
#Chapter 53

*Rose's POV*

Once again, it was a Saturday.

I was woken up by Pansy telling me that I had to get ready for Hogsmeade.

She knew that I was going with Ron and and Hermione to convince them, in fact, all my friends knew (who were in Slytherin, of course) because Draco had told them.

I sighed, today was going to be interesting.

Since I was avoiding Harry, I would only go and sit with Hermione when he had Quidditch practice.

However, whenever I went to sit sit with Hermione, she would make sure Ron was there too.

Once I had showered and gotten ready, I went downstairs. Blaise was there, waiting for me there, while the others had already gone down for breakfast.

I smiled at him,"Morning Blaise."

He smiled back at me,"Morning Rose."

We walked to the Great Hall together.

Sitting next to Tracey, and Blaise sitting next to me, I started piling food onto my plate.

"I was supposed to get you on a diet!" Pansy said frowning.

I rolled my eyes at her,"Like I said, I am not going on a diet."

In front of me, on the Gryffindor table, Hermione was smiling. That smile made me feel guilty, she wouldn't be my friend if she found out that I was only becoming Ron's and Harry's friend to spy on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

I had to think of a proper excuse to break my friendship with my brother and Harry once I was done spying.

I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione stand up. Hermione indicated, by moving her head, to tell me that we were going.

I nodded a my head and mouthed in a minute.

Once they were out of The Great Hall, I sighed as Blaise rubbed my back, not noticing Draco glaring at Blaise.

"Thanks Blaise, got to go now, bye guys," I said to my friends. They waved to me.

"We will be there, somewhere in Hogsmeade, if you need us, okay?" Draco asked.

I nodded, mainly to myself.

Hermione, Harry and Ron were talking to each other as I walked to them.

I forced a smile onto my face,"Hey guys!"

"Hello," the three of them replied together.

"Ready to go?" Hermione asked.

I nodded, and so did Ron.

"Alright then, bye Harry!" Hermione said.

"See you," Ron then said.

I just waved at Harry.

"Have fun!" Harry called out.

We sat in the carriages that took us to Hogsmeade.

"Right, so where to first?" Hermione asked once we had reached Hogsmeade.

"Honeydukes, duh!" Ron and I said in unsion.

We grinned and high-fived eachother.

"Race you there," Ron said to me, but I had already started running.

"Way ahead of you!" I replied.

"That's not fair!" I heard Ron say.

I remembered how much we used to do this when we were little. I was always faster than Ron, and as a punishment, he had to give me all his candy.

I lived for candy.

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