
Chapter 18

--- A/N ---

Hello guys! How is your day?

If you found any mistake in this chapter, just leave a comment for it so i can fix it latter on. I am trying on this kind of writing style. If you found this type of writing annoying, just leave a comment to the chapter comment so i can fix it latter on hehehehe.

If you also have any suggestions, Just comment it on the chapter comment. I will pick some feasible and nice suggestions and will be placed on the plot accordingly hehehe. Thanks for the cooperation guys!

Have a nice day guys!


I looked at the data sheet i got from Kinkaku and Ginkaku's flesh and found that it have some foreign traces. I found that this Foreign Traces gives the DNA an ancient/prehistoric touch. Due to this, It can devour any DNA structure and copy their strong perk without changing its appearance. Its copying power is still incomplete because it can only copy half of the original so i will try fixing that and make it much stronger. I will let Jarvis Analyze it again so i can see more data i missed from it before fixing it whole.

I took the two containers that contains the Tailed Beast's Chakra from my storage scroll and placed them from a big apparatus that have ten sockets to it. I put the red chakra on the ninth socket while the other one to the eighth socket. The Ninth and the eight chambers attached to the big apparatus lit up and showed green fluid flowing slowly. I touched it as i felt heartbeats being formed from the chambers. I left it and moved to the big screen to connect them to the system.

The big apparatus is something i have been planning to do since my stay here in this world. It can make any Monsters evolve so their strength increase on the same level with the Tailed beast's strength.

I am creating this because i don't really care much about the plot. Since i was born in this world, i know that i have already created time ripples in this universe and changed some events in the future. That is the main reason i let my 'Still Imperfect Ninja' kill Kinkaku and Ginkaku and take their flesh.

I don't really care about the plot since this world is not exactly the show i always watch too. This is a real world for me and not a show, If i wait for the plot to happen without me doing anything, that is basically stupidity to its finest. I will create a whole new story where i am a big part of it and not just a sideline character that can die anytime without any warning.

After placing the containers to their respective slots, i moved to another room. I said "Jarvis, How are the Healing and Cloning Chambers?"

{They are all good and functional Professor.}

I nodded and said "Okay, Clone this samples i have here please."

I placed 2 glass tubes that contains blood to a test tube rack. This two blood were the blood i salvaged from Hashirama's and Izuna's corpse. I am planning on cloning them and see if i can absorbed their Kekkei Genkai. If i can't then i will use them as my lab rat and see if i can ransack any benefits from them.

I took Hashirama's blood from his corpse in the Senju compound. It is so easy since the village is in war and only newbie Ninjas secure their Cementery. As for Izuna's blood, He is not really my first choice.

I plan on using Madara's blood but i can't find any DNA samples, Such as hair, nails, skin, blood or more, from him. Every item Madara have were missing or destroyed by his enemies and friend. I even secretly infiltrated his old house here in Konoha but still can't find any thing in it.

I looked for any substitute person in the compound but i can't find anyone that meets my standards in his clan until i heard a rumour on some guards. They said that Madara buried his brother Izuna's corpse in the Uchiha compound for safekeeping. I settled with Izuna's blood sample and immediately stole some of his blood as my substitute.

I moved to the previous room and saw Kong, In his big form, moving heavy equipment inside the room. I nodded to him and Helped him. We immediately finished the task and ate some snacks. While eating, He asked "What do you need this for boss?"

I said "You will know it in the future, Kong."

He looked at me strangely and said "You say so boss. I will keep my own business."

I chuckled and looked at my work.


I used most of my free time from this week inside my laboratory. I experimented Kinkaku and Ginkaku's samples and found some minor and major problems. The major problem? They can't be fused to just anyone.

This DNA is so reactive to other bloodlines. It dominates and devours all of the bloodlines i have in my inventory. It didn't just devours the bloodline but it also become unstable. The efficiency of the DNA drops down and can't devour so much bloodline. It will die down and turn the holder of this into a mush/goo due to instability of the DNA.

The minor problem is that, this can only be fused to ninjas without any Kenkei Genkai. This is not really a problem since i am just a normal Ninja and doesn't have any Kenkei Genkai.

I am connecting some apparatus and wirings when i heard Jarvis talk to me.

{Professor, Your Father is in front of your door. He is about to enter your room, should i release the backup plan?}

I stopped what i was doing and said "Nope, I will go back."

I looked at my back and saw Kong lifting big apparatus and equipments to their designated places. I said "Kong, please continue on what i was doing. I will go out for a while to take some fresh air."

Kong immediately dropped what he is holding before shrinking to his baby form. He said "Boss, I don't know what your doing. Can you stay here? I am afraid that i may break some equipments here boss!"

I rebutted "I already thought you how to control your strength. Why are you afraid of not using your strength properly and break my equipments?"

Kong look down and said "I, I, Boss I, i...."

I aighed and said "*Sighhh~~* Why? Is it because you're afraid so of Jarvis?"

Kong immediately denied "Like hell i am afraid of him! I am not afraid of anything boss!"

