
Chapter 23

Liz sat in a corner of the dark bar at The Menger sipping her margarita. She had started toward the valet stand in he garage to ask them to whistle up a cab for her, but decided she didn't want to go home by herself. She was trying to decide if she was being stupid or smart here. True, Matt had put himself out there for all the world to see. If he didn't get it right this time, hundreds of thousands of people would know about it. Women would be disillusioned by him and men would be pissed because their women were disappointed.

She wanted so badly to give him this chance, but that little thread of fear still wiggled its way through her. Could she really trust him?

Through the glass in the outside door she watched the crowd hanging out in front of the Alamo, kids playing, couples walking hand in hand.

I want to be one of those couples. But I'm afraid.

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