know in case she changed her mind. “Well, in that case, I think a simple, floor-length dress with a lace veil, not tulle, would be nice.”

Lillian nodded. “I think that would be wonderful. and I know of a place in Manhattan that has vintage lace.” A broad smile spread across her face. “It’ll be perfect.”

“Sounds great.” Ari knew they had a bit of a drive, and she wanted to know more. “Are you from Estrea?”

Lillian smiled, nodding. “Yes, I am. What would you like to know?” She was definitely a mind reader.

“What’s it like?”

“It’s a sovereign nation near Luxembourg,” she replied, “We have a full four seasons. Right now, it’s covered in snow with evergreens. Perfect for Christmas. In the fall, the leaves change color. In summer, it’s nice, not too warm.”

Ari smiled, loving the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her home country. She guessed that everyone felt that way about their homeland. “It sounds wonderful.”

Lillian smiled. “It’s the best. It’s beautiful and, in today’s modern age, we have everything that you would have here.”

“I can’t wait to see it.” Ari smiled, enjoying hearing about Estrea through her eyes.

Soon, they pulled onto the famous Fifth Avenue. They passed by Versace, Bergdorf Goodman, St. Patrick Cathedral, Saks Fifth Avenue, and more. Ari had been here to look but could never afford to actually shop here... especially not on a whirlwind shopping spree.

“Pull over here,” Lillian instructed, and the driver pulled over in front of Prada. “Well! Here we are!” She looked over at Ari as a triumphant look spread across her face. “Are you ready for this?”

Ari smiled. Lillian’s excitement was catchy. “As ready as I’m going to be. Let’s do this.”

Lillian laughed, her eyes sparkling. “Yes! Let’s!”

They spent the afternoon shopping. By the time they finished a few hours later, she had a whole new wardrobe, complete with dozens of new bras and underwear, with strict instructions from Lillian to burn her old ones. Ari liked her very much. “Will you be my personal shopper in Estrea, too?”

Lillian linked arms with her. “Yes, my dear. You won’t be able to get rid of me easily.”

“I’m counting on it.” It would be nice to see a friendly face when she arrives in Estrea.

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