I turned back and said "Okay, stay safe then Kong."

I am about to flicker when he clinged to my feet. He tearly said "Okay boss, i am wrong. I am really afraid! That red eyed monster follows and record every movements i do when you're not here! I am scared of him spying on me!"


I smacked his head and said "You are Kong! The Uncrowned King of Monsters! Why are you so afraid of him! He is just executing what i ordered him and is doing his tasks properly! What is so scary about him!?"

He moved near my ears and whispered "I am afraid of him going rogue boss. I don't want to be stabbed on my back especially my ass!!!"

I sigh and said "Are you watching or reading anything strange? Tell me now so we can fix this problem!"

Kong innocently said "Strange? What strange? I am not doing anything like watching the cameras station in the whole village. I never watch some couples F*ck okay? i am an innocent law abiding Gorilla that is honestly doing work. For me to step that low? That utterly b*llshit!" *SMACK*

I smacked his head again and said "You already admitted it idiot!! Why are you even watching that! You are still young, Your just a year old Gorilla and you are already watching that?"

Kong Begged on my feet and said "I am sorry boss! I can't stop it boss, The temptations is so hard to resist! Please forgive me boss! I already learned my lesson when Jarvis showed me a cursed video boss!"

I frowned and said "Cursed Video? What cursed video? Jarvis? What cursed Video is he talking about?"

{Should i show it to you Professor?}

Kong Immediately said "Boss, I think that is a bad choice."

I Said "Bad choice? What bad choice?"

Kong replied "It is abo-"


He was cut short when a load moan was shown on the screen. I looked at it and saw something i will never forget. I am seeing two men making out. Kong shouted while holding his bleeding eyes "AAAAHHHHHHH, MY EYES! MY INNOCENT EYES!!!!!!!"

I am closing my eyes while thinking some happy scene in some souls i absorbed. I am feeling weird about this because i have absorbed some souls that did some indescribable act than this. I let this slide and said "Stop this ruse Jarvis, No need to torture him about this. As for this kind of Videos, I want you to put them in another archive or delete them so it will not be broadcasted to us. I will trust you with that."

{Yes Professor! Rest assure Professor, I will do what you say!}

I sigh and said "*Sigh* Okay, you can come with me Kong but you must behave. Jarvis! Continue what we are doing here. We will be out for a while!"

{I will Professor! By the way Kong, Stay safe~}

Kong shivered again and gave Jarvis his two middle finger. He angrily said "F*ck you you Evil perverted Machine!! F*CK YOU!!!"

I flickered together with Kong and arrived to my room. I opened the door and saw my Father standing in front of my door. He is leaning on my door while looking at me in grin. Kong and i are looking at him stupefied as he said "Took you so long son! Enjoying using your hands? I told you to look for a girlfri-" *SMACK* *SLAP* *THUD*

I smacked his stomach so he crouched from pain. I moved in front of him and Kong used that chance to slap him hard on his face. My father was knocked unconscious and dropped on the floor. I gave Kong a high five for a good team play.

I moved downstairs and saw my mom cooking in the kitchen. She asked "Oh thank goodness you are here son! A group of shady persons were waiting for you at the front door. Be careful dealing with them okay?"

I said "I will mom, Thanks for worrying about me."

She said "No problem son, By the way, where is your father?"

I said "He is busy sleeping on the hallway mom!" I immediately hold my mouth and said "Opppss, He told me to not tell you that! Sorry Dad!"

My mom creepily came out of the kitchen with a pan on her hand. She walked calmly upstairs and said "Ohhh.... You useless Husband of mine!!! WAKE UP!! *SMACK* *SMACK*"

My father, waken by the pan, said "OUCH! I am awake Hun! *SMACK* What was this for Hun!?"

She shouted "Haru told me that you are sleeping here! How dare you sleep here while i am busy doing the household chores! That is unforgivable! *SMACK* "


I laughed and moved to the front door. I opened it and saw three Anbus waiting for me. The middle guy said "Mr. Haru, The Hokage is looking for you. He needs your presence in his office."

I nodded and they immediately flickered out of our door. I shouted "Mom! The Second Hokage wanted to talk to me! I will go out for a while!"

My mom shouted "Okay Son! Be careful on your way son! I will just finish beating up your father!"

My father shouted in the background "I am sorry Hun! I am sorry! This is entirely our son's plot! *SMACK*"

"Oh, is he Hun?" My mother said as he smiled calmly before continue hitting my father. My father hurriedly said "No i am not Hun, I am telling that he is benevolent person. Can we please sto- *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*"

I moved outside as me and Kong can't contain our laugh. Kong said "You did a great hit on him boss! Hahahaha! Take that you big Gorilla!"

I stopped laughing and looked at him silently. He asked "What?"

I looked away and said "Nothing, I think we should keep going shall we?"

I walked to the Hokage tower and encountered Tsunade on the way. She rushed to me excitedly and waved her hand. She said "Brother Haru! Brother Haru!"

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