
Chapter 24

"Kim's voice came from outside. "I've opened the stopcock. Is the water running OK?"

Tilly turned on the tap.

"Yes. It's fine. Tea in a few minutes."

Kim came back in as Tilly was filling the kettle. He looked around the kitchen in amazement.

"But this is incredible," he said. "I can't believe this place. It's like a museum. Look at this." He was staring, rapt, at the washing machine. "This must be one of the earliest models."

Tilly laughed at him. "The first electric washing machine was invented in 1908. This is much more modern. It was the very latest thing when we got it."

The machine was squat and square, standing on four long legs with castors on the feet. Kim pulled it out from the wall to get a closer look. The maker's mark was "Thompson."

"My father-in-law made these," said Tilly. "He was a major domestic appliance manufacturer. This is the 'Thompson Titan,' closely modelled on the American 'Maytag'. The wringer is electric, too. Look!"

"My God, it's lethal!"

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