
Chapter 85: Talk About a Revolution

"Young One and Mother-Mina decorated our home. It's now completed," Bilal said as he stacked a box on the floor next to the others.

Carmella chuckled. "My home decorated by a three-year old and my mother-in-law. This ought to be interesting."

Bilal stopped to give her a kiss—about the fiftieth that he'd given her that day. But he knew the sacrifice that she was making. He just hoped that it wouldn't be a permanent one.

It had been months since they had first talked about leaving earth and in a few days that would be doing just that. They didn't want to believe that they would never see earth or their farm again. That was not a part of the plan. He hoped to start a revolution. And when it blew over the land like a wildfire he hoped that the old would be replaced with the new: new thoughts, new ideas--with none of the old prejudices. And that worked both ways with the Centaurians as well as the humans.

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