
A Clash With The Dark Angel Mage

The two moved at each other's neck from the beginning. Arthur used his phantom sword to clash at the strange saber in the hand of the dark angel mage.


A loud bang occured that shocked everyone else. The sudden appearance of Arthur in the middle of the battlefield startled the enemies and gave a delightful surprise to his allies and friends.

The most shocking of all was Amera. She was still recovering on a corner far from the main brutal fight. She was surrounded with the mages who defended her with devotion and courage.

The moment the dragonair's form of Arthur was exposed she couldn't help but get her eyes wide open and stuck on him.

Her mind froze and only the heartbeats of her heart kept drumming as if there was nothing else in the world except for it. She couldn't even say a single word despite her mouth was agape.

